Chapter 2

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Eric's POV: "ERIC WAKE UP, TODAY'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. YOU BETTER GET READY OR I'M COMING UP THERE MISTER," my mother yelled in Spanish from downstairs. I groaned as I got out of my bed. I checked the time to see it was 7:05 AM. I rubbed my face in tiredness, it was early in the morning. I grabbed my clothes from my desk and went into the bathroom. I did my usual routine there and changed into my clothes. A black shirt with white lines, black ripped pants with a silver chain and a blue denim jacket. I exited the bathroom and grabbed my things. I checked the time to see it was 7:35. I was going to have breakfast before I leave for school. I went downstairs to the kitchen for my breakfast. My mother was already finished with mine and my father's breakfast. She gave me my plate and poured a glass of orange juice for me. "Buenos dias mi amor e hijo," My father greeted us as he entered the kitchen. He pecked my mother's lips, taking his plate to the dining room. Chloe came downstairs yawning, she grabbed her breakfast, immediately eating the strawberries. We all smiled at her cuteness. We all ate our breakfast and soon my dad, Chloe and I left the house. My dad said he'll drop Chloe off at school today, I agreed and went to the garage to take my motorcycle. I took out my phone and texted the boys to meet up at Caleb's house so we can leave for school together. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted the boys to meet up at Caleb's house so we can leave for school together. I got onto my motorcycle, heading to his house. ~ Jacob, Alan and Jason were already at Caleb's house. We said hello to each other and chatted while we waited for Caleb. He exited his house with his twin sister Clara. "Hey Clara," I waved to her. "Hey Eric, hi everyone else," She acknowledged everyone. "H-hey," Jacob stuttered slightly. Jason and Alan snickered, we knew Jacob had a crush on her but Caleb doesn't know about it. Although, Clara already has a boyfriend and it's Robert. An asshole and caption of the football team. "Clara is coming with me because our parents can't drop her off and she's still getting her driver's licence," Caleb says. "Practice is key, Caleb," She says, getting on the motorcycle. He rolled her eyes, starting his bike. We all headed to school and parked in our usual spots as soon as we got there. Clara quickly got off, going to her best friend Jasmine. As soon as we got off our bikes, the girls were squealing and the jocks were cheering for us. Some looked away in fear and bold ones trembled. As I was parking my motorcycle, I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had caramel skin, long dark hair that almost reached her hips, and brown eyes. She had glasses on but they didn't look like they were prescribed, it was like she didn't want to have attraction or attention. I did just notice that, unlike the girls that were wanting my attention, she didn't seem interested at all or she just didn't seem to notice me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Caleb and the others came over to talk to me. "Hey, you alright?" Caleb asked. He noticed me looking elsewhere. "Yeah man, I'm good," I turned off my motorcycle. "Alright," Caleb diverted his attention to the girls in front of us. "Let's go talk to the girls," Jacob waited for my response. "Sure, let's go boys," I walked toward the girls. Jason and Alan stayed back at their bikes, and the rest of us looked confused. "Aren't you gonna come with us?" Jacob asked them. "I'm not interested in them," Was their answer. "Really? You've been staying away from girls ever since middle school," I say, confused by their behaviour. "So?" Jason questioned. "Are you dating someone?" Caleb asked him. "No, but I have someone in mind that is much better than those girls and every other girl in this school," Jason says. "Yep, same," Alan agrees. "Fine, good luck with your future girlfriend," Jacob says, walking to the girls. Caleb and I shrugged, walking behind Jacob to the girls. The girls squealed louder and it made us smirk when they started grabbing our arms, allowing us to do whatever we wanted to them. We chatted with them since we had time before we had to leave for class. ~ Checking the time, I see it was 8:45, we had 10 minutes to get ready and 5 minutes to get to our class. I nudged my friends and showed them the time. They understood my message and said their goodbyes to the girls who waved frantically to us. I smirked and entered the school with the boys. Jason and Alan were already at their lockers, looking at their schedules. The teachers slipped our physical schedules in our lockers so we have an actual copy in case we don't have access to a phone. I pulled mine out of my locker, checking what I have for this semester. It appears I have business, geography, art, and then English as my last class. My friends have the same classes as me since we had similar career goals. If you're wondering why I'm having business as a class, it's because my dad owns the biggest company in California and I'm next to take over his company. So I have to get good grades to prove I can handle a company as a CEO. So far I have good grades. I just don't show them because I don't want any reactions. It can be irritating and dramatic. Entering our first class, we sat down and our teacher arrived to present herself and gave us quick notes based on a presentation she created for the first day of class. Ms.Loopern went easy on us today since it was the first day of school. She did however warn us that once we are weeks in this semester, she will go harder on us with much more difficult material and teachings. So we better listen and study hard if we want to pass this class to go to college or university. ~ We headed to our next class for our second class. I wanted to go to the washroom to smoke so I told the guys to wait for me in geography class. They nodded and left for our next class while I went to the washroom and entered one of the stalls. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it with my lighter. I felt relaxed from the smoke, it usually helps me calm down. The first day of senior year is already giving me anxiety, I don't want to imagine how hard the next semester is. It's going to be a lot of pressure to earn good grades and apply to colleges, especially the one I want to go to. After finishing up my smoking session, I washed my hands and exited the washroom. I pulled out my phone to see messages from my relatives and random s**t trending on the internet. Unfortunately for my luck, I didn't see the person in front of me and soon enough, our heads collided and I fell to the ground on my ass while the person in front of me managed to stand their ground. They reached out a hand to help me and I took it. I got up and looked at who I bumped into. My eyes widened for a few seconds. It was the girl with glasses, the one I saw outside that didn't notice me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," She apologized. "Nah, it was my fault. Sorry about that...uh what's your name?" I asked as I brushed off dust off my pants. I was curious what her name was. "Eliza." What a pretty name for a beautiful girl. "Right. Sorry about that Eliza," I apologized to her. I wanted her so I went closer to her. She looked up and I saw a hint of confusion in her eyes. I could tell she was thinking so I continued. "You are really pretty," I say, coming closer to her until we can feel each other's breath. Eliza's expression changed from warm to cold. "I am surprised no guy had laid their eyes on your yet, would you allow me to take that chance? I am a good kisser," I intertwined our fingers. "So, what do you say Eliza?" I smirked. I know no girl in this school can resist me. "No thanks, I'm not interested," She says monotonously. My eyes widened in shock and my smirk disappeared. Eliza removed her fingers from mine and headed to her class. I stood rooted to my spot. Still processing what happened. She just resisted me. She didn't say yes to me and she wasn't interested in a guy like me. I remembered something my dad told me. About a myth that runs in my family. If a girl resists my charms, she might be the one. My true love. I didn't believe it, even though that was what happened to my dad as my mother had resisted him but then, later on, she decided to be with him. My father became obsessed with my mother and desperately wanted her. The myth also had said that obsession plays a part in finding my true love and that the one will do anything to make that person theirs. That was happening to me, she resisted me and now I'm gonna become obsessed with her. I wanted her now, more than ever. I did think the myth was bullshit but I was wrong I guess. It's somehow becoming true and I'm now screwed into it. f**k, I might have a headache soon. I'm going to head home after school to calm this migraine down. I left for my geography class, grumbling under my breath now that I realized I was late. f**k, that girl has messed up my mind somehow. This irritating headache is becoming a pain already. I don't even have painkillers. I entered my geography class and Mr.Greenford stopped his lesson, asking me where I was. I gave him an annoyed glare. I went to my geography class and the teacher, Mr.Greenford, asked where I was. I gave him an annoyed glare. He gulped and resumed his lesson, making me roll his eyes. He's terrified of me because of my father since he's the CEO of a large company. I sat down on the empty seat beside my friends, ignoring the continuous glances from the girls. They were biting their lips to contain their excitement. I wasn't in the mood to chat. I just stayed quiet and listened to Mr.Greenford talking about the earth's core while trying to tolerate this headache of mine. ~ Geography ended, and I was glad it was over. That old man keeps us in there on purpose for another five minutes to talk about s**t not related to the course while wasting five minutes of lunch. My friends on the other hand keep asking me what was wrong because they noticed my mood change. I could tell them that a myth in my family is maybe coming true and that for the first time, a girl resisted me and has me going sort of crazy for her inside but what's the point? I'm probably going to sound crazy and this headache is not willing to tolerate that conversation today. ~ Lunch was over, and now I was heading to my art class which I didn't want to do but my mom made me take it, she wanted me to understand the "beauty of art". I wasn't interested but she made it one of my courses anyway saying I will regret it if I didn't have the course. She said something in art class will catch my eye. Right now, I have to find the classroom which the school had decided to change the location t the other side of the school on the second floor. My friends met up with me halfway through the hallway, complaining about how the classroom was far away. We eventually found the classroom after seeing the number embedded into the plate above the door. I kicked open the door which wasn't completely closed and it revealed to be the teacher along with the students that will be my classmates for the semester. I looked around the room and I saw a familiar figure sitting with her friend at a table. She looked at me and went back to her sketch. I smiled, I guess my mother wasn't wrong about something catching my eye. I joined her table, my friends were surprised but sat down anyway. ~ As soon as the class ended, Eliza and her friend left the classroom quickly without a glance behind them. English was our last class for the day so we went upstairs to the third floor. It was near the doors and our lockers so it was close by. We were only a minute late and I kicked open the door because I'm irritated by almost everything today. I told the teacher our names so we weren't marked absent. The squealing had already begun when we entered the classroom but I didn't care and checked the room for Eliza and there she was, sitting beside her friends in the back. I see them rolling their eyes at the girls in the front because of the loud noises which I didn't blame them for. Hearing Eliza sigh deeply, I look up to see her staring coldly at the girls in the front that were giving her their dirty looks. Her friends joined in, staring back with no ounce of fear. The girls in the front had given up after seeing the cold and angry expressions I noticed a flicker of fear in them. Victoria, the b***h of this school had scoffed, flipping her finger at them. They however didn't care. I shook my head slightly, focusing on Eliza but listening to my teacher ranting about Romeo and Juliet. ~ English ended and Eliza quickly left the classroom with her friends. I also hurried to my locker because this headache was getting more agitated. ~ I didn't smoke a cigarette because it wouldn't help my headache but my friends with their concerned faces decided to confront me. "Hey man, you okay?" Caleb asked me with concern in his tone. "I just have a headache, that's all," I stared at the ground at the small rocks. "Is it because of that girl you were staring at in art and English?" He said, correctly guessing the right girl. "Yeah, she's...driving me crazy inside," I sighed deeply. "Yeah. That girl is driving me crazy inside," I sighed. "Well, you can talk about it with us. You know that right?" Jason said, patting my shoulder. "Yeah, I know. Thank you, guys." "Well, tomorrow there's a match at The Ville. Ripper will be fighting." "Ripper's on tomorrow?" Alan asked, checking his phone to see if Jacob was right. "Yep, Johnny told me when I asked him when Ripper's fights are happening." "Sure, I can come and watch Ripper kick some ass while you watch their moves," I got on my motorcycle, sitting on it. "Tomorrow should be a fun match then," Jason grinned, imitating a few fight moves. "We'll all meet up to see the match, right?" Caleb asked, confirming. We nodded, putting in the date for the match and they left after saying goodbye to me. I turned on my motorcycle, started the engine and drove off to my house. I needed to clear my mind about this whole "Eliza being my soulmate shit." I parked my motorcycle in the garage after I arrived at my house. I locked the garage door and entered my house to the kitchen where I heard noises. My mother was cooking dinner and cleaning up her mess. "Hey, mom." "Oh hi, Eric!" My mother hugged me but kept a small distance because of the flour on her. "How was school?" "It was okay." "Did you find the right girl yet?" She asked me. "It's complicated," I muttered. "Oh my god. You found her. I'm so happy for you!" She screamed with excitement. "For Christ's sake mother. Calm down!" I yelled. She screamed even more. "Yes! No more of those lousy hookups, you're getting that girl Eric James Grey!" She screamed louder in full excitement. "What the hell is happening?!" My father rushed into the kitchen. "Why are you screaming, Alison!" He asked in full alarm. "Our son has finally found his girl, Henry!" She screamed again. I covered my ears from her loudness. My dad started congratulating me. "He'll finally get a girlfriend!" My mother jumped up and down, her excitement controlling her. "Calm down Alison," My father says, gently holding her shoulders. She glared at him "I'm excited, Henry James Grey." My father looked at her with widened eyes. "Okay, okay. I'll stop, I'm sorry. I'm just excited that our son will finally get a girlfriend instead of those random girls he hooks up with" She rolled her eyes. "It's not like I'm having s*x with them, mom, I'm saving my first time for an actual girlfriend," I say. "That's good to hear but that girlfriend better not be that Victoria girl. She's not good for you, she's a s*x addict and I heard she has a boyfriend already," She warned me. "Don't worry mom, it's not Victoria. It's someone I met in a hallway, she resisted my charm today when I flirted with her "I explained to my mother. She looked genuinely interested in what I said. "Oh good. I'm glad it's not Victoria. I can't stand that girl" My dad sighed in relief. "Me too. I don't like her either," My mother agreed with him. "I know. She's not a pleasant person to be near." They nodded in agreement. "Anyways. It's a bit complicated," I scratched my neck. "Do you know her name?" my mother asked me curiously. "Eliza." "Oh, what a pretty name. I like it," She nodded in approval. "Me too," my father agreed. "Yeah well, I'm still trying to understand this whole thing," I sighed. "It'll take time honey. Don't worry about it, just take things slow. Then when you and Eliza are comfortable. Speed it up," She hugged me. "True. Don't worry about it, Eric. You're a Grey, you'll find a way," He assured me. "Alright, I'm gonna head upstairs. I have a bit of a headache from the complications of this myth," I rubbed my head. My mother looked at me with concern and she told me I should take it easy and gave me painkillers. She said I can have my dinner another time and it will be in the fridge. I gulped down the painkiller with water and thanked her as I went upstairs to greet my sister before I go to my room. "Hey, Eric!" Chloe hugged me. "Hey sis, how are you doing?" "I'm good, just drawing," Chloe smiled as she sat down at her desk. "I'm going to bed for a few hours because of a headache. I'll see you soon, okay?" "Okay, have fun sleeping Eric," Chloe waved as I went to my room. I headed into my bedroom to my father to change into comfortable clothes. I'm exhausted from this headache and the family myth. Of course, I couldn't wrap my head around why Eliza resisted me today. She's the first girl to refuse and walk away from me without a glance back. My parents already approve of her and I'm sure they will love Eliza even more if I told them she intimidated Victoria. I've become sick of these hookups, the only pair of lips I could want was Eliza's. I wanted her all to myself, she had to be with me and not another guy. The thought of her with another guy makes me want to break any guy's bones that dare attempt to ask her out. She's mine and always mine. Nobody will have her, just me. She will love me as I will love her. I'm coming for you Eliza, your mine and will always be mine no matter what. I will make you love me just like I'm starting to love you. No matter what darkness you have, I'll accept it. I fell asleep from these thoughts surrounding my head.
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