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*DRAKE’S POV* My father annoys the hell out of me all the time and he does it without even knowing. Earlier today, we got a letter from the Midnight pack, requesting our presence at the future Alpha’s home coming and twenty-first birthday celebration. My father received the news with great happiness because he and the Alpha now happen to be very good friends.  My mate bond with the alpha’s daughter of Midnight pack was what made their friendship even stronger. Now, he's trying to play politics by suggesting that Alex, my sister, tries her best to win Declan’s heart so that she too can be the Luna of Midnight pack. I'm here listening to him and my sister make all the silly plots on how they can lure Declan to get his attention. He is even willing to discuss it with Declan’s father tonight at the party. He was saying all these things and I think it's just me who found it very annoying because my sister seemed to like the idea, and my mum was just indifferent.   For crying out loud, Alex was already dating the future gamma in the same pack. One that she assured them she loved so much and in fact, was willing to settle down with if she did not find her mate anytime soon. Alex can be a brat sometimes, and you can blame that on my father. He did all the spoiling while she was growing up, and even up till today, he still doesn't see anything wrong in the things he made her do. He’d always say she is his last born. My dad is someone who likes power. So you can imagine the joy when we found out that I was mated to an alpha's daughter. The daughter of the great alpha of Midnight pack at that. My dad now thinks it’s time for me to take up the alpha position since I’m already twenty-two and I found my Luna already. You see, my Luna, Lisa, is set to graduate next year and she doesn't want to take up the responsibility of being a Luna until she is out of school which is quite reasonable, but now my dad is giving me some speech about how he wants me to step up now after he has successfully planted the idea of Alex winning Declan over in her mind. It was rumored that Declan had returned without finding his mate still and I blame it on his parents for sending him away at such a young age. My mate told me the circumstance that made their dad send him away. I found out Lisa was my mate four years ago. She was still young then, about thirteen or fourteen. I am a good four years senior to her. I gave her time, but it wasn't long before my wolf couldn't keep his feelings to himself. We found ourselves wanting more of each other so we decided to date, but I kept the fact that she was my mate to myself. I wanted her to find out on her own, which she did a few weeks after she turned seventeen and shifted to her wolf. Lisa was one of the few that discovered their wolf before she turned eighteen. Maybe that happened because she was the alpha’s daughter and I even learned that her brother Declan shifted as early as sixteen. I can't wait to see my mate tonight. The thought of her was enough to bring a soft smile across my lips. I don't get to see her as often as I want and the only thing that made sense in what my father was saying was the fact that at least if she agreed to become Luna now, then I would get to see her every day, as often as I want but then her education is also very important. I support her in finishing school. I was done with mine, it wouldn't be fair to hold her back because I know how challenging the role of a Luna is. “Anything funny in what I just said?” My father asks me, bringing me back to reality. I had stopped listening to him for a while now. We were seated in the living room. My mum, right next to my dad on the couch with me seated in a single chair while Alex was standing in the dress she intended to wear to the party, apparently asking for our opinion. I did not even know when she had gone inside to change. “What? I did not hear your last words,” I told my dad. He just looked at me and shook his head “That's the problem, you hardly ever listen. Your mind is always wandering about,” “But dad really, Alex is already dating the future gamma of the pack,” I revisit the topic that had been bothering me “I don't think it's right to want to pair her up with another. Besides, the future alpha of the Midnight pack would be the one to pick his own Luna, that is if the rumors about him not having a mate is even true,”  My mum was the only one that saw the truth in what I just said “Yes, yes, you are right son, but still there's no harm in trying,” She just had to add those words, didn't she? “It's more than trying,” my father added “She just has to gain his attention,” My dad scoffed. I turned to Alex “So let’s say you manage to gain his attention, what then happens to Drew?” I ask her. Alex spreads her hands in front of her “I don't know alright. I love Drew and he knows it, but still, it won't be a bad idea to be Luna of the Midnight pack,” She says in a dreamy voice. I couldn't help but sigh. “Whatever,” hands in the air, I get to my feet to excuse myself. I still had some work to finish before the party, but no, Alex follows me straight to my room.   *ALEXANDRA’S POV* Drake, my elder brother, and also Lisa's mate, has got to be one of the most reasonable people I ever met. It's a pity he had to be mated to my enemy. Well, I wouldn't say Lisa is my enemy because our families are quite close. My dad and her dad appear to be getting along very well these days especially after we found out that Drake is Lisa’s mate. But Lisa decides to be friends with my enemy, so that crossed her out of my friend list. How could she conspire with that wretched girl to take my boyfriend away from me? How? I know how much Drake feels for her, and I want to be friends with her too because she's also a hot girl and it wouldn't hurt to have her on my crew, but no, she chose to be friends with a loser. That was all her. Now, I can see he’s mad because of my dad's suggestion, but hey, it didn't sound so bad to me, I wanted to be a Luna too. He gets up to leave the sitting room, and I follow behind him. “Quit following me,” he mutters as he settles on his bed. I ignore him. Instead, I close the door and lean against it, with my arms crossed beneath my boobs. “What are you so beat up about?” I ask him. “Can you even listen to yourself?” he asks in irritation. “you guys are just being selfish,” he scoffs. You see, Drake is my big brother, and he loves me so much, that I know. He may not be in support of some of my choices but he would stand up for me any day. This was just him being reasonable as usual. He was the kind of man that put others first before him. He's here worrying about Drew when he never even liked Drew in the first place. “Calm down alright,” I roll my eyes at him “How come you are suddenly on Drew's side?” I ask him but he doesn’t respond. He goes over to the table to clear up some paperwork that was assigned to him. “Oh I see, it's because he's Lisa's brother,” I add. “What?” he stares at me with surprise in his eyes. “You don't want anything spoiling what you have with her,” I immediately added and I could tell I got him there.  The last time I had gotten in a fight with Lisa, my brother panicked. He wants us to get along for obvious reasons and it always hurt him whenever he learned we had been in some kind of fight again, which was almost every time.  He had scolded me that day and rushed to check on his mate to ascertain she was fine. Drake has always loved Lisa and I know he's my brother but I somehow feel jealous because deep within me I know that Drew doesn't feel that way for me. I just won't accept it. Well, it was different with them. They were mates, so it was expected, but even before Lisa knew she was mates with Drake, she had been head over heels in love with him. I wish it could be like that for myself and Drew. Drew is cute and he was also a pretty good guy, most times actually, and I wouldn't even lie, it came as a shock to me when I heard what he did to Heaven in public. It made me happy in all truth. I've always hated Heaven, and the fact that she now tried to steal my boyfriend only helped in intensifying my hatred towards her. Drake sighed, “Fine, maybe you have a point there,” he admits “It just baffles me why you both never get along,” he says. I shrug, “She decided to be friends with the enemy,” I supplied the answers that he already knew. “Heaven?” he asked “How is she your enemy? Whatever did she do to you?” “She tried to steal my boyfriend!” I exclaim. “Well, even before that, you never actually liked her Lex,” He looks at me. “Well, I don't know alright, maybe because she's cursed,” I say coldly. “What!” now that did surprise him. My brother was never one to listen to petty gossips, so it was no surprise that he never heard all the rumors about Heaven being cursed.  “You don't know about that?” This was my chance to convince him to talk to Lisa to stop being friends with that girl. “The gist is, her mum was a slut, she would go about seducing men despite being married to her mate. She met a warlock then and lured him into her bed, but he ends up falling in love with her, and he doesn't want her to leave, but you know, she already has a mate,” I can see I have his attention now so I continue “We hear she was even pregnant for Heaven then, and the warlock curses her and her child. No one knows exactly what the curse says but it had something to do with her mother passing away. Her dad took his own life when he learned what his mate did. They have tried to keep this a secret but-“ he didn't let me finish. “Gosh, Alex,” Drake raises his voice at me, sipping out his power that made me cower in fear. “You believe all that? What has come over you for crying out loud? Where do you girls get all this information from?”  “Drake-“ “Maybe it's you who needs to check yourself,” he cuts me again “I don't even know why I listen to you sometimes,” He grabbed the papers from his desk and shoved them gently away into the drawer then walks out. I’m not going to let Drake's attitude spoil my mood today. He would support Heaven as long as she was his mate's friend anyway. I straighten my shoulder and walk to my room. I have a party to prepare for.  
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