
The Alpha's Hybrid Mate

lucky dog

Accasia Sterling is a misfit yet charismatic girl and a loving granddaughter to her grandfather. She had unorthodox life. She is a hybrid creature, a Vampire-werewolf older than time itself, but it doesn't bother her as long she's living according to the commandments Lincoln dictated to her. Her life changed when she moved to the Agreleia Academy. And that's where her life truly begins when she meets the Alpha, Lincoln Sob, for the second time. He can be defined as impetuous and vile, but it cannot obliterate his glamorous looks and mesmerizing voice.

One day, Accasia was awakened by the truth when a sudden feeling developed. She remembered everything, the past and the untold truth in history. She found out Lincoln was her mate. Will she trust her heart and persist in untangling the mysteries with her lover until the war begins? Or choose to escape the biggest dangers that await her even if she loses her mate? Will both of them have a happy ending, or does the unfolding history break them apart?

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Prologue: The Alpha
I've seen Lincoln bleed. It happened ten years ago; I was eleven. My grandfather and I were at the South Capital Bank on Baker Street. We went there to withdraw a large sum of money. My grandfather told me that we were about to migrate to another country. He never apprised me of the reason, but he kept saying it was, for my goodness sake. The bank was enormous, immaculate, and well-maintained. The withdrawal area was right in front of the sliding door. There is also a couch and mushroom seat in every corner; perhaps it was a waiting area. "Stay there, and I'll be right back, okay?" he said as he walked away and went straight to the withdrawal area. I was sitting while scrutinizing everyone. Both men and women are too occupied performing their tasks, arranging paperwork, and focusing on the computer. While I was in the middle of observation, a sudden noise brought me out of my trance. Without hesitation, I looked outside to discover what caused such a commotion, and what I saw left me dumbfounded. I was freaking out when I caught six men shifting into white wolves, and everyone on the street started panicking. The people nearby started screaming in terror until the cubs ran straight toward my direction. Running fast as I could, I went straight to my grandfather while everyone here in the bank kept running, shouting, and hiding where nobody could see them. "Enough, Deviore," a man said. It was my grandfather's name. "Whether you like it or not, she'll be with us. It's her fate; you can never take her out of the realm." I swallowed my fear when I heard those words. Is he referring to me? Soon as my grandfather turned to me, he looked me in the eye, completely terrified. "Run, Accasia!" "W-why?" I asked with curiosity. "Just run as fast you can, okay?" he said while tears fell from his eyes, then handed me a box of money. "Go!" I wanted to ask more questions to figure out what was happening, but I was still young and innocent. I was about to leave when a six-man I caught outside the bank who shifted into a wolf showed up in front of me. They went away except for the man with a black hoody, gray hair, and emerald eyes that stepped toward me. He is tall enough to see the top of my head. His eyes are so powerful, and there's something indescribable in his looks. When he stepped closer, my body remained motionless. My grandfather kept uttering something, but all I could hear was my heartbeat, full of apprehension. "A-are you a monster?" I stammered nervously, striving hard to remain calm. "W-why are you doing this to us?" "What do you think?" "A-are you going to kill us?" my eyes watered, shuddering in fear. "Please don't hurt my grandfather... do not hurt us." "I don't think I can do that." he smiled. "Unless you obey my words." "B-but how? I don't even know you." The man's smile finally broke as if he was taken aback by my words. "I'm Lincoln Sob, the Alpha. And you will obey everything I say. That's an order from me." "Don't listen to him, Accasia! Just run!" my grandfather screamed. I was alarmed when Lincoln strode toward him. He grabbed my grandfather's neck, pulled it off, and almost snapped his neck. "No, please! Don't kill him..." I pleaded. "If you need money, I can give you this!" He stared at me, holding his gaze until he stepped toward me. "Money is worthless to me. Worthless." "Then what do you want?" His allies pivoted at several spots around this bank, slaying people trying to flee. I witnessed why so many have decided not to fight back with my own eyes. They are just human. So am I. We can't defend ourselves from this mighty creature. We could only hide, surrender, and let the victims' blood trickle down. After a fleeting moment, Lincoln ambled toward me with his horrible looks. Once again, I felt an emotion— a mix of anger and fear. Why do they have to do this? Who are they to kill innocent people? "Don't be afraid," he cooed. Too late. I already am. "What do you want from us?" I questioned, aiming to control my apprehension. He held my chin to make me look up at him. "You need to have an open mind while you're here in the human world. Are you objective enough to be able to do that?" "W-what are you trying to say? A-and what exactly do you want me to do?" I was just young. That is why it's hard for me to comprehend his words. All I could do was gulp unconscionably while my hands were quivering in fear. He bestowed me a quick smile. "Some have lived on this earth numerous times, and others are new souls. Some humans were born twice because of a profound reason. We call it reincarnation, and you are the subject reborn to finish the quest. You have to unlock the last tunnel of Berganza." "B-but I was just an i-innocent girl who knows nothing but to live my life with my grandfather," I stuttered. "And I don't understand what you want from me. I know nothing. Please, don't hurt my grandfather." "You are an immortal who has power, little girl," Lincoln said, staring at me intensely. "I will accept your subservience if you obey me." I just nodded, hoping he would grant my entreaty and not kill or even hurt my grandfather. "I will give you the fundamentals commandments, so you have to follow everything and not entangle in any crime. At the right time, you'll be able to enter our world, the Agreleia Academy. You will accumulate your strength before you can unlock the last tunnel," Lincoln explicated. "Live your life accordingly while you are still in the human world. At the right time, when you're grown up, you'll be the most powerful warrior in our realm." I run out of words. I never thought this reality of being so unimaginable. "Are we fine with that?" he asked calmly. "Y-yes." The following things he did leave me dumbstruck. He bit his palm aggressively, and the blood began to drip from his hands. Soon as he wore me the necklace he got from his neck, he coated it with his blood. "Pardon me for disturbing you, but before I go, I want to tell you that I'm not your foe. I'm your ally." His words startled me, but I fought the urge not to show my sentiments and pretend I was strong enough to decipher his remarks. "I don't kill senselessly, Accasia. You're not human; you're the most potent hybrid in Berganza. And we're born not to live with mercy but to preserve our world and wreck anyone who dares to ruin it." Those words hurled me nothing but pure dread, but all I could do was stay hushed. I scanned the entire surrounding, hoping it was just a frivolous nightmare, but then I was flabbergasted by the scene that greeted me.

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