Chapter 8: He Knew Everything

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It was only ten in the morning, but they were already on their way to the Hamilton family mansion. It was a private property inside the HMIU ground located on a hill. The property was surrounded by a high wall, hiding the mansion from the view of the citizen living outside. There were guards everywhere. When their car reached the main gate, the guard look at them. Gabriel Wilson rolled down his car window, and the guard nodded at him to let him entered the property. "We've been expecting you, Sir. Welcome to the Hamilton Mansion." The guard welcomed them. "Thank you," Gabriel replied and drove straight towards the front of the Hamilton mansion. "Why are you driving on your own, dad? Why couldn't the driver come together with us?" Nara asked out of the blue. She had never really seen her dad driving by his own these few years. He always took his driver with him. But today, he's driving the car by himself. "It's one of the many rules of the Hamilton that you don't know. But sooner or later, you will learn about it." Gabriel answered while focusing on his driving. A moment later, they finally arrived at the mansion. The property was so big that it took them about ten minutes to reach the mansion from the main gate. The guard in front of the main door of the mansion walked hurriedly towards the car and helped to open the car door from outside. "Good morning, Sir." He said as soon as Gabriel came out of the car. He then opened the passenger door. Nara and her mother came out from the car as well. "The Supreme Leader is waiting for your arrival. Please follow me." The guard added. Gabriel nodded and making a hand gesture to his wife and his daughter to follow the guard. He also followed him from behind. When all of them entered the mansion, they were stunned. The interior design was so beautiful as if it was a castle of royalty. The wall was painted in white cream with a bit of gold paint here and there. The surrounding was very mesmerising to them. "Please. This way, Sir. The Master and his family are waiting in the tea room. The lunch is in preparation. So bear with us for a moment." A man dress in black suddenly talked to them. He was old and from the way he dressed, he must be the family butler. He pointed the Wilson to the room on the left side of the main entrance. There were three people inside the room. They all wear very formal attire as if it was a royalty event. *** Nara's POV: My parents sat at a table together with the Supreme Leader and his wife. They looked like they were enjoying their tea time. There was some laughter in between their conversations. But I couldn't hear anything because I was sitting here alone with this gentleman, who was supposed to be my future husband. We're sitting at a different table than our parents. Apparently, they wanted us to have some personal time together. You know, for us to get to know each other closely. I was depressed and look very dejected. How was I supposed to do this? Breaking the ice between us. He looked calm. Yes, he was the same guy who came to the nurse office yesterday. So, he was the heir of the Hamilton. I stared at him for a moment. He wasn't looking at me. His face was rather looking at the flower garden beside the room. It was a glasshouse garden. It was attached to the tea room and there was a door that you could enter directly into the garden. I was probably too focus staring at him that when he suddenly glanced at me, I jumped a little from my seat and I gulped. "Did I scare you that much?" He suddenly asked while sipping on his teacup. "No." I shook my head as I answered. This time he was staring at me. We both stared at each other for like ten seconds. It felt like a staring contest happening between us. "So... what is your name?" I asked him. It was a stupid question, I already knew his name. He looked at me intensely. He probably thought it was a stupid question too but to my surprise, he actually answered it. "Reximus Hamilton. You can call me Rex. We have met yesterday. Don't you remember my name?" "Owh yeah... Rex... yeah... I remember... of course. You were acting so creepy yesterday, I can't even sleep last night." "It's just our first encounter and you can't sleep already?" He asked with a firm voice. But it sounded like he was teasing me. I was speechless. "So... what do you want to know about me?" I asked him. Well, that was the reason our parents wanted us to sit together alone. Because they wanted us to know each other. I just made my move. "I already knew everything about you. I read your personal life profile last night," He said confidently. "Really?" I chuckled a little. He couldn't possibly know everything about me. It was impossible. He looked very serious towards me then he said, "Try me." "Okay. What is my first pet?" I agreed and asked him immediately. This man was clearly too confident with himself. He continued to drink his tea and looking at his phone on the table. He's not even looking at me. "Cat" "When did my cat die?" "Two years ago." "Did I cried when he died?" "Yes" "What's my favourite flower?" "Lily" "My favourite colour?" "Purple" "What's the colour of my bedroom wall?" I'm pretty sure he would never know that. Ahah! He was silent by that question. He looked at me without a blink and said, "Blue." What? Did he know? Did this man stalk me? "No, I didn't stalk on you." He said as if he knew what was on my mind. "It was all in your phone, isn't it? You keep looking at it." I accused him. He took his phone and pushed a button beside it, a digital clock appeared on the screen. "I was just looking at the time. It will be lunch hour soon." He explained. I gasped and made an O-shape on my mouth. "I can't believe this. This guy knew everything about me." I mumbled to myself in a very low voice. He seemed to hear it but he didn't give any reaction. "If you need to take some fresh air, you are welcome to take a walk at my mother's garden." He said calmly and making a hand gesture towards the garden beside us. "You can't possibly know everything about me. It's impossible." I'm still in denial. He just looked at me plainly with his expressionless face. "Okay. One last question. If you know this then I will agree that you knew everything about me." I suddenly felt like I'm challenging him. He looked at me, a little smile formed on his lips and he nodded signalling me to ask him. "What's my middle name?" He couldn't possibly know it. It was something that related to my childhood memory. My grandfather gave me my middle name. He always called me with that name but it stopped after his death when I was ten. My family stopped calling me using the middle name because they were afraid I might miss my grandfather. We were very close when I was little. It's been thirteen years since no one ever called me with that name. So, he couldn't possibly know about it. "Maiden." To my surprise, he answered me correctly and confidently. I was shocked, I gasped more this time. How the hell did he know? I rested my back on the chair I was sitting in, feeling defeated. I guessed he did know everything about me. It was somewhat creepy and thrilling at the same time. Then he suddenly spoke to make it even more detailed that I'm defeated. "I also know you have a crush during your elementary school. What was his name....hmm... Melvin. Right? Melvin Stefan. Do you want to know where he is right now?" "Where is he?" "So you still like him?" "No. I'm just asking out of curiosity. It's just a crush. He doesn't know I like him." "But I do." He looked deeper at me. I swore to God if his staring could kill, I probably would be lying on the floor right now. "But unfortunately, I hate to break it to you... he's married to a very beautiful woman and has a very charming two years old son." He said teasingly and emphasizing the word 'beautiful woman' and 'charming son'. As if he wanted me to feel jealous. He's acting like a kid, why would I be jealous over something that happened years ago. That Melvin guy was just a distant childhood memory I could barely remember. I glared at him, showing my dissatisfaction. How could he investigate my life so deep to that extent? I didn't even go around finding information about Melvin's whereabouts, but he instead did it. Gosh! He must be a psychotic stalker.
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