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*HEAVEN’S POV* I woke up the next morning to attend to my normal daily routine which involved cleaning and scrubbing the floors. As a wolf with no rank, I was made to work along side the omega’s. Sometimes, I used Lisa's influence to escape those chores but I guess today is not one of those days. I wanted to go keep on sulking. Maybe I needed the reminder that I was a nobody. It was hard training with Drew. What he did still hurt me and yesterday morning when the alpha had ordered that we all came down for training, I was gladly going to take my position behind the others but Lisa wouldn't let me. I caught him staring at me through my side view but I have to be stupid to think that it meant anything. Drew would not regret what he did. In fact, the single act of humiliating me added more feathers to his cap and he gained more popularity while I'm being booed at. I get up from bed, stretched my body and glanced at Eunice’s bed to see if she was still there but she wasn't so I guessed she had gotten up to her own duties. Eunice is my roommate and she's an omega herself. She's a year older than me. I lost my parents at a young age. I learnt that my dad died before I was born and my mum took her life a few years after I was born. There were rumors that my mum was constantly cheating on him and that he never even believed I was his. I do not like to believe the things I hear about my mother because she was a good woman to me from what I remember. But people say she was a slut and she slept with anybody. It was rumored that she had an affair with a warlock back in the days and that was around the same time she got pregnant for me. The gist was when my mum left, the warlock couldn't take it. I really don't know the full story to be honest because that is not the type of thing anybody would sit and listen to others say about their parents. I rush into the shower to take a quick bath and from my window, I can hear some girls gossiping outside.  “I'm so gonna be there,” I hear one of the girls say. “I can't wait to behold the future Alpha of our pack,” that was Eunice's voice and now I'm very curious to hear what they are talking about. I turn off the tap to hear them clearly.  “I hope he's still as cute as he was before he left,” Another voice added “And I hear he does not have a mate still,”  “I hope he finds his mate amongst us,” Eunice's voice again. I hear footsteps approaching and the girls go mute. “get to work you lazy ass holes, we have to keep this place sparkling for tonight's event,” That was Madam Penelope's voice. She oversees the cleaning of our territory. The girls start to dispatch and I turn on the shower to take a quick bath immediately I hear her thunder “Where the hell is Heaven?” It wasn't the first time Madame Penelope would be using that phrase when referring to me. Even times when I was right in front of her, she did it on purpose. I'm not exactly sure what the girls were gossiping about but if I heard them correctly, then it meant the future alpha was back. That was just weird. I hear he has been away for nine years now but I never met him even before he left.  I rush into my clothes and come out to join the others in cleaning. It was my turn to clean the kitchen today but breakfast had to be finished first. So I busied myself with tidying the passage that led to the kitchen. I was half way into sweeping when Lisa, my friend runs towards me, grabbing my hands.  I must say I have never seen Lisa so happy before, except for the day she had found out Drake was her mate. She looked vibrant and I couldn't help but laugh as she dragged me out of the passage till we were outside of the building entirely. Her joy was just contagious. “Easy there,” I joked when we were now outside. She put both palms on her cheeks, excitement etched on her face “been long I saw you this happy,” I let out what had been on my mind. “Just wait for it, the alpha is about to make an announcement,” She said and on cue, the beta of the pack mind linked everyone. GREAT WOLVES OF MIDNIGHT PACK, MAKE YOURSELVES AVAILABLE IN THE LARGE HALL RIGHT NOW, THE ALPHA HAS A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EVERYONE. Lisa jumps up and grabs my hands as she does. Everyone is making their way to the hall now and I think I already have a clue as to the announcement the alpha was going to pass on. Lisa's joy was enough to ascertain that what I had overheard in the shower this morning was true. “What is going on?” I whisper into her ears as she drags me into the large hall. I was going to pretend I hadn’t heard anything and I know Lisa was dying to spill the words from her mouth. Lisa tells me all her secrets. “My brother is back,” She mouthed to me and this time, I did not pretend, the shock was actually registered on my face. Why was I surprised? Because I had somehow hoped it was a rumor. If the future alpha was back, it meant Lisa's dad would be stepping down anytime soon and his son would be taking his place. It meant there was a high chance that Lisa too would be taken by her own mate to become the Luna of Creek wood pack, and you know what that would mean. I'd loose my best friend. Who would fight for me henceforth? The alpha climbs on stage now and everyone bears their neck in submission to him as his power fills the hall. He reduces his aura so they can all have their eyes back on him. He stood tall and proud, with his Luna besides him. There was no sign whatsoever of the future alpha even though I must admit that I too wanted to catch a glimpse of him. Lisa was besides me amongst the crowd. You see why I love this girl? Asides from her always standing up for me, she was always right next to me, an ordinary wolf, even though she is the alpha’s daughter. “I'm sure we are all aware that my son, the future Alpha, Declan is back to resume his duties here in the midnight pack,” He said in his loud authoritative voice. There was a few murmuring in the crowd but one stern look from the alpha was enough to silence all of them. “We cannot keep him away much longer as I'm getting older and the time for him to assume the role of the alpha is fast approaching,” He paused “However, we would be throwing him a welcome party as today also mark’s his twenty first birthday,” There was cheering from the crowd at that announcement and the alpha beamed with pride. “We are sending invites to members of all the neighboring packs. My son has been away for nine years and he deserves a grand welcome party,” The alpha continues. “I want you all to put in your best to make this party a success. Look your best, dress your best and loosen up. It's about time we had some fun in this place,” he laughed after that statement and there was a sounding round of applause from the crowd.  Even I could not help but join in the clap. Lisa was jumping up and down besides me, she couldn't contain her excitement. I know she had been very close to her brother because she told me tales about them ever so often. I was about eight when he left and for some reason, which had to be because I was always busy doing the dirty work in the pack house, I never got a chance to meet him. My mum had just passed on as at that time and life was a living hell for me. Besides, myself and Lisa had not really connected then. I started being friends with Lisa when I wrote the exams and got the scholarship to attend junior high in her school. I wouldn't normally have been able to attend such expensive school if that I wasn't such a smart ass. After junior year, I enrolled for the senior scholarship program again, and boom, I got in. Otherwise, I probably would never have had the opportunity to mingle with the high and mighty. I'm referring to Lisa now. Haha. The alpha finished his statement and dispersed the crowd. I can hear the joy as everyone gets themselves busy to make the party a success, but even before we left the hall, I'd already made up my mind not to attend. Don't ask me why. I’m still sulking. Remember? “Do you have anything to wear?” Lisa asks me as if reading my mind. I fold my arms across my chest and tap my right foot on the ground. Lisa immediately got the message. “You're a joker if you think you won't be there,” She informs me. They were beginning to decorate the arena for the event. The space in the hall would not be able to accommodate everyone, because even people from other packs would be attending so they were making use of the open field.  This was big. Our alpha hardly ever allowed members from other packs into his territory but he was making an exception in the case of his son’s welcome/birthday gig even despite the recurring rogue attacks of the past months. I'm not sure if this is really a great idea but what do I know? “Lisa, I'm glad that your brother is back. I can see how happy you are,” This is me trying to give excuses and Lisa knows already “But you know I have a lot of cleaning to do, especially today of all days. Besides, you know I don't really like to party,” “That’s a lie Heaven. You are just giving excuses because you know Drew would be there and so would Alex,” She hissed. Yes, that too was reason enough for me not to even show my face at all. I was not going to be humiliated and mocked by anybody from school. I've already been humiliated enough. The alpha had said everyone could come and from the talk I heard Eunice having with the other girls, I was sure they too would be present, but I did not want to be a part of it because I know that I would be sidelined, and Alex would make fun of me.  “Yes, and that too,” I admitted. “You don't have a choice Heaven,” She scolded “I'll have someone deliver a perfect dress for you, also make sure your make up is on point. I want you to show Drew just how beautiful you are. I promise, he’s gonna come crawling at your feet,” She giggled as she said those words “I can even get someone to do your make up for you if you so wish,” With that she flipped her hair and walked away. “Lisa,” I wanted to complain but she was far away already and she was purposely flipping her butt. I laughed at the gesture and I'm sure she must be laughing too even though I can't really see her face. I make my way back to the kitchen to continue my chore. Lisa can try all she want, but my mind is already made up, I'm not going for any party and I'm not going to let her talk me into it. I told you I wasn't taking advice from her when it came to issues like this didn't I ?  
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