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*Heaven’s POV* I've just finished my chores for the day and I’m back in my room. I notice Eunice is in the bathroom as I enter but I'm too tired so I go straight to my bed. There’s a  red gown and black heels on my bed and I already know that is Lisa's doing. I'm going to have to disappoint her today, sorry. I still have to wake up early tomorrow to do my chores before heading to school, so I need as much rest as I can get. I passed by the open field on my way here and noticed that the place was fully set now. Guests would start arriving in about an hour and I want to be fast asleep before all the noise start to get to me, because I know the place is going to be packed with people. I shove the dress aside and dropped the shoes to the floor, then laid on the bed and gave a heavy sigh. I close my eyes and I begin to feel a certain kind of discomfort. Then I feel a firm grip on my hands “You will pay for the sins of your mother,” an old wretched voice whispered in my ears. I screamed and sat up straight. Eunice came rushing out of the bathroom, water dripping from her body. “What is wrong?” she is shaking me now and I just stare at her. What had just happened? I look round the room, trying to find the person the words belong to. Nobody. Was I dreaming? I closed my eyes for just a second! That was not possible. Or was I hallucinating now? Someone is definitely playing pranks with me, and it's not even funny. “Did you hear that?” I ask her. I’m sweating profusely now. “Hear what?” Eunice looks around the room too “You must have had a bad dream,” she tells me. Maybe that was it, I try to convince myself. There was no one in the room, it was probably an hallucination, I was tired after all. Things like this happen right?  “C’mon, dress up let’s go,” Eunice tells me.  “Go where?” I ask her as if I did not already know what she was talking about. “Don't play dumb with me alright,” She sneers “Your friend, Lisa, She already brought a dress for you and we still have about an hour before the party starts, so hurry, you know there's no way I'm leaving you here anyway,”  “Eunice, I'm tired alright. I'm not going to any party,” Eunice is an omega and she's just as unpopular as I am. We have been roommates for years now and she's a pretty nice girl. There's also something about her that makes me like her, she's very positive towards life. Her parents, like mine, died when she was quite young, and yes she was also labeled an outcast like me, but she doesn't see herself as that which is why I'm not surprised that she is so eager to be at the party. “Oh yes you are,” She starts to pull me off the bed now “Every single person is going to be there, you are not going to be the only exception, Heaven. Get over Drew already, he’s gonna be sorry he did that to you when he sees you in that stunning red dress,”  Yes, she's also aware of what Drew did to me in school. Eunice doesn't attend my school by the way but she seems to know a lot about everything. She's the type that gossips, so half the things I know about this pack, I heard from her. All the rumors about me being cursed, I also heard from her. The only good thing about it is that at least I get to know what people are saying about me behind my back. “I don't feel up to it Eunice,” I grumbled again. “But what have you to loose?” Eunice added. “You'd rather be holed up in this room, moping than going out to have some fun?” She whined. Well, she did have a point there. I have nothing to lose, except my sleep of course, and it would be great to come out all dressed up for once. I play with the thought in my head. Maybe I could go, maybe I could show these people that I can be beautiful after all. I can't wait to see the look on Drew's face when I come out in that red dress, or the look on that stupid Alex’s face. A whole lot of people would be at the party, people from school. Maybe I can show them that I can be more than the nerd they know.  “I know you want to go, so get in the shower,” Eunice giggled as if reading my thought. I give her a smile back. “Alright,” I replied as I dragged myself into the bathroom. It would be a long boring night if I had to sleep alone in this room anyway, and again I doubt if I would actually have any sleep considering the weird voice I just heard a few minutes ago.  I turned on the shower and began scrubbing my body.   *LISA'S POV* Declan was the closest person to me before he left nine years ago. I begged my dad severally to allow me a chance to see my brother, but No, I was always turned down. So, you can imagine my joy when he showed up yesterday evening.  My parents who wanted to keep everything about his coming on a low key can't even help themselves anymore, hence they are throwing this party for his twenty-first birthday and inviting as many people as possible. I know I'm my dad's favorite but I'm beginning to doubt that now, I'm not jealous, duhh. I’m mostly excited that I would be seeing my mate today. I haven't seen him since the incident between myself and his sister at school. That was just two days ago I know but it seems like forever. I want to see him every day, to be with him and my wolf, Snow, is always whining in my head to be with her mate. It's really not easy dating from another pack if you ask me. I’ve picked out the best dress from my wardrobe because I know the place is going to be jam packed with lots of important people. The alpha of all the southern regions was going to be present as well as his Luna and other members of his family. The whole council was going to be present. This was really a big deal. But you know I'm getting glammed up just for one person. My charming brother barges into my room now. A lot may have changed about Declan but he still barges into my room as he used to when I was eight. Maybe I should remind him that I'm a grown ass woman now and anything he sees when next he comes into my room is his own doing. “Whoop! Whoop! Someone looks stunning tonight,” he compliments me and I can't help but grin from ear to ear. “Brother, when are you going to learn to stop barging into a woman's room?” I roll my eyes at him. He laughs out loud “Not until you leave and go to meet your mate, this room is still mine as much as it is yours, and mine is yours too,” he said. He was completely dressed in a princely robe and I must say he looks good. Very good. Last I saw him, he was just twelve and about five foot and five inches. He seems to have added a whole foot to his height now, and the beards on his face? I don't even know how he manages to have a lot of that when even my dad doesn't have as much. His most charming feature for me was his eyes, a very rare shade of green, something that used to draw the attention of women to him even at his young age, you can imagine how much better he looks in them now that he is older. I can literally see all the women drooling after him today especially since everyone already knows he has no mate. It is weird that my dad has tried to keep him away from finding his mate since he was eighteen but now at twenty-one, he was gathering werewolves from all over because of him, knowing fully well that there were high chances of him meeting his mate in the gathering. Well, my dad thinks he has averted the prophesy by delaying him meeting his mate. He is of the opinion that his mate may have found another already, or perhaps died? He did consult the seer before my brother returned, as I later learned, but my dad would not give any information about what the seer had told him before he decided it was time for Declan to return. If you had asked me then, then I would say sending Declan away was probably not a good idea because you cannot keep an alpha away from his throne forever. He was bound to come back someday, so what happens if he finds his mate today? Or even any other day? That did not guarantee that the prophesy has already been averted.  “You look so good,” I go over and hug him “I can't wait for you to meet Drake, he’s such a nice guy and you guys have so much in common,” even the mention of my mate's name was enough to make me blush. He gave me his widest grin “I can't wait to meet the man that is driving my little sister nuts,” he tells me. Knowing Declan, he used to be very protective of me even at that young age. Many times I got into trouble and he was always there to fight for me. Nobody ever messed with me then. It would mean a lot to see him get along with my mate. “I don't know brother, his sister hates me,” I tell him. That has always been a major concern for me because I know it would mean a lot to Drake if I got along with Alex, but the girl is so unbelievable sometimes, I just want to strangle her.  “Why would anyone hate someone as sweet as you?” He smoothens my dress on my arms. It feels so good to have him back, Declan always has the right words to say to make me feel like a princess. “Alex is just like that, you will meet her today anyway, then maybe you can decide the kind of person she is. I just don't like how she treats my friend Heaven. I know I shouldn't have pushed Heaven to go after her boyfriend but Heaven has had like the biggest crush on him since I can remember, and I thought he was a nice guy till he humiliated her, gosh now I just want to kill them both,” This is me telling Declan about all my girl drama. You see why I miss him? He always listens to me, no matter the issue I bring up, he's just the perfect big brother. He nods his head now “I can't say I understand anything of what you just said, but believe me, you don't have to blame yourself for anything that went wrong between you and your mate’s sister. If she's a jerk, then it’s not compulsory you both have to be friends,” I smile at his statement, my brother is such a charmer. I link my hands with his and drag him to his feet. “I'm so proud to have you as my brother,” I tell him and he beams with pride. “Just as I'm proud to have you as my kid sister,” He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and we walk out of the room. My parents are already at the party venue receiving guests. It’s time to party!  
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