Chapter 2. Agreleia Academy

1020 Words
“You are, Godfrey. No one else. “ Accasia's POV Sunlight streamed through the fenestra window, bathing the entire surrounding of the bathroom in brilliant luminance. I am currently observing how the blood dripped on my body in front of the square mirror. I had just finished bathing myself in the fresh blood of three wild beasts. "Are you done soaking in blood, Accasia?" my grandfather inquired as he knocked on the bathroom door. "Yes, Grandpa. I'll be out in five minutes." I rinsed my whole body with water and, drying it for a while, took the towel hanging behind the door and wrapped it around my body. "Hurry up and get ready. You might be late for your first day." "Alright, I'm almost done." I immediately fixed myself. I wore a loose leather jacket and high-waist pants. Soaking myself in blood has been one of my habits since I was eleven. It was a ritual to me as a creature diverged into two human beings: half-vampire and half-wolf. It also served as my right path to a peaceful life. My only desire is to preserve the purity and goodness of my being until the right time comes. And all these extraordinary things were according to the commandments of Lincoln from the past decade. "Are you ready?" my grandfather questioned as he noticed me disturbed. "Yup, Grandpa." I was sitting right now inside his car. I've been thinking about this before. I don't know how to say no. I don't even know how to refuse. Unfortunately, I had no other option but to agree. "I know you're having a hard time following our history, but you need protection, Accasia. You have to see our realm. I can't assure you to be safe in my arms, so it would be better to know the truth and discover more," Grandpa clarified. "Lincoln will guide you anyway." I run out of words. I will miss him. Taking care of me has always been his priority. That is why I'm grateful for having a grandfather like him—a man who knows how to protect me from detriment. The only person who taught me how worthy I am in this world. And now, we were going to separate our ways. He will send me to Agreleia Academy, a university with a mission to train immortal creatures like me. I didn't want to stay far from him, but he kept telling me this was the best option for me, and I had to face the facts because this was my fate. I gave him a severe look. "Can you make me a promise, Grandpa?" He didn't utter a word, and he just glanced at me. "Please, take care of yourself, Grandpa. Don't forget to take all your meds," I stated, wishing he would grant my words. He sighed heavily. "I know you worry about me, but this is for the best. Don't worry, Accasia. I'll check up on you twice a month, okay?" That idea alone calmed me down a bit. "I'll miss you, Grandpa." "I will miss you more." he smiled. "What matters is your new life. As much as you can, stick to the fundamental commandments that Lincoln provided you. If someone around you tries to interfere, ignore them. Don't let curiosity ruin your life," he advised. Is this a warning? "What do you mean, Granpa?" "You can't trust everyone, Accasia. People there might show you compassion. Something that will compel you to trust them. But be mindful because some people are just really in disguise." I was about to say something, but he cut me off. "Discover with pure intention. If in doubt, be prudent." I just nodded to show that I was fine, but internally my mind was full of queries. Sometimes, I can't stop thinking about what sort of power I have. Never in my life had Grandpa tell about my natural strength and weakness. But now that I am about to face the reality of immortality, I wonder what power I possess. I never thought that something like this existed in this world. I can still remember how terrified I was when I discovered I was a vampire-werewolf hybrid. A few hours have passed. Finally, we're here. Soon as we got out of his car, we entered the building. The surroundings were uncluttered and well-maintained, but I wondered what kind of life they had here. There are many species of trees and colorful flowers around here. And each soothing touch of a warm breeze caresses softly over my skin. I just found myself walking while mesmerized by this place's beauty. After walking in silence, I accidentally caught a man standing behind a tree wearing a brown suit and a hat. He looks familiar. I can describe him as an almost perfect guy with his attractive countenance and masculine body. "Your scent has changed," he said as he bestowed me an intense look. "Welcome to Agreleia Academy.” "Pardon me? Are you talking to me?" I peeked around to check if there was another person nearby or if he was referring to me. He chuckled slightly, and I found him hot in that gesture. "We're the only two here apart from the trees." "Oh, yeah. You're right," I said as I veered around my attention until it returned to his direction once again. His eyes still held mine as if he wanted to study me for a while. And if I'm being honest, something ineffable in his presence seemed to make me unable to turn away. It feels sentimental; it's too deep that I couldn't fathom it. "You seem like you're wondering who I am?" he asked, and those words kept reiterating inside my mind like a melody. His voice is familiar. Maybe it's just the effect of being close to another species; I don't know. "Don't you remember me?" he asked, pulling me out of my rowdy senses. "Who are you?" I questioned as I looked directly into his eyes, searching for any indication that I'd met him before, but his following words startled me for a split second.
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