
Your Mine, Streetfighter


Eliza Martin, the abused street-fighter. She’s a nerd in her school for her good grades.

Eric Grey, the bad boy street-racer. He has good looks and a bad reputation.

Eliza and Eric accidentally run into each other. Eric flirts but Eliza resists, she’s left him hungry for her. Eric will do whatever he can to make her his.

Eliza’s pushing him away but when he finds out her deepest secrets, her high walls she built around her shatter.

Is she going to hide or face reality?

Warnings: Abuse, strong language and mature scenes.

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Chapter 1
Eliza's POV: *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* Ughhh, I groan as I roll off the bed and onto the ground with a soft thump. Hoping to God I didn't wake up my father. I get up and look at the time, it's 7:00 AM. I go to the bathroom, do my business, wash my hands, start brushing my teeth, and then took a shower. I wrapped a towel around me and then changed myself into a white shirt with lines, blue ripped jeans, white ankle socks, and white shoes. I put on some makeup to cover up the bruises on my face. I get my phone from the top of my drawer and checked the time, 7:30 AM. I get my school bag, pack my stuff inside, and went downstairs to make breakfast for my father. I made bacon and eggs along with scotch pancakes that have whiskey in them. I put them inside the microwave so he can have them when he comes downstairs to eat. I cleaned up the mess and checked the time, 8:05 AM, well time to go to school. I immediately went out of the house, locked my front door, and then started walking to school. I put on some music while putting on my earbuds. Before I got to school, I put on my fake glasses, I was pretending to be a nerd so I don't attract attention, that was the plan anyway. It was the first day of school in Grade 12, which was my final year so I was getting a new schedule along with new courses. I arrived at school at 8:35 and stood near the entrance to wait for my best friends Ashley and Molly. As I was waiting, I heard loud noises. I looked at where it's coming from and I rolled my eyes. It was the badboys approaching the school while they were on their motorcycles. All the girls started squealing and some guys who were jocks started cheering for them, and of course, some others were staring in fear. I recognized two of them, one was Eric Grey, the biggest badboy in school and the other was Jacob Davis, a badboy, and a secret street fighter which only his friends and I know, although he doesn't know that I know because I don't exactly show my face when I fight. Jacob goes to the same place as me whenever I go street fight. Eric and his friends went to the girls that were squealing even more now. Ashley and Molly finally arrived, it was 8:50, we had 10 minutes before class started. Ashley, Molly, and I went straight to our lockers, which were right beside each other like always. I got my books out of my locker and checked my schedule. Math for first period, science for second period, art for third period, and English for last period. Ashley's schedule for first period is drama, art for second period, Spanish for third period, and English for the last class. Molly's schedule is math for first period, history for second period, geography for third period, and last in English. Molly and I both had math so we were going in the same direction. We said goodbye to Ashley and went to our math class. We took our seats in the third row near the window and waited for our math teacher, Ms.Greenlaw, to arrive and start class. All the students had arrived and took their seats as Ms.Greenlaw walked into the classroom to introduce herself and start the lesson. After an hour and 10 minutes, I got bored, math is really boring, there's not really much to be excited about, scratch that, there IS nothing to be excited about, the only exciting thing is getting out of this class. Of course, everybody else was looking bored as well, nodding their heads and looking at the clock in the front so they can leave. After 5 minutes, class is finally over. Molly and I went chatted about where we should have lunch. Molly and I went our separate ways to our classes. I was walking to my science class when I felt a hard chest bump into me. I managed to stay standing clutching my head, while the guy I bumped into fell to the ground. I looked down and realized who I bumped into, it was Eric Grey. Oh s**t. I held out my hand to Eric and he took it. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I helped Eric up from the ground. "Nah, it was my fault," Eric brushed off invisible dirt off his pants. "Sorry about that...uh what's your name?" Eric asked me. "Eliza," I tucked my hands into my pockets. I really want to go to my science class. This has already become awkward. "Right. Sorry about that Eliza," Eric said as looked at me and then suddenly came closer to me. What the hell is this guy trying to do “Well Eliza, you look really nice," Eric came even closer to me until we're face to face. I could feel his breath on my face. I was felt really uncomfortable so I put on my emotionless face. I waited for Eric to finish his sentence even though I had a good idea of where this was going. "And pretty, I'm surprised no guy has laid their eyes on you yet, but would you allow me to take that chance. I know a place where I can make you feel good", Eric intertwined our fingers. What the fuckery? Honestly, f**k this s**t. "So what do you say, Eliza?" Eric smirked. He clearly expects me to say yes. That smirk of his is annoying. Sure, he's hot but I'm not interested. "No thanks, I'm not interested," I said. His smirk fell and he looked shocked. I have no idea why though, it's not like I'm the first girl to say no to him. I moved back and removed my fingers from his before leaving for my science class. My teacher wasn't here thankfully so I quickly went to sit down at my desk in the back of the classroom. After 20 minutes, my science teacher had finally arrived looking like a mess. Probably the fact her lipstick is out of place, her bun is loose, the strands are on her face, her clothes were wrinkled, she isn't wearing any shoes, and her glasses are lopsided. The first thing that came to my mind was that she was making out with probably another teacher, that's my guess. Anddddd I was right! Another teacher came who I recognized as another science teacher, Mr.Lipa. The grade 11 science teacher. He was carrying her shoes that she had "forgotten in her car". Ms.Cooper blushed as she took her shoes from Mr.Lipa, and thanked him. She suddenly told us to take a 20-minute break and we could do whatever we wanted. She went to the teachers' washroom to fix herself I guess. Anyways science class ended and Ms.Cooper took way too long but I'm not complaining. Next was art class, which happen to be my favourite class. I went to room 234 where my art class is and went inside to take my seat. 5 minutes later, my art teacher came inside, introduced herself, and told us what we're going to do today. She gave us a task that was pretty easy since she wants art class this year to be somehow easy. The task for today was drawing things related to our names or a place where we like to go. I chose names because I want to draw stuff from my middle name Rose. I'm thinking about roses though or maybe a landscape of flowers. As I was thinking of what I could draw for my middle name, the door got kicked open by none other than Eric Grey. The one guy I didn't want to see for the rest of the day. His friends were beside him as they came through the door. Eric looked around the room and his eyes landed on me. I wasn't really afraid, I just went back to my sketching. Eric and his friends sat at the same round table. Oh s**t. Well, this isn't gonna be good. Oh, f**k that encounter. I didn't look up, not because I was afraid but because I didn't want to see Eric and his friends staring at me. I took a deep breath and started drawing a rose. I finished my sketch and wrote down that the rose is related to my middle name. The class had ended, so I packed up my stuff and gave my sketchbook to my teacher so she can mark it. I quickly left the classroom to avoid Eric. It was finally lunch, so I met up with Ashley and Molly. We decided to go to Subway for lunch. We got our food and sat down at a table, talking about our day. ~ Ashley, Molly, and I went to English. We sat down in the back and we started to chat about how our classes were going ok. The bell rang and the teacher had arrived, he started the attendance. The door got kicked open and I rolled my eyes. Eric and his friends came, meaning they all had English this year. All the girls started squealing quietly to each other. Ashley, Molly, and I, on the other hand, rolled our eyes at them. They weren't interested as well. Eric and his friends sat down at the desks beside me. Ashley and Molly looked confused. I shrugged. I didn't know why either. They both shared looks and shrugged too. The girls in the front gave me dirty looks. These bitches really think I stole Eric from them. They just need to f**k off. I'm not even interested in him. Ashley and Molly noticed my expression. They looked to see the girls glaring at me. They glared back at them. These two truly are amazing. They have my back. I never did think I could get these two as my best friends. Eric stared at me the entire time. He probably listened to Mr. Woods's presentation but he focused more on me. English finally ended. I packed up my stuff and immediately left the classroom with Ashley and Molly behind me. I went to my locker, put some stuff inside, and went outside to wait for my stepmother Adriana to pick me up. I texted Ashley and Molly that I'll explain tomorrow at a cafe. They agreed and said good luck to me. Adriana had arrived in her car and I went inside it. I greeted her and we left to head home. ~ We arrived home. We left the car and entered the house. Adriana called out to my father but no answer. Adriana and I shared looks of relief and concern. I went straight to the living room to find my father drunk on the floor. I sighed in relief. I didn't have to deal with him. Adriana came in and told me that she will take care of my father so that I can relax. I thanked her and went upstairs to my room. I locked my door because sometimes my father will try to come in. I can't have that. I changed into an oversized black shirt along with some black sweatpants. I took out my homework and started working on them. They were due in two days but I wanted to finish them early. I finished my homework in 2 hours since math takes a while to understand. I packed up my homework in my backpack and got my clothes ready for tomorrow. I went to the bathroom and went straight to bed, turning my alarm on before I go to sleep. I can't stop thinking about that encounter. Why did Eric look so shocked that I rejected him? Am I the only girl that did that? Oh s**t, I'm probably gonna have to deal with Victoria if she heard about that encounter. That girl may be popular but she can act like a dramatic b***h. Making drama so she can get all the attention. Well, I guess we'll see how tomorrow goes. I just hope Eric doesn't talk to me tomorrow, otherwise, if he gets closer to me, he'll find out my secret, and I need him to stay away from me so I can street fight. I don't want attention anyway. I just want to complete my last year of high school without complications. I don't want Eric and his friends to be near me. Hell, I don't even wanna be his next girl to make out with, and then leave. No, I want someone who will accept me and not use me for his f*****g pleasure. Those were my thoughts before I fell asleep. ~ I woke up to someone banging on my door. I knew exactly who it was, it was my father. He’s drunk and awake, ready to probably beat the hell out of me. ”ELIZA, OPEN THIS DOOR!” My father yelled from the other side. I stayed back, getting a bat from my closet. He won’t remember it and this is for my own protection. ”ELIZA, I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR, I WILL BEAT THE LIVING s**t OUT OF YOU,” He kept banging on my door. I leaned against the wall beside my closed door, ready to open it and strike him. Honestly, I have a bad feeling about this but I’m gonna call it a 50/50 of getting beaten or saved with the bat. I counted slowly. 1…2…3 I unlocked the door, letting my dad push it open. I prepared myself when he entered. What I didn’t anticipate was him grabbing my hair when he entered. He wasn’t fooled, he knew the trick. He pulled my hair harshly, making me fall roughly onto the ground. I tried to hit him with the bat but he blocked it well. I attempted to get up; he slapped me, hard. ”b***h, I’m gonna make you pay. This is what happens when you defy me,” he unbuckled his belt, pulling it out. “Father, no. Don’t,” my words didn’t make a difference. He stared at me with anger in his eyes. He whipped me for the first time, I didn’t feel it. The second, I still didn’t feel it. The third, none. Then I started feeling a bit of pain after he whipped me a few more times. He still wasn’t satisfied, he wanted me to scream out in pain. He wanted to watch me squirm, beg him to stop. He wanted my tears, he wanted blood pooling out. He was enjoying this, I can see it in his eyes. How can I even describe his sickness? It was unbelievable and horrifying. He was sick, crazy and abusive. A man who abuses his own child and wife. He loved abusing me ever since I was eight years old. He blamed me for my mother leaving him. Why did she leave him? He has an alcohol addiction. There were other reasons but I didn’t know much about them other then my father’s addiction. His addiction got worse after she left. He began having flings with random women at bars, he came home late and would frag me from my bed. He would slap me, curse at me for being a pathetic child. He always spat at me with hurtful words but it didn’t go away. He felt guilt but it faded away after he found entertain in me being beaten up. He pushed away his friends, his family and my mother because they wanted to help him with his addiction but he refused. He cut ties with his parents, didn’t give a damn about his brother and didn’t bother curing himself, just indulge in s*x and alcohol. I hated it, I hate how he abuses me. He doesn’t even think to realize that the reason my mother left him was because of him, not me. Although, that wouldn’t change things anymore now that he’s become a monster in my eyes. I no longer consider him as my father, just a man who beats the s**t out of me. It’s really sad if you think about it. He was struggling with alcohol at a young age since his father was an asshole. He abused my dad when he was a kid. He had a alcohol addiction and decided to not cure himself. My father was forced to drink alcohol to man up and he did. That abuse and addiction led up to the events of the worst years of my life. My grandfather taught my dad methods of inflicting pain on others in case he was angry. My dad used the methods on me and my stepmother. The large amounts of abuse has led me to becoming numb, it has given me a high tolerance of pain. The numbness is how much I have tolerated. He doesn’t know though about my pain tolerance and I am not going to tell him. If he finds out about it then he will use knives or any sharp object on me. He has used knives before, it has left scars on my body. The scars, reminding me of the pain. The cruel nature of my father. I have accepted them but I do wish I didn’t have them at all. I felt him stop, he scoffed in dissatisfaction. “Get to sleep, b***h. You need to get up to make my breakfast, ungrateful defying b***h. A useless child, your mother should have given me a son! I would have been proud,” he spat. He left the room, leaving me to bleed out on the floor. I slowly got up, being careful not to fall. I quickly cleaned my wounds. Tears were falling. “I hate you,” I mumbled.

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