Chapter 4

1229 Words
Eliza's POV: Previously from chapter 3. "Hey Ripper. Are you leaving already?" Eric asked me. I turned around, facing Eric and his friends. I nodded my head since I don't speak to anyone except Johnny here. "Oh, alright. We just wanted to introduce ourselves like Jacob here," Eric pointed to his friends. I nodded in response. I didn't wanna touch them either because I heard of a new system at the police station near my school where if someone touched you or shook your hand then you can go to the fingerprint specialist and they'll just scan the fingerprints on you. They'll look it up in the citizen database and the person will show up with your full name, where you live, your history, basically mostly your data. So I'm trying to be careful especially around Eric and his friends. I can't trust them since I barely know them. "I'm Eric, this is Caleb," Eric pointed to a guy with messy blonde hair that was almost covering his eyes. "This is Jacob," He pointed to Jacob, a guy with short black hair and green eyes. I already knew him since I watched him fight a day before my match. “And this happens to be Jason,” he pointed to a guy with brown and black hair, and hazel eyes. I suddenly remembered where I have seen him before, he was racing at one of the events at my Uncle Justin’s street-racing arena. It took me a while because he changed his hair colour, it was blonde and green, but now it's brown and black. That's why I couldn't remember him at school but now I know. "So, are you leaving now?" Eric asked me with curiosity in his eyes. I nodded again and made a gesture to confirm his question. "Alright, see you next time Ripper." I gave him a nod and left the place to where my motorcycle was. I texted Molly and Ashley. Me: Hey guys, I'm heading to the motorcycles. Are you guys there? Molly: I'm there. Me: What about Ashley? Molly: I think she's talking to the bartender she thinks is hot. Me: Was Ashley drinking when she was with you? Molly: No, she didn't drink anything when I was with her but she probably started drinking after I left. I thought she was behind me. Me: s**t, we're gonna have to get her, I don't trust any of the men inside the place with her. Molly: Yeah, you can’t trust anyone in there. Molly: Yeah, you can't trust anyone in there. Me: We need to get her, she'll probably be too drunk to even walk straight. Molly: Alright, I'm coming. Me: Okay. I put away my phone in my pocket and zipped it shut. I heard running and I looked behind me to see Molly coming towards me. "Hey!" Molly waved. "Hey, you ready to get our girl back?" "Yeah let's go!” Molly gave me a pair of gloves. We need to be careful because of the new fingerprint system.We put on our gloves and entered The Ville to find Ashley. We went straight to the bar because she's probably drinking. We did find her at the bar. Ashley was kissing the bartender while holding a drink in her hand. "Ashley?" Molly hesitantly asked her since Ashley can be pretty mean whenever she's drunk. "Yeeesssss?" Ashley slurred as she was holding the bartender close to her. "You ready to leave?" Molly asked her. "Noooo, I wanna stay with Nick here since he's such a sweethearttttttt," Ashley drank her shot. The bartender mouthed to me "can you get your friend off of me?" I gave him a nod as he can't see my face. Molly and I both grabbed Ashley and pulled her off of the bartender. We dragged her to one of the exclusive bathrooms only reserved for fighters. She immediately threw up in the toilet in one of the stalls. Molly went to get a bottle of water for her. "Ugh, I'm not drinking for a month or maybe 2 months," Ashley groaned as she finished her throwing-up session. Molly returned with a bottle of water. She pulled out a pill and gave them to Ashley. We always have pills in case if we or Ashley get a headache from sobering up. Ashley took them and sat down on the bench. "God, I'm brushing my teeth then we're gonna have a fun night," Ashley swallowed the pill and the water. "Yep, let's leave before the cops arrive on the streets. The Ville is closing up in 20 minutes so we should go now so we can avoid any encounters," Molly explained. "Yeah," Ashley agreed. "Let's go then." We quickly went to our motorcycles, started our engines and rode off to Ashley’s house. While we were driving, we spotted a police car that was coming after us. We didn’t pull over, we kept driving. The thing was, our motorcycles didn't have any licence plates so we were safe from the police trying to track our addresses. This sometimes happens to us as we come out of The Ville since the police have been having suspicions about illegal activates. So sometimes we get chased by police but we manage to escape them since we know a lot of shortcuts. We were still wearing our clothes that we were wearing at The Ville and our faces were covered by our masks so the police can't identify us. Two more police cars emerge from behind the first police car. We were being chased. We know if we pull over, we're gonna either pay a fine or go to jail for a year but we're not gonna do any of that. We may look like good girls but we can be bad girls. Fun fact, Molly street races, I forgot to mention that and Ashley doesn't do it because she prefers motorcycles. The police cars end up coming closer to us and we speed up. We turn into an alleyway and out of nowhere, another police car shows up behind us as we're turning left from the alleyway. We can't just go to Ashley's house, not without these cops following us. I take a glance at Ashley and Molly. Ashley turns her head towards the path to the new bridge that's still not finished building. Ashley suddenly yells "car chase!" "Let's do it!" Molly yelled. "Yeah let's go!" I yelled to them. We went a little bit faster, we decided to have a little game of a car chase. Basically, the cops trying to catch us while we're trying to evade them. Lucky for us, Molly and I fixed our motorcycles that when we go faster, less oil is burned, I know it doesn't work like that but to us it does. We made sure we have a ton of oil in the motorcycles that way they run longer. We always pack oil in our trunks in case we run out which isn't really possible due to the new upgrades. The police honk at us and start yelling at us to pull over but we just laughed. We love to be chased, it gives us that thrill and excitement. Molly and I were following Ashley since she's in the lead. If that fails, then we go our separate ways to make lose the cops on our trails. We did a turn and then another, then another but the cops were still on our trails. We turned and did a U-Turn to face the police cars. The police halted in front of us. Ashley, Molly, and I looked at each other. Our engines roared and the police got their car engines ready. This will be fun.
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