0.4 | In The Arms Of Paradise

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04| In the Arms of Paradise. She stared at his retreating back still in daze from the intensity of his presence. How would she handle a man such as him for the rest of her life? Wasn't he too good for her? Amara feared that she could never match his standards even in a hundred years. He was too powerful and she was plain old Amara who knew nothing more than everyday chores. "How could he marry her Mama! He's too good for her! Why did dad agree to his conditions? He should have fought more!" Ester snapped besides her in anger which confused Amara. Wasn't she the one who refused to marry him? If Ester wanted to marry him then why did she refuse? And why is she throwing a fit over it now? "But weren't you the one who rejected him first?" Amara dared to ask, the urge to clear the misunderstanding was so strong that she couldn't resist, or maybe it was the presence of her future husband in this house that gave her the confidence to free her tied tongue and speak up. Out of the blue Ester got up from her seat and pulled Amara up by her hair, she helped in pain as she felt her scalp throb due to the force. Her aunt tried to release her daughter's hold on her half-heartedly but her hold only got tighter. "You b***h! It's always about you, why can't you just die! Because of you I have to suffer always! Go to hell! Maximus never belonged to you, he was meant to be with me!" Salty tears filled her eyes but didn't fall. This kind of pain, she was used to them. She would be in pain for several hours but wouldn't die. How unfortunate. "Ester! Leave her! Your father is coming back!" Her aunt whisper yelled and instantly Amara felt her head lighter, scalp throbbing she sat down on her chair and rubbed her head to soothe some of the pain, something wet touched her fingers and she brought it in front of her face to find a wet red blotch on her pale fingers. This was not the first time she bled. She left it at that and stood back up to greet her uncle and the Knights as they came back. Her eyes met his again but she looked away first, her tear filled eyes were not for him to see, not when it was their first meeting. She didn't want him to know her life in the Highmore mansion and she certainly didn't want to portray herself as weak in front of him. "It was good having you here Mr Knight. We look forward to our future meetings." Her uncle said shaking hands with all three brothers one after the other. Amara stood still taking in the departure of her future, she didn't want him to go. As long as he stayed she would be safe, happy? She didn't know but definitely safe. "If you don't mind, can I speak to Amara for a moment?" She heard Maximus say, her tongue dried and throat parched at the thought of being alone with him, but it also excited her. Her sweaty fingers braid together tightly when she saw her uncle nod. She didn't miss the discreet glare that both females gave her on the way out of the dining room. For once, she felt like she did something for herself, she felt like a rebel, which was absurd because she had done absolutely nothing. "Come on, let's go to the back garden." Maximus suggested and she quietly agreed with a nod. She followed him out to the open area. The garden of Highmore mansion was a sight to see, endless colours were seen in form of flowers and the tall trees stood magnificently tall in the bright sun. Trimmed, dewy grass gave it a cool feel which Amara personally loved. Some of her free time after school used to be invested in a good book under the mango tree in the open light. She remembered those days when she would play with her parents, she imagined her little self running around while her papa chased her and her mother laughed at them while tending to her precious flowers. "Amara?" Her head snapped to him when she heard him call her name, she hadn't realized that she zoned out in front of him. Red-faced Amara gave him her attention, his hand reached out and touched her face. She sucked in a breath at the warmth that filled her at the slightest whisper of his finger tips on her cheek. Her eyes closed in peace, and maybe something more? Something closer to what she felt towards him? "Are you alright?" He asked, she didn't like the cease on his forehead. Unintentionally her hands reached out to smoothen the worry lines on his forehead, her own worries disappeared as a breathtaking smile curved on his lips. She hadn't seen him smile during their time in dining room, she felt privileged to see it now when they were alone. "I'm fine." "Are you sure?" He asked again but this time his words were not just words but feeling that poured out of his mouth. "No." sincerity leaked with her tears, the blue eyes which were filled with joy before were blurred with tears of pain. She wanted to go away, anywhere, but she didn't want to stay here. Her weakness was a part of her which she couldn't hide, he could chose to stay or leave but she would remain who she is all her life, maybe at some point, if he decided to stay, she would learn self love and leave her doubts in a dark corner. Her lips trembled and eyes blinked rapidly, her long wet lashes hit her cheeks every time she closes her eyes, leaving traces of mascara on them. Hee hands raised hesitantly to hug him but dropped them as soon as they raised, she had to let him go back soon and it was not the time to cry her story to him. Her idea of bidding him goodbye to him was rejected by her heart when his arms wrapped around her body, she felt enveloped into a bubble of warmth and love. Her arms wrapped around his torso automatically and held him tighter, she would have cries in relief if she weren't already pouring. He wasn't leaving, he stayed even after seeing her breakdown. His arms pulled her closer and closer until there was no space let between them. Then he moved away slightly, still cradling her in his arms. He bopped her nose lightly and gave her his charming, heart melting smile as she stared into his melting pools of gold. "I am here now. Don't worry, I'll take you away soon. In Knight style." His fingers clicked together in away which made her giggle like a highschool student talking to her crush. She never experienced such things in school simply because she was too awkward to even make friends, but after meeting Maximus, she was glad he would be her first experience in love. "Thank you." She said smiling as he wiped his wet cheeks with the pad of his thumbs, his hands were rough but she liked the roughness, it gave her an odd sense of protection. They pulled apart reluctantly kept holding hands. "Go on a date with me." He proposed, she looked down at her feet as she felt shy all of a sudden. This was new to her and she didn't know how to react or how a date was supposed to be. She knew absolutely nothing, what if she embarrassed him or disappointed him? "Mr Knight -" "Maximus." He correct "- I've never been on a date before, I don't know if I'll be able to-" "Perfect." She was baffled at the wide grin that took over her future husband's Handsom face. How did he find her inexperienced self amusing? "What?" "I'll give you your first ever date experience. I will try to make it unforgettable for you." He came closer until his lips reached just below her ears and left a feather touch of his lips there. Amara never felt such intense rush of emotions before, Maximus Knight was nothing like she had expected him to be, instead she saw him as her knight who had come to save his damsel. As silly it sounded it was true, she believed her life would change for the better with him in it. "I'll wait for it then." She breathed the words out to him. They exchanged numbers and with one last kiss on her knuckles he lead her back to where everyone was waiting for them. Elliot and Marcus were sporting matching smirks, their golden eyes identical to Maximus gleamed with mischief and amusement. "It was a pleasant meeting." Maximus said turning to her uncle and aunt who looked thoroughly pleased with how the events turned out. Their selfishness was overflowing their karma bucket. "Same here Mr Knight. We look forward to your next visit, now that your bride is here." Amara's aunt said with a bright smile, Maximus however didn't smile back, Amara remembered the grin he gave her at the back garden, she felt special to be the one to see it. "Have you been to New York sister in law?" Elliot asked Amara out of the blue as he leaned on the car they were about to leave in. She silently shook her head in denial making him gasp in disbelief. Maximus stood next to her while the others focused on Elliott's tactics, he held her hand in his and squeezed it lightly. A sweet current passed through her veins at the small gesture of affection. "You should come with us to New York next week for a visit then. We are leaving Springfield on Friday." Maximus said, everyone quiet down at his suggestion, Amara was left shocked too, she had never flown anywhere, in fact she never left Springfield all her life. How was she supposed to agree to that? Moreover, she knew her family won't let her go even if she wanted. "Amara is not comfortable with flights, she gets sick easily. Poor child." Her aunt made an excuse, she sensed the annoyance roll off of Maximus. His face turned stoney as he faces her aunt. "I would appreciate if you let her talk for herself Mrs Highmore" His jaw ticked as he gritted the word out trying to sound as normal as possible. "It's okay, I'll think about it and let you know. You are here till Friday right?" Amara asked softly, placing a hand on top of his with an intention to calm him down. She didn't know whether it was working or not but it felt good when he didn't pull away. "Of course. Text me later. We will be leaving now." Maximum said and with a small kiss on her palm and a secret smile just for her he left with his brothers. "You are too good at wooing men aren't you? All three of them were smitten by your w*****g ways. What a garbage." She heard Ester say on her way back inside, Ester scoffed at her and pushed past her purposely hitting her shoulder. But still, the smile was still intact on her face, this smile was not forced but genuine one, the one Maximus gave her. "Just because you got him as your future husband doesn't mean your worth has changed. Change back to your normal clothes and finish all the work." Ester's voice said behind her, turning to her she nodded hiding the smile well in her heart. As she waited for the vegetables to cook, she stared at her phone anxiously. Will she appear as desperate if she texted first? But didn't he tell her to text him? He must have reached and rested well in his hotel room by now. Amara was contemplating her thoughts when her phone dinged at an incoming message. Maximus : I reached safely three hours ago. I'm deeply hurt that you don't care enough to text :( XXX She felt bad for smiling at the small sad face he attached at the end of the text, mentally gushing over him then quickly she typed up her reply and send it to him. Amara : I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I was a bit busy with work and was about to text. XXX Maximus : You are working? XXX Amara : yes, preparing for lunch. Did you eat anything? XXX Maximus : Soon. Let's meet tomorrow for lunch? XXX Amara : I don't think aunt will allow, but I'll ask and let you know. XXX Maximus : It's okay, but you should remember you have a husband now who needs your attention ;) XXX Amara : correction - future husband ;) XXX Occasionally she stirred the food and continued to talk to him, she learned that he was actually very hilarious when he wanted to be. He kept her entertained until he had to go and get his brothers for lunch, she silently hummed to a tune and served the food into the serving bowls. After lunch she was left alone, her aunt excused her because she couldn't be seen doing chores around the house while Maximus was still in Springfield. Like a lovesick she smiled to herself thinking of him as she laid on her bed facing the ceiling. She was back to her normal self without the outer layer of makeup and expensive clothes. She wondered if Maximus will find her unappealing like this? That thought came to a hold when her phone ringed with an unknown caller. "Hello?" "Sister in law! It's me!" "Elliot?" She asked surprised at his phone call, she understood he must have gotten her number from Maximus. She heard some groaning and something breaking in the background, were they fighting? She thought "Yes! Can you send me a picture of you? This is my number! Thank you!" He hung up even before she could open her mouth to reply, she could just blink at the screen believing what happened really happened. Why did Elliott want a picture of her? Not thinking too much she clicked a nice selfie with a peace sign and send it to him right away along with a message asking what it was for. For my dear brother of course. Her eyes widened and stomach dropped. He could have mentioned that earlier so she would have done something with her face, her bare face was not the most impressive thing in the world, banging the phone on her head she called Elliott. Her luck must have abandoned her because he didn't pick up his phone. Maximus : I prefer you without makeup, you look like paradise. Can I get lost in you? Please? ;) Can anything compare to him? Nothing. For Amara he was the most perfect man in the world, he was seeping in her heart fast and she fell for him a little more with every passing hour, She admired him a little more every minute and missed him every ticking second. Somehow, even in a house full of devil's she felt safe just thinking about him. 
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