0.5 | Breaking Heart's To New York Trips

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0.5| Breaking hearts to New York trips. By the time dinner came Amara was flowing from happiness, the last time she was this happy was when she was three and her parents had taken her to Disneyland. She wasn't comparing Maximus to the kids destination in Hong Kong and if there was a choice she would definitely go for Maximus. She didn't get any work from any of her family which was a surprise to her, they have never gone more than a few hours without giving her a pile of chores. Ester was silent on the dinner table too, no comments or glares passed around as they ate peacefully and quietly. She had not made the meal so it tasted a little too good than it should . Suddenly, her phone dinged indicating an incoming message, she guessed it was either from Maximus or Elliott as they were the only people interested to talk to her, before she could reach for it Ester snatched it from the table. She knew it was too good to be true. "Why is Elliott texting you? Are you trying to create a feud between the brothers?" Ester accused her, she couldn't believe she was being accused of doing something so disgusting like this. Amara stood up and with all her might reached out for the phone but Ester's six inch heels gave her an advantage in the heigh department where Amara seemed to be a little lacking. Her phone rang with a call and Ester smirked. "Oh, Maximus is calling. Wonder what he'll think of his future wife if he knows?" He already knows. She wanted to say but didn't for the sake of her own wellbeing. "What are you doing Ester, give me the phone." She pleaded again to her cousin, but Ester's intentions were anything but good as she let the old but still working phone drop and watched it fall on the plush marble floor, as soon as it hit the floor a loud crunch was heard. It stopped ringing and working all together, Amara dropped on her knees and assessed the damage on her phone but she too knew it was hopeless, how would she communicate with Maximus now? It was broken into pieces. She looked at her uncle and aunt for help but they were completely ignoring the girls and enjoying their meal with flutes of wine. "Why did you do that?" She asked and stood straight facing her cousin. The clinking of silverware on ceramic plates stoped and so did every other movement around them. Her questioning came as a surprise to all, even herself, since the age of four she had kept her voice low and respectful without any questions of their actions. "You dare talk to your sister like that?" A sharp slap met her face and she met the floor at the impact of the blow, she felt the familiar sting on her cheek but that didn't hurt nearly as much her heart did, her eyes stung with tears but this time they were an odd mixture of frustration and disappointment. She was disappointed in herself for not having enough courage to stand for herself and frustrated at the treatment she received daily, she knew she didn't do anything to deserve it but there was also nothing she could do about it. Amara stood up holding her broken phone in hand and sprinted back to her room. She let herself fall on the bed and let the tears fell freely. Her eyes drifted towards the night sky trying to find her parents in there somewhere. The angry clouds had hidden her parents from her too, she had no one to turn to at this moment of need. She needed reassuring but found herself alone in the darkness instead. "God? Are you there? Do you ever listen to my prayers? I have no one to hold on to right now, will you not help me?" She mumbled at her ceiling wondering if her unfair life even held any meaning, she had wished to end her life a few times in the past because of the torment she faced each day, to end it all in one strike but she didn't even hold the power to do so, she backed out at the last moment. But unlike before, this time she had something, someone to hold on to, her to be husband who was looking forward to their marriage as much as she was. Once again she glanced at the broken phone and sighed in dejection. She wondered what Maximus was thinking about her? She waited a few hours in her room silently passing her time until everyone retired for the night. She wanted to speak to Maximus and she could only do that by taking risk, once she was positive everyone was asleep she slowly crept out of her bedroom and tiptoed to the living room where the cordless phone was kept. She quickly picked it up and ran back into her bedroom and locked the door carefully behind her. She let out a sigh now that she was safely inside. Luckily she had memorized Maximus' number and dialed it hoping he hadn't slept already. The phone ringed once, twice and thrice and as soon as she was going to give up, he answered. "I was waiting for your call." He said first, she was surprised how he knew it was her who was calling as it was from a landline but didn't give it much thought as he must have had his way, judging by his voice she assumed he was sleeping and immediately felt guilty about waking him up. "I'm sorry if I woke you up. We can talk later." "No, now tell why didn't you answer when I called before? Were you ignoring your husband?" He whispered sending shivers up her spine and raised goosebumps all over her skin. She bit her bottom lip and said her phone broke earlier and she had no other option but to wait until everyone slept to call him. "Elliot had texted you, I am ashamed to say that he was more worried about you than I was. That punk needs to keep it down." He muttered irritatingly making her giggle in reply. "He's your brother." "Exactly why he's still up on his legs. How about I meet you early morning for breakfast?" He changed the subject quickly, she could see the smirk on his lips as he asked. "I don't know." "I already asked your guardians, they can't refuse me wife." "Not wife yet, and I'll be delighted to see you early in the morning!" She squealed slightly at the thought of him being here, she found the same excitement building at the pit of her stomach that she felt before their first meeting. "Happiness suits you. You should sleep now, you have to look fresh as a flower for me tomorrow honey. See you tomorrow." She bid her Goodbye and hung up. It felt good to talk to him, there was an instant lift in her mood after hearing his voice. She was eagerly waiting for the time when she would finally leave this place. She didn't want to part with the house that held the memories of her parents and her childhood but she was also wanted to start a new life with Maximus. Amara didn't expect him to actually show up early in the morning, so dressed in her faded blue jeans, loose t-shirt and her hair in a bun, she stood shocked in the living room as Maximus stared at her totally amused. She had just left her room to clean the living room when she saw Maximus sitting there in all his glory, looking like God in his deep green suit and his golden orbs shining preciously at her. The rest of her family was there too but they were engaged in a conversation of their own, Ester did give her a stinky eye every few seconds but as usual Amara didn't react. "I - I didn't think you would show up so early. I'm sorry, I'll go and change." "Amara, it's not good to leave your guest like this. Just sit until breakfast is served." Her Uncle said sternly, without complaining she sat a few seats away from Ester who was looking flawless in her pink dress and model like looks. Amara's face was bare and her choice of clothing for too casual. She was afraid she looked like a grain of soil in comparison to her cousin who looked like a star. "As I was saying earlier, I had a reason to come here today. I thought a lot about what you had said yesterday in your office Mr Highmore." Maximus said, Amara was confused thinking where he was going with this? What did uncle say to him? "I am happy that you gave it a thought, I'll have a new contract prepared, you don't have to worry about that. Ester also doesn't have any problem with the engagement, isn't that right?" Ester nodded eagerly, eyes shining brightly. Amara's heart dropped to the ground and broke, did he just? He did. Was he choosing Ester over her? But why wouldn't he? She was nothing compared to her cousin. But she still couldn't control the tears that filled her eyes, she tried to stop then from falling for the sake of her dignity or whatever was left of it. Her heart shattered even more she stared at him. "I haven't finished yet, it's never good to make assumptions Mr Highmore. Amara needs to learn what it is like to be a Knight, she will be in constant public eye once our marriage is announced." Maximus continued, looking at Amara straight in the eye, "Amara is perfect the way she is, she just needs a little knight spark in her and that will happen when she will come to New York with us. I've come to tell you that I'm taking Amara to New your with me, tomorrow. "You are not going to marry Ester?" Amara's aunt stuttered out in shock. Maximus shook his head in denial, "I never said I would. You assumed that I will. I'm very much content with Amara as my to be bride." Amara didn't know how she felt, relief? Frustration? Anger? She didn't like the spark her family gave off when they assumed Ester would take her place at the altar. Their selfishness was making her sick. She smiled inwardly in relief, Maximus still wanted to be with her. Then she remembered what he said. "Tomorrow?" "Yes. Something came up back home so dad wants us to head there early and sort it out, I thought it will be best if you come with us." He said softly. She bit her lips and looked at her uncle and aunts sour faces, they clearly objected her going to New York. "But we are here to help her. She doesn't need to go all the way to New York." "You are not wrong, but I also want her to be present during the wedding preparations, it will be much better if she's there. You all should also come a week before the ceremony." Maximum reminded, Amara snickered but covered it with a fake cough. Was he saying she would be staying there until their wedding? She smiled brightly and nodded slightly at him, giving her silent approval. "What? But -" "I will go too." Her cousin suddenly said interruption her aunt, "Amara will need some company there, I will go with her." "Whatever." Maximus waved her off but didn't deny her, "Amara, why don't you pack your stuff? Take some light clothes and important stuff. We will go shopping there for you. Okay?" Amara nodded, she couldn't believe she was getting out of this place and to New York of all places. Maximus was truly an angel sent from heaven just for her. She reminded herself to thank her momma and papa for the precious gift they send her. "I'll also pack my stuff then, I have a lot to prepare." Ester said, waiting for Maximus to say something. But when he didn't say anything she left the room in frustration. Breakfast was quiet except for the clinking of plates and silverware. Amara left to pack as soon as she was done eating, Maximus said he would be taking her luggage with him now so they can leave early tomorrow morning. "I did tell you to pack important things, but isn't it too light?" He commented as loaded her two small suitcases in the boot. Ester's four bags were occupying a lot of space so her suitcases had to be kept on top of them, but Maximus didn't care no matter how much Ester complained about her things getting spoiled by the weight. "Rest well, I will be here in the morning to pick you up, we will have breakfast out. Okay?" He whispered in her ear as he pulled her close into a hug, leaving a kiss under her ear. "Thank you. Drive safe." Once he was gone she could hear Ester complain to her parents about his bad behaviour towards her. Amara found it highly entertaining but kept mum and continued the chores she was supposed to do. She put extra effort in everything she did, the news of leaving tomorrow had filled her with endless energy and happiness. She couldn't wait until dawn. The day was spent working and working until she had finally exhausted herself, she wasn't in the mood for dinner so she retired to bed early. Amara tried to imagine her life in New York, what was it going to be like? Springfield was a quiet place unlike New York, she had heard that New York never sleeps and is full of lights. Will she be staying at Maximus' house? Will his parents be there? She didn't know anything about them and nor did she bother to ask about them to him. She felt like a stupid person to not think of her future in laws, what will they think of her when they meet her? But there wasn't anything she could do now, the famous Knight family could be searched up on the internet but even her phone was broken. She would have to wait until tomorrow morning to ask Maximus. The night sky was clear of all clouds today, her stars were shining extra bright today and twinkling at her. "Thank you momma, papa. I love you." She blew a kiss to them, hoping the twinkling meant a 'love you too' in starry language.
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