0.7| Flight Home

3429 Words

0.7| Flight home "Amara, wake up we are going to land soon." Maximus' sweet voice filled her ears and brought her back to the world of consciousness. She hadn't slept for long but it was enough to get her going for now. She haven't had such a good sleep for a long time. She felt his fingers running through her hair gently, massaging her scalp a little. She almost moaned at the feeling but to stopped to save herself from embarrassing herself. She winced when he pressed at a tender part, the wound from the hair pulling done by Ester was not fully healed and it hurt a little sometimes. "What is is? Does your head hurt?" He asked concerned, her eyes were not yet open but she could feel the concern dripping from his voice. She shook her head and opened her eyes, meeting the familiar golden

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