0.3 | Maximus Berret Knight

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0.3 | Maximus Berret Knight Maximus Berret Knight was known for various reasons in the business world and one of them was his headstrong personality. He knew exactly what he wanted, when he wanted it and what he had to do in order to get it. His brothers, Elliot and Marcus were still young and learning the tricks and techniques of the world that he had already conquered, he wanted them to learn a lot more than he could teach them, so here he was at the Highmore mansion to buy one of the Highmore's business unit that he would name under his siblings and let them learn. That's the least he could do for them. His father had originally deviced this strategy and he had naturally agreed to it for the sake of his brothers but what he didn't know was the clause that came along with it. He didn't expect to be tied down in marriage at this age, Maximus never had relationships in the whole twenty five years of life so he understood his old father's concern about his future when he mentioned Amara Mary Highmore. He had sleepless nights thinking about the mysterious Amara Highmore who was hidden from the public eyes for her whole life, just like he was. He wondered what was the reason behind it, was she ugly? Was she crippled? It wouldn't matter once they were married, he reminded himself that it was a deal made for the sake of his brothers welfare, nothing more and nothing less. Maximus has made an opinion about his future wife even before he saw her. He had done his homework on the Highmore family and he had to say, he was surprised at their shamelessness. The head of family and Amara's Uncle, Cooper Highmore had lost more shareholders than he had gained since he took over his brother's company, the wife of the said businessman, Hestia Highmore, was a social grasshopper and in short useless, but she too took some part in drowning the business occasionally, the daughter of the couple, Ester Highmore, was an interior designer who had the talent equivalent to a ten year old artist who only gained popularity because of her parents status, the number of scandals she had caused in the past continuing into the present were countless. So naturally, she had a bad impression on him even before meeting him. A bad fish dirties the whole lake, so there was no way Amara would be a pure soul among the devils. As he stood before the Highmore mansion, he was weighing his decisions. Was this sacrifice worth it? Was a spoilt princess as a wife a good enough deal? He had enough money to keep her sated all her life, that was not an issue, but could she be someone who he would love? Love was a big part of his live, he received it from his parents, his brothers, relatives and all sort of sources that could provide love, but a spouse's love was entirely different. The intimacy that they shared could not be compared to any other relation in the world. Did he see himself loving Amara Highmore in the future? He didn't know, so he entered the mansion with the intention to get a preview of his life as the husband of Amara Highmore. The first thing he noticed as soon as he saw the owners of the mansion was the desperation on their faces. They didn't disappoint him at all, he had experienced people running around him trying to please him but the Highmore family was a little too overboard. As soon as he entered he wanted to leave, it felt like a trap that he walked himself into. His brothers however, were having the time of their life. Elliott, who still behaved as if he was still his teens was grinning like a fool as he saw the young maids fuzzing over him, while a calm and collected, much smarter Marcus was amused at the welcome Maximus was receiving. Maximus was having second thoughts about the whole ordeal and seriously considered leaving. A moment is enough to change someone's life, Maximus had heard this line countless times but he truly believed it when he saw Amara Highmore in flesh. What he expected was a confident snob who took pride in the brands of bags and clothes she owned, but rather he saw the girl clad in a pretty white dress looking pure as an angel who's beauty could be compared to Aphrodite, goddess of beauty. He had established the fact that she was beautiful even when her head was bowed, she didn't meet anyone's eyes as she came inside the dining room for breakfast, her hands clenched into small fists. Marcus nudged him to get his attention and that was when he realized that he was staring. She held his undivided attention when she lifted her head up and looked him straight in the eye. He couldn't breathe. He melted. His heart raced. But his face remained neutral. He was taught not to show his emotions in front of people you don't trust, he didn't trust the Highmore's who he was surrounded with. But for some uncanny reason, he trusted his future wife with his life. Her soft curls framed her face like an outline, her melting blues' held him captive as she held his gaze. He couldn't look away from her face, her plump pink lips begging him to suck on them, to touch them, to claim them as his. At that moment all his doubts vanished along with his braincells. His ability to think had left him at the mercy of her beauty and now his heart was enslaved by the enchantress before him. "Looks like sister in law is left speechless at our brother's beauty." Elliot commented, he would have reprimanded him if he wouldn't have seen the dusty pink blush on her cheeks, he supressed the urge to puller her cheeks and held himself down on the chair. She took the seat next to her sister and the breakfast was served. He couldn't help but sneak glances at her from time to time, she had her head down again and he longed to see her face once again. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Amara is usually not like this." Hestia Highmore excused, he sensed hostility in her tone which he didn't like. What so bad about her behaviour? She was being polite as far as he was concerned, and if the staring was counted as disrespect then they should be even as he was staring at her too, more than anyone else. But in order to dim down the conversation he said, "It's fine Mrs Highmore." Breakfast was served and everybody began eating, but he noticed her hands were not touching the food. He nudged Marcus and discreetly told him to ask her about it. He was not ready to talk to her yet, not in front of so many people. "Why are you not eating sister in law?" Her face was once again flamed at his brother's question, he decided that he loved to see her pink face and made a mental note to find ways to making her blush in the future. "She's been feeling a little sick these days, nothing serious though." Ester said instead of Amara which disappointed him as he wanted to hear her speak, but what she said picked his interest and so did the hiss Amara let out right after. Her adoring smile was still intact but her eyes said another story, Maximus knight was ready to take his bride away right at that moment, but he had to wait. He had to make her wait no matter how much his heart protested. He wanted to give her the best time of her life as his fiancée and then a life that she deserved as his wife. He kicked Marcus in the shin lightly to get his attention and quickly send him a text, As her if she's okay His brother didn't waste any time in doing as said, "Are you really sick sister in law? We came at a bad time?" Marcus asked, Amara must have not expected him to ask, surprise flashed on her face and longing in her eyes. "It's okay. I'm fine now. Thank you." She said, her voice matched the looks she had. One of an angel. His heart thumped against his chest, it belonged to the one sitting a few chairs away from him. He looked forward to the time they would talk to each other without any hesitation. "It's not okay! Have you seen the doctor yet? You are our sister in law and we can't let you be sick!" Elliot exclaimed sticking his fork in the air dramatically, Maximus wanted to roll his eyes at his antics but held his feelings in for the time being, he would have it once they were back at their hotel. "I am really fine now. Thank you for your concern, Elliott is it?" Amara replied sweetly to Elliott's nonsense. The more she spoke the more he fell, the more she showed herself to him the more he was trapped. Elliott's bright face could be seen from miles away, that's how happy he was to know his sister in law knew him. Soon Marcus and Elliott began to tease and talk with her, he didn't complain as he got to hear the sounds of heaven in form of her laughs and giggles. What he wouldn't give to hear that sound again and again. "I see you both are getting along with your sister in law." He also piped in, she had stopped laughing but her eyes looked brighter and more vibrant now. She looked livelier than what she was when she entered the room. He was glad that his brothers liked Amara, he wanted to marry her and it would be a bother to convince his brothers. But by hook or crook, he wanted Amara Highmore to be his. The topic was smartly diverted towards the business contract that was yet to be signed, Mr Highmore and his brothers left the table and he followed, letting his eyes linger at the goddess sitting on the chair staring back at him. "Thank you for making this deal with us Mr Knight." The old man said as he sat on his chair in the office. Marcus and Elliott were seated comfortably on the couch at the corner of the room while Maximus waited impatiently for the contract. "It's our pleasure. Now, would you mind if we sign the contract?" Maximus said for the second time that day. He wanted to go back down, see what his fiancé was doing. Was she thinking about him? She had occupied his mine completely. "One more thing Mr Knight," Cooper Highmore said, he almost groaned at the delay the old man was causing. He already didn't like the old businessman and he was only adding to the reasons to dislike him more. He wanted to sign the papers as fast as he could and get Amara all for himself already, at least for the time being. Soon, she would be his forever religiously and lawfully. "Yes?" "I would like you to rethink your decision Mr Knight, your father had chosen Amara to be your bride but we all witnessed during breakfast how timid she was, she has been kept hidden away in the mansion for a reason, she doesn't interact much and has a very low self-esteem." Maximus took all his words in, he knew where Cooper Highmore was taking this conversation and that made him even more adamant on making Amara his, "She will have a hard time adapting to your ways of living, whereas our Ester has all the qualities that are needed to be your wife. Give it a thought before you make the decision." Maximus didn't reply right away, instead of replying he snatched the contract from under the palms of his future in law and went through it carefully, ignoring his shocked face. Once he was satisfied with the terms he took a pen and scribbled his signature, signing away his fate with Amara Highmore for life. "I gave it a lot of thought Mr Highmore and I came to a conclusion. Amara may not be the perfect bride but what I see in her makes her perfect for me. Isn't that enough for me to accept her? And I am her fiancée, it's my duty to help her overcome her difficulties isn't it? How can I leave her for such a puny reason of low self-esteem and confidence? I will be there for her every step as she learns to love herself." He said calmly trying to make his point clear and loud. He was going to marry Amara Highmore in less than a month and no force on earth could stop him from doing so. 
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