0.6| Airport Adversity

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0.6| Airport Adversity. The night seemed to be endless for Amara, sleep didn't reach her eyes as she waited for the sunshine to peak from the sheer curtains of her window. She had already send her important stuff with Maximus, it was not much and only consisted of some clothes and her parents memories. She was saddened at the fact that her parents weren't going to be there at her wedding, she wouldn't receive their blessings in person, but in heart she knew they were smiling down upon her and showing her with their affection. When the clock struck six, she decided to get dressed. Amara decided to dress nicely today, her dress was a real colour high to low that reached to her knees in the front with lace details on it. She wasn't much of a fan of this dress but it looked pretty so she would wear it. She topped her look with dangling golden earrings and matching ballerina flats. It was sharp seven in the morning when her phone dinged with a message. Maximus : I'm on my way, are you ready? XXX Amara : Yes XXX In exactly twenty minutes, he texted her that he had arrived and waiting for her downstairs. She smiled to herself and looked at the mirror one more time. When she came downstairs, once again she was left speechless at how good he looked, with his hair left messy and the tan suit and trench coat he looked magnificent enough to be preserved in a museum. Breaking her train of Thought she went towards him, he had an adoration and warmth filled look in his eyes which made her heart beat painfully fast, the blood rush was back again making her face pink at his stares. Amara reached him but didn't say anything, she nodded to him and sat beside her aunt as they waited for Ester to show up so they could leave. She stole glances at him from time to time still not believing this man was her's. "Mrs. Highmore we are getting late, if you could call your daughter downstairs." Maximus said, she sensed his irritation all the way to where she was sitting. Her aunt, however didn't move an inch from where she was. Amara kept quiet and watched the scene unfold in silence. "It usually takes her lot of time to get ready, she must be here soon. Don't you have a private jet? What's the hurry." Amara thought it was irresponsible of Ester to behave like this, it was not one of her vacation trips where she can be late and not care. "Either you call her down this instance or me and my fiancé will be happy to leave without her." There was a hint of warning in his tone, she sat straighter. Amara was about to stand and volunteer to get Ester but Maximus gave her look which gave a clear message : don't! "You don't have to do that. I'm already here." Ester's voice came from the stairs as she walked down in her black body con dress like a model on a runway. Her dress was sensual and completely opposite of Amara's, but not only her dress but the confidence with which she carried herself was commendable. Amara was drowning in self-consciousness as she compared her plain self to her cousin. She took a look at Maximus and saw him giving Ester a look of pure agitation, his beautiful golden eyes didn't held any form of admiration or appreciation, instead he turned to Amara and held her hand in his large ones. "Finally she's here, let's go. You must be hungry so we'll get breakfast first like I promised, Okay?" With a small smirk he gently lead her out to the driveway where his can was parked. Ester followed silently behind them and attempted to get in the car but it turned out to be locked. "Unlock the car please." She said sweetly, waiting for him to unlock it so she could get in. "Amara and I are going for breakfast first. You can go to the airport and wait for us there with my brothers. We will see you all there." Maximus informed pushing her to the side and opening the passenger seat for Amara and strapped her seatbelt for her as she was struggling with it. He gave her a small grin and kissed his nose affectionately, she felt a little bad for Ester but more than that she felt good to be with Maximus, alone for once. "Can't I join you two? Even I haven't had breakfast." Maximus ignored her and got into the driver's seat. "Eat something at the airport. We have a reservation." He said and speeder out of the gates towards their destination. She let out a small giggle as they drove away in the empty streets. "What so funny?" He asked, she answered with a nothing, he connected their hands between the seats and kept it there which provided warmth to her, it was a bit cold this morning and stupidly she didn't carry a jacket with her, her dress was a sleeveless one which made her even more cold, Maximus sensed her discomfort and turned on the thermostat to a warmer temperature. They dined in a nice restaurant, but as they ate she felt bad for her future brother in laws who had to wait at the airport for them while they were enjoying themselves here, she voices her thoughts to him to which he only chuckled. "Do you really think I'll make my brothers wait?" "What do you mean?" "They were sleeping when I left, they will be reaching the airport in," he checked his wrist watch, "An hour, so we have lots of time until they reach and the plane take off. Relax." She gasped in mortification, he had lied to Ester? But why? Ester must be so lost looking for Elliot and Marcus only to find they were not there. She was even more determined to finish her croissant and leave. "Eat slowly, we are in no hurry." He reminded wiping away some cream from the corner of her lips, he kissed her hand and stared at her as she ate. Once they were done Maximus insured that they go around the city for a bit since he didn't do any site seeing while he was here, it was a valid request so she agreed and showed him a few places quickly where to took some pictures together on his insisting. She was having such a good time with him that she almost forgot they had a flight to catch. "We should leave now!" She said clutching his coat to gain his attention which was occupied by the dam they were at. Airport was a good thirty minutes away from where they were so if they won't leave now they would be horribly late and not to mention Elliott and Marcus would be waiting for them. "You should be giving all your attention to me but you are thinking about them more than me, it's not fair." He complained getting into the driver's seat after settling her in her seat. Amara gave it some thought and felt he was actually saying the truth, she was only going around with him but her mind were on his cousin and his brothers. Before he could start driving she leaned over her seat in attempts to pressed her lips on his cheek but they were both caught by surprise when he turned towards her and their lips met like exploding fireworks. Her eyes widened and she moved away in an instant. She mentally reprimanded herself, how could she do something like this? What would he think about her now? She must have looked stupid in front of him, Amara wanted to hide away from him. Her first kiss and she regretted it. But did she really? It was just a little peck, but still special. Amara would have a hard time forgetting this day. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" She squealed and hid her face in her hands, she heard his heavenly coming from her side but didn't dare look up, well at least he wasn't upset about it, her cheeks were stained a dark shade of pink and Amara was positive that she would soon die from embarrassment. His hands caught hold of hers and slowly pealed them from her face, she looked down ot her lap, she just didn't want to look at his beautiful face. Two fingers lifted her chin up gently, her eyes closed on it their own accord. "Why are you not looking at me Amara?" She heard his whisper right next to her face, his warm breath tickled her cheek and she gulped, she shook her head violently. "I can't." She managed to say in a forced attempt. Something soft met the just below her ear, the very familiar touch of Maximus send sparks all over her body. She shivered slightly at the intimate act of affection but still didn't open her eyes. "Let me see your eyes." Large hands cupped her face in a tender hold, the urge to look at his face overwhelmed her mind and agonisingly slow, she opened her eyes to look straight into his eyes. Golden eyes filled with emotions stared back at her with so much intensity it was difficult to look away. "I'm going to marry you in a few weeks, I belong to you as much as you belong to me. You have the right to kiss me anytime you want without being embarrassed about it." Amara could only nod, she had heard dialogues like this in movies when the main guy professes his undying love for the protagonist, she felt like that right now. She was a little - a lot - touched by his understanding and patience that he had, Amara was glad she was marrying him. "Let's do it again, when you do mean it. Okay?" Cue the blush. She blinked once and twice, did he just hinted he wanted to kiss her again? But she was not in the position to ask, she fanned her cheeks lightly to cool then down while he went back to his original position and started driving. He was holding her hand all through the ride and smiled at occasionally, he wasn't least bit bothered by what happened while her insides were churning thinking of it. It was her first kiss! Taken away by a stupid act of turning heads! But at least it was not someone else but Maximus. They reached the airport just in time to see Elliott emptying Ester's bag on the ground while Ester stood there gaping at him. Amara gasped and jogged over to the scene, some people stopped to look what was going on but as soon as they saw Maximus coming behind her, they scurried away like ants. "What's going on here?" He asked in his deep, heart melting voice, his hands went around Amara's waist holding her close to him protectively. "Where the hell were you!?" Ester shouted at Maximus, Amara fisted his coat in fear of what she would do. She had first hand experience of the fits she threw when angry, now Ester looked ready to blow like a volcano. "I've been here all alone while you were having fun god knows where!" "Mind your tone Miss Highmore." Maximus said calmly but there was an undertone of anger laced with it. "Well, you should mind your brother! He's been bullying me all this time! Aren't you gonna say anything about it?" She folded her arms over her chest and c****d her hips to the side in attitude. Amara thought Ester was in no position to show attitude judging by the clothes and makeup products lying on the floor and Elliott smirking in mischief. She wanted to join Marcus on the seats now. "What my brother does is not my problem, and you invited yourself on this trip so you are not my problem either. Fix yourself and follow us or you can take a commercial airline." Maximus informed, Ester turned red in anger, Amara felt a little bad for her cousin but kept silent, afraid that saying something would only complicate matters. So she followed Maximus and Marcus to the her they were supposed to ride to New York. Elliott came behind them whistling happily and gave Amara a huge grin. "You shouldn't have done that. Didn't you think how she would feel?" Amara lectured him giving him a look, Elliott looked unapologetic and shook his head, She giggled. The jet came in view leaving Amara stunned at its beauty. It was a pure white aircraft with the Knights family name written on it. The interior was as good as the exterior if not better. It was like a mini living room with a couch seat at the side and table. The seats were a nice combination of light brown and cream. Amara loved it. Marcus and Elliott took their seat at the back while Maximus let her sit on the window seat. He sat next to her and held her hand. Ester soon came in and stomped her way to the seat opposite to theirs. The announcement for taking off was made, automatically Amara's hand clutched Maximus' tightly, her fear was shining through her blue eyes. "Don't worry. I'm right here, close your eyes." She did as he said and he wrapped his arm over her shoulder. Wrapped in his hands she had never felt so secure before. She felt her heart beat violently in her chest as she felt the flight soar into the sky, but it was gone as soon as it came. "You are so brave. I almost shitted my pants when I was on my first flight. I was three." His comment made her laugh in delight. "It's a two hour flight, you should get some sleep since you woke up early." Maximus suggested leading her to the back of the aisle where he opened a door to reveal a small bedroom. It was small but much better than the room she had back at home, the bed was the softest she ever had the privilege to sleep on and she could see the clouds from the windows. "Where are you going?" She asked when she saw him leaving the room. "I don't to disturb you so I'm going out." "Can't you just s-stay here?" She stuttered nervously, her request was completely unreasonable. There was no reason for him to stay but Amara didn't want to be alone. He didn't say anything, them Amara saw him leaving the room and sighed in dejection. Of course he would leave, why would he stay with her? She was going to sleep anyway. The door opened again and Maximus cam back in with a laptop in his hand, "I'll just get my work done here." He said kissing his forehead once. He laid next to her, leaning his back on the headboard and laptop on his lap. Amara smiled a little and enjoyed his company while waiting for sleep to come. 
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