
1377 Words
[Abbie’s POV] Shock rushes through me as William’s arm slings around my shoulders and his fingers lazily dangle just above my breast. Where he touches me is warm, and it makes my insides feel fuzzy. It's the same with where Austin touches me, anytime he touches. It leaves me unnerved, and it's damn annoying. But I couldn't let myself get lost in it. Why? Why were the twin princes hanging on me like this? I mean, I understood why Austin was doing it since he has been harassing me since a bit ago, but now even William. “Uh,” I say as they start to lead me out the door. “I think I forgot something. Why don’t the two of you go on without me?” There, that was smooth, and it made sense, right? Assuring myself that it did, I try to break free of their hold, but both simply tighten their grips. Eyes widening, I look from one to the other as they watch me with mirrored looks of amusement. “What did you forget?” Austin asks while William remains silent. “I’ll go and fetch it.” “No!” I gasp as he attempts to release me. “No, I can get it myself!” “Oh,” he chuckles, waggling his brows at me. “Is it possibly that diary of yours? You know the one with...” Hissing in shock, I lift a hand and slam it against his mouth, only to pull away as he kisses it. “What the hell?” I growl, wiping my palm on my pants. “What are you doing?” “Austin,” William sighs, shooting his brother a look. “Can’t you see you’re making her uncomfortable?” Not only him. I think inwardly but remain silent. “Are you sure it isn’t you?” Austin counters. “The icy William is actually acting warm. I’m certain that has to be a bit…” “Enough!” I snap, breaking free of their hold and straightening out my clothes. “I don’t know what the two of you are up to, but I’m not interested!” Turning on my heel, I begin to move, hoping beyond hope that they don’t follow, but to my dissatisfaction, they do. And when I speed up my steps, they do the same until they easily fall into step on either side of me. “Come on, Abbie,” Austin laughs. “Don’t be so mean. We’ll behave.” “Behave,” I repeat, frowning. “Then you’ll stop hanging around me.” For a moment, neither Austin nor William answer, but when they exchange looks that almost scream yeah, right, I know that I’m not going to like the answer they give. “No chance.” They say together, grabbing me once more and sandwiching me between them. “Can’t you just try to give us a chance?” “A chance.” I growl, my irritation reaching its peak. “And why should I do that? Can’t you see that your actions have already made me a pariah at school? Imagine what is going to happen when our classmates and peers see the two of you hanging around me instead of just Austin?” Dammit. This was frustrating, and it was all Andrew’s fault for bringing these two home to begin with! If he didn’t insist on befriending them, then my peaceful days would continue, but now they were being turned upside down. “So your only issue is with the way you’re being bullied, right?” Austin asks, clearly not understanding me at all. “Then wouldn’t our being near you make that better?” “How?” I hiss. “Do you really think that they would f**k around with the woman of the alpha twins?” At his words, I feel my eyes widen. What… What did he just say? Did he seriously just suggest that I agree to being their woman? “Not really,” he adds, catching onto my train of thought. “But when we are in school, you play the part.” “Why?” Why on earth would they want someone like me who barely made a blip on the social radar to pretend to be ‘their woman?’ There were much prettier girls who would do much better, and those girls would enjoy themselves. “Because it is quite frustrating to constantly be bothered with confessions and the such.” Austin sighs. “Isn’t that right, William?” Frowning, I turn my gaze to William, who has been silent this whole time, and when he simply nods, I know that he is going to go along with whatever his brother said, which, is really suspicious given the fact he was telling me that I wasn’t good enough just a few days ago. “Seriously,” I huff, narrowing my gaze. “Do you have split personalities?” “I don’t…” Austin begins, but stops as I hold my hand up. “Not you,” I say, nodding toward William. “Him. Wasn’t he the one that made it clear that I wasn’t good enough for his brother, and now he’s going along with this rouse? What the hell are the two of you planning?” “Nothing,” William responds, his face remaining impassive. “I may have been a bit harsh back there, but I had my reasons.” “And those reasons don’t matter now?” I demand, unwilling to back down. “Tell me, what has changed?” “That,” he begins, but stops as frustration crosses his features. “Isn’t really any of your business?” “Not my business,” I repeat, my anger spiking. “Right, of course it isn’t.” Turning, I begin to move again, but am stopped by the twin princes falling into step with me, and before I can tell them to f**k off, we reach the school’s gates. Immediately, all eyes come to rest on me, and it is almost like ice is settling around me. If I got so much s**t for having Austin hanging on me, I could only imagine what would come now that they also saw William. “Well, shit.” I huff, slowly moving. “Don’t worry,” Austin murmurs, reaching out and grabbing my hand. “Hold your head high. If you show fear, they’re going to eat you up and spit you out.” Opening my mouth, I prepare to argue, but stop as my other hand is grabbed. “Just keep walking and let us handle the rest.” He says, taking me by surprise again. “As long as we are here, they won’t keep f*****g with you.” “And if they do?” I challenge. “Then they’ll suffer.” He shrugs, his expression completely serious. “Only an i***t would be stupid enough to touch what belongs to us.” Belongs to them. Why did I both hate and like the sound of that? Was I really that damn delusional in trying to pretend I wasn’t the slightest bit interested? But to come across as easy just pissed me off. Fine. If they insisted on doing this, then I would go along with it, but just until I was left alone, and then we would break things off. I could simply consider it as research for my novels. “You better be right.” I whisper as we head into school. “Because you’ve already made me a walking target.” “Are you agreeing?” Austin asks, his features lighting up. “A trial,” I counter. “We will give this fake dating thing a trial run to see if everyone backs off.” “And if they don’t?” He challenges. “You’ll have to stick with us until we graduate.” “More like I’ll kick you to the curb and handle things myself.” I smirk, refusing to let them have the upper hand. “Now can you let me go? I’m going to be late for class!” "See you later, kitten!" Austin calls as I make my retreat. "See you after class!"
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