Chapter 3

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Eliza’s POV: *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* Ugh. Shut up stupid alarm clock. It's too early, I thought as I get up from my bed. Today was going to be a busy day. Johnny texted me that I have a match against a new guy at The Ville so I texted him that I'll be there at 6:00 PM. I asked him to start the match at 6:30 since it's a school night. I had to explain to my friends about Eric. Then the last thing was dealing with my father. It's usually unpleasant. If I'm lucky, he'll be completely knocked out if he injects himself with more alcohol than usual. I checked the time, it was 7:15 AM. I quickly went to the bathroom. 10 minutes later, I come out of my bathroom. I'm wearing an olive-coloured shirt that says 'not today' on it. Black jeans, black socks, and black shoes. I grabbed my fake glasses, my backpack, my black jacket, and my phone. I went downstairs to prepare my father's breakfast. I went ahead and cooked bacon with eggs along with whiskey pancakes mixed with rum. I put the bacon, eggs, and pancakes on a plate for my father since I know he's coming downstairs. I got orange juice mixed with vodka in a glass and placed it on the table where his breakfast is. I stood near the table with my head down. My father came and sat down at the table. "Did you add alcohol?" my father asked me as he waited for my response. "Yes, I did father," I looked at him in the eyes so he doesn't hit me. "Good," my father started eating his breakfast, "Also, I need you to come home tomorrow. Do you understand or am I gonna have to teach you a lesson?" my father spoke as I was about to walk away. "I understand, father." "Good. Now leave and don't come back until tomorrow.” "Okay, father," I left the house with my school stuff. I knew exactly why my dad was telling me to leave the house for today. It was because his favourite fling was coming over. Zara Brooke has been my father's fling for a year, she's a drug addict though. She's always bringing drugs and if you combine her drugs with my father's alcohol, then you'll get a chance of death. Adriana has to deal with Zara's moans whenever she visits. Adriana deeply despises her. Zara wants to become my father's wife even though he's married to Adriana. Anyways, I'm gonna head to Ashley's house since her parents are out of town on a vacation. I'm just gonna text her to confirm. Me: Hey Ashley! Ashley: Hi Eliza! How are you? Are you okay? Me: Not really for today. My father is inviting Zara over and I can't return home today. So I was wondering if I can stay with you? Ashley: Sure thing. They're both bitches. Besides, we all could use a girl's night. I'll invite Molly. Me: Thanks so much, Ash! Ashley: By the way, don't forget. Molly and I decided at lunch your gonna explain to us why Eric Grey was sitting next to you in class. Me: Right, I'll explain to you and Molly at lunch then. Ashley: We just want to make sure you are okay. We know it's not easy with your dad being an asshole. Just know we're here for you. Me: Thanks Ashley and another thanks for letting me stay at your house. I also have a match at The Ville if you don't mind? Ashley: No worries about it and for fighting, we'll all go. Of course, Molly and I will cover our faces. Me: Thanks, Ashley. See you at school in 5 minutes. Ashley: No problem, see you there girl! I put on some music while I walked to the school. I reached school and saw Ashley and Molly waiting for me at the entrance. "Hey girl!" Ashley hugged me. "Hi Eliza," Molly joined the group hug. "Hey guys," I said to them. They hugged me tight. we hugged even tighter. "Uh guys, you can let me go. I can't breathe," I managed to say. "Oh s**t. Sorry, Eliza!" Ashley apologized. "No worries, you wanna go to class early?" I asked them. "Yeah, I don't want to deal with Victoria," Molly rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that b***h tries to get on our nerves," Ashley's expression turned cold at the mention of her name. "What the hell did Victoria do?" I asked them. "Earlier, Victoria was screaming at every girl, including us three saying we stole Eric's attention," Molly rolled her eyes. "That b***h tries to blame us when we're not even interested in Eric," Ashley throws her backpack into her locker in annoyance. "Why would she accuse us?" I asked quietly.I'm hoping Victoria or a teacher isn't around. "I don't know, maybe because he's staring at you in class" Ashley shrugged. "Yeah, maybe, but she's not even paying attention to him. We're not even giving him one glance," Molly said. “True, but someone's got an eye on one of his friends," Ashley smirked. "What?!" Molly said in defence, “I do not have a crush on any of his friends," Molly crossed her arms in annoyance. Her cheeks were blushed though. "We'll talk about that soon," Ashley rolled her eyes. She turned to me. "Did you meet Eric by any chance?“ "I accidentally bumped into him on my way to my science class," I explained to Ashley and Molly. They were surprised. I continued with my explanation. "Eric wanted me to be his next hookup but I refused. He looked pretty shocked.” They looked disgusted. I don’t blame them. "Now he's sitting next to me for some unknown reason. I don't understand why, I've already told him I'm not interested." They looked at each other before nodding in understanding. "We better hope Victoria doesn't find out about this otherwise she'll cause unnecessary drama," Molly got her stuff out of her locker. "I really hope she doesn't know, I don't want to deal with her s**t,” I sighed. "If the b***h decides to target you, she targets all three of us. We'll give her hell if she even tries to hurt us," Ashley grumbled. "Mhm hm, let's go to class. Molly and I will see you at lunch Ash," I waved goodbye to her. "See you at lunch girls," Ashley waved back as she went to her class. Molly and I entered math class. We sat down as our teacher along with everyone else. They all seated down. ~ Math class has ended. Molly and I went our separate ways to our classes. I went in a different route because I didn't want to bump into Eric again. That encounter was just uncomfortable. I arrived at my science class. Ms.Cooper arrived after me. She looked less of a mess than last time. Her bun was messy but her lipstick was in its place. Her clothes were a little crinkled and she had her shoes this time. She greeted us with the usual good morning and assigned us an assignment that is based on our studies of omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. We all worked on our assignment as Ms.Cooper chats with Mr.Lipa outside of the classroom. ~ Science class ended and the assignment became homework. I left the classroom for lunch. I met up with Ashley and Molly, we discussed what we're going to eat for lunch. Molly suggested Taco Bell and we agreed. Ashley agreed as well unless she pays for food. We argued a bit over the paying when we started walking to Taco Bell which was 15 minutes away from the school. ~ After 15 minutes of bickering, we decided to let Ashley pay since Molly and I didn't have enough money to pay all three of us. Ashley grinned and entered Taco Bell with us behind her. Molly muttered words under her breath. I rolled my eyes at their behaviour. Ashley ordered three Bean Soft Taco Supremes. She paid for the food and brought our food to our table. We decided to stay indoors instead of having to walk again to eat at school. We soon finished eating and left for school. ~ We reached school 15 minutes later. We went our separate ways to our classes. I went to my art class and immediately dreaded it because Eric is in the same class with his friends. I know she doesn't come up to him in that class, I'm not sure why but I couldn't give a crap about it right now. I greeted Ms.Vodiana on my way inside the classroom. I sat down at my table and adjusted my fake glasses. I'm trying not to get attention as I am not an attention seeker. To me, attention can sometimes be a b***h but that's in my opinion. If a single rumour is out of me and Eric interacting with each other, then it'll go like wildfire. Everyone will think we're dating even though it's not true. People will stare at me or talk about me behind my back. That's what I hate, people looking at you while judging instead of minding their own f*****g business. As I was ranting to myself, the door opens revealing Eric and his friends. They sit down at the table and start talking to each other. I ignored them as I worked on my sketch since Ms.Vodiana wants to see some art. It can be anything so I decided on a flower. Eric is staring at me but I focus on my sketch. I put on some music and continued sketching. ~ Class ended but I managed to finish drawing my lilies. I left for my English class and looked up at the small mirror above me. Shit, I forgot Eric and his friends have English with me.I try to act normal like nothing's bothering me. I have to admit though, Eric looked pretty hot walking and combing his hands through his hair. Oh f**k me, why am I thinking about that. Shut up inside me! I'm not having a crush on Eric Grey. I quickly took my seat in the back when I entered the classroom. Ashley and Molly waved at me. I waved back and faced the front. I ignored Eric and his friends but the girls in the front have the nerve to give me their dirty looks again. I would love to break their bones but sadly we don't always get what we want. My expression turned cold as I stare at the girls. They look back, trying to act like they're not afraid. Molly and Ashley joined in and glared at them. The girls turned away except for three girls. The popular, dramatic, queens of this school, Victoria, Courtney and Emma. We kept glaring back at them and they did the same. Victoria smiled as she glanced at Eric. She got up and immediately sat on his lap. She smirked at me as she wraps her arms around Eric's neck. I rolled my eyes at her and looked at Mr.Woods as he came into the classroom. He started his usual rant, this time he complained about his noisy neighbours. I ignored Victoria as she smiled since Eric hasn't done anything but I took a quick look to see Eric looking unhappy, more uncomfortable. Mr.Woods suddenly rushes out of the classroom, telling us he'll be back soon. As soon as he leaves, Eric immediately pushes Victoria off of his lap. She fell onto the floor, groaning. She whined about how her legs hurt and why she needs to sit on his lap. All of the girls couldn't contain their laughter at Victoria's pathetic excuse. Victoria attempted to sit on his lap again but he gets up and drags her out of the classroom. His friends didn't bother following him, they just looked at their phones. I felt my phone vibrate and looked to see messages from Ashley and Molly. Ashley: That was unexpected. Molly: No kidding, he just pushed her off him like he wasn't even interested in her. Me: He looked pretty annoyed when she sat on his lap. Ashley: No s**t, he looks like he wants someone else. Molly: What? No way. Me: Uh no. Ashley: If you think about it, I haven't seen him with another girl. He doesn't talk to any girls anymore and he wasn't sitting next to you because it was the only seat. From what Eliza told us, Eric wanted her and so, he's trying to get you. Molly: As in he's trying to make Eliza his girlfriend? Ashley: Probably. Me: Whatever it is, I'm not sure if I want to be involved with whatever he is trying to do. Molly: We're not completely sure but you're definitely not going to be his toy. Ashley: Yep, agreed. Me: Mhm hm, agreed and I think you might be right Ashley but I'm not sure. Ashley: Alright. Are we good? Molly: Yep. Me: Yeah. The door slammed open, Victoria came into the classroom with tear stains. Whatever Eric had done, he surely hit a nerve. Eric comes in after, rolling his eyes at her. He walks back to his seat as Victoria glares at every girl in the classroom. She gritted her teeth and stormed out of the classroom with Courtney and Emma following her. "Sorry everyone, I got the worksheets. Let's start," Mr.Woods waved the worksheets. He started the lesson by analyzing a poem. ~ I'm right now in the guest bedroom getting my things ready for my match. It was starting in an hour so I had to get dressed. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my fighting clothes as my father had unexpectedly told me Zara was coming over. I didn't have the time but my window was open in case I needed to get stuff whenever I couldn't stay at my house. Ashley offered to drive to my house so we can all go to the match. Molly tagged along since she's coming to the match as well. They're already dressed so we didn't waste any more time. We quickly got into Ashley’s car, she drove me to my house. She parked to my house, I got out and went to the side of my house where the tree was. I quickly climbed the tree then the pole and opened my window. As soon as it opened, I threw myself into the window, falling onto the floor in the process. I quickly looked around, making sure nobody was coming into my room. I changed into my fighting clothes and stuffed new clothes into my bag so I can get dressed for tomorrow. I heard footsteps and hid under my bed. The sounds thankfully stopped outside of my room and it sounded like they were heading to my father's room. Of course, as I'm about to leave, I hear moans from Zara. A look of disgust came onto my face as I climbed out of my window. I close the window then jump onto the tree to the ground. I ran to Ashley's car and she takes off to her home. We arrived at her home and got out. Molly and I got out of the garage with the motorcycles as Ashley carefully parks her car. ~ 10 minutes later, we arrived at The Ville and parked our motorcycles in our usual spot. We entered the place, they went to find seats as I went inside one of the changing rooms to leave my stuff and check if my face is covered. I stepped out of the changing room and met Johnny. "Hey, Ripper. Are you ready for your match?" Johnny asked me. I nodded. Johnny went to his microphone and started talking. "Hello, hello, hello! Welcome back to another match. Now, this one will be an exciting one. Today we have an experienced fighter versus a new fighter. So I welcome you to one of the undefeated fighters. I present to you Ripper!" The crowd cheered as I stepped out of the shadows and stood inside the ring. I looked around the place and spotted 2 familiar faces on the left and 4 familiar faces on the right. My eyes widened in surprise. It was Eric and his friends. I knew they were here to watch me but I didn't know they had come here. "I present to you, Ripper's new opponent, Adam The Fighter!" Johnny cheered. Adam came into the ring, the light shining on him gave me a better look at him. He definitely looks older than me, probably in his early 20s. He looks strong but I could already tell where his weak spots are. His right leg and his left side are his weak spots. Bingo, they'll give me the advantage. "Fighters, get ready," Johnny yelled out loud for us to hear. Adam positioned himself in a fighting stance. I just stand there because I know he's going to try to throw a punch at me. "Alright fighters, begin!" As I expected, Adam tried to punch me. I dodge him in time. I keep dodging him until one of his arms are exhausted. As he tried to hit me, I dodge his blow and hit his left side with my leg. He fell onto the ground, clutching his left side. I took it as my chance to punch his face and then kicked his right leg so he fell on his knees. It worked and he fell to the ground. I got on him and started punching his face until he tapped out. Johnny came into the ring. “The winner is Ripper!” Johnny yelled out, holding my fist. Everybody started cheering and clapping at my victory. Johnny let go of my hand and stepped out of the ring to collect the money from the bets. I stepped out to receive my money. "Nice job kid, you and I won money," Johnny grinned. He handed me my money, “Congratulations, 2,800 grand. Great job kid,” Johnny patted me on my shoulder. I gave him a nod and went into a changing room. I packed my money into my bag and emerged out of the room. I was about to leave when I heard a familiar voice call out to me. Fuck.This.Day. It’s f*****g Eric. What does he want? Well, I'm about to find out...
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