
Their Dirty Little Secret.

opposites attract
friends with benefits

“That's it. Move your hips just like that, good girl.” William's strong, calloused fingers dig into my hips as he speaks, sending waves of pain and pleasure through me. “You're getting better at this.”Whimpering, I feel an orgasm beginning to build, but before I can scream out, Austin's hand wraps around the back of my head, leading my mouth to his waiting dick.“Open up, beautiful.” He murmurs, twisting his fingers in my hair. “Don't show William all the attention.”Nodding, I open my mouth, allowing him to bury himself in me while William takes control beneath me.Together, they move, thrusting their hips in sync, driving me absolutely wild with each movement until I’m coming completely undone.If you were to ask me a mere few weeks ago if I saw myself ever being in this situation with two of the most popular guys in our college and the alpha heirs of my pack, I would have said no. But here I was, greedily taking whatever they would give me.How did I get here? How did we end up in this situation? Well, I guess I have my twin brother Andrew to blame. If he had never befriended these two, I was certain they wouldn't have even laid their sights on me, but since they did, I was now nothing more than their dirty little secret and their plaything.But I'm getting ahead of myself. This isn't where we began, and I'm certain this isn't where we will end. So, let me start our story from the very beginning.My name is Abbie Thompson. I'm nineteen and a freshman at Utica University, majoring in English lit. Reading and writing have always been a passion of mine, but what I write I keep secret because I fear my friends and family will judge me. I’m the daughter of the beta of Blue Ridge, but my twin brother Andrew is next in line for that position, while I’m left to hope that I find a worthy mate who can help carry on my bloodline.You see, in front of everyone, I'm a shy, nerdy girl with mousy brown hair and blue eyes. My light skin is peppered with freckles that just add to the nerdy thing. And my body, well, it's average, I guess. I have curves in all the right places, making me nothing like all the other she-wolves of my pack who are lean and muscular. However, by night, I'm an erotic author obsessed with everything sexual.It is my best-kept secret, or at least, it was until my brother decided to bring William and Austin into our lives. It was because they found out what I wrote that we ended up doing such things, but I can't say that I hate it. Instead, they're fulfilling all my fantasies and helping inspire me. They're my muses, and if they want it, I'm more than willing to give it as long as they keep bringing my fantasies to life. And this story is about how I became their dirty little secret.

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[Abbie's POV] “That's it. Move your hips just like that, good girl.” William's strong, calloused fingers dig into my hips as he speaks, sending waves of pain and pleasure through me. “You're getting better at this.” Whimpering, I feel an orgasm beginning to build, but before I can scream out, Austin's hand wraps around the back of my head, leading my mouth to his waiting d**k. “Open up, beautiful.” He murmurs, twisting his fingers in my hair. “Don't show William all the attention.” Nodding, I open my mouth, allowing him to bury himself in me while William takes control beneath me. Together, they move, thrusting their hips in sync, driving me absolutely wild with each movement until I’m coming completely undone. If you were to ask me a mere few weeks ago if I saw myself ever being in this situation with two of the most popular guys in our college and the alpha heirs of my pack, I would have said no. But here I was, greedily taking whatever they would give me. How did I get here? How did we end up in this situation? Well, I guess I have my twin brother Andrew to blame. If he had never befriended these two, I was certain they wouldn't have even laid their sights on me, but since they did, I was now nothing more than their dirty little secret and their plaything. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This isn't where we began, and I'm certain this isn't where we will end. So, let me start our story from the very beginning. My name is Abbie Thompson. I'm nineteen and a freshman at Utica University, majoring in English lit. Reading and writing have always been a passion of mine, but what I write I keep secret because I fear my friends and family will judge me. I’m the daughter of the beta of Blue Ridge, but my twin brother Andrew is next in line for that position, while I’m left to hope that I find a worthy mate who can help carry on my bloodline. You see, in front of everyone, I'm a shy, nerdy girl with mousy brown hair and blue eyes. My light skin is peppered with freckles that just add to the nerdy thing. And my body, well, it's average, I guess. I have curves in all the right places, making me nothing like all the other she-wolves of my pack who are lean and muscular. However, by night, I'm an erotic author obsessed with everything s****l. It is my best-kept secret, or at least, it was until my brother decided to bring William and Austin into our lives. It was because they found out what I wrote that we ended up doing such things, but I can't say that I hate it. Instead, they're fulfilling all my fantasies and helping inspire me. They're my muses, and if they want it, I'm more than willing to give it as long as they keep bringing my fantasies to life. And this story is about how I became their dirty little secret. Three Weeks Earlier “Yes, that's it.” I whisper, my fingers clicking rapidly at my keyboard as the scene I’m writing appears in my mind. “Just like that,” I continue, feeling my body come alive. “This is absolute perfection.” This manuscript would be absolutely perfect. A story about a threesome with step-siblings was so taboo that the readers would eat it up. If I had to wager, I'd say it was my best story yet. Sighing, I sit back, rereading what I've written, taking in each and every word while my core throbs with desire, begging for some attention after composing something so raunchy. Smirking, I reach into the drawer of my desk, preparing to grab my pocket rocket, but stop as the sound of the front door opening reaches me and my brother’s familiar essence presses against my skin. “Abbie!” My twin brother Andrew calls, ruining the moment. “Is dinner ready yet?” Eyes widening, I look at the time and realize that I was so engrossed in my manuscript that I completely lost track of time. “Shit.” I hiss, jumping up, rushing out of my room, and taking the stairs two at a time. “Sorry!” I gasp when I reach Andrew. “I was…” I don't finish my words as two smoking hot men who are known as the princes of our college stroll in. “Wah…” I rasp, trying to make sense of what is happening. “Why are…” Why were William and Austin Finch here, and why were they with my brother? I mean, I guess as the alpha heirs of Blue Ridge they would know of Andrew since he was the beta heir, but for them to hang, that was a bit… Everyone knew about the twin princes. They were celebrities in our college as not only the future heirs of our pack but also heirs of a large company that their family built from the ground up, whose good looks outshone most male celebrities. To say they were blessed was an understatement. They were kissed by the goddess herself. With their six-foot-something height, green eyes, tan skin, and broad build, they looked like Greek gods. And they were smart, so smart, they stayed at the top of our classes at all times. Even their combat prowess was above everyone else. They excelled at everything they did and left the rest of us in the dust. “Why are you just dazing there?” My brother huffs, snapping me out of my shock. “I asked you a question.” “What question?” I ask, continuing to take in the twins. “I don't…” “Dinner!” Andrew snaps. “Is it ready?” “Is it… what?” I keep my gaze fixed on the princes’, allowing my mind to wander to places it shouldn't, and when the side of William's luscious lips twitch, I feel my heart skip a beat. “Is she alright?” He asks, turning his gaze to my brother. “She seems a bit...” “Lame?” Austin offers, causing the three men to laugh and finally snapping me out of my daze. Shit. What the hell was I even doing, ogling the twins where they could see it? This wasn't the same as at school, when I could hide and admire them from afar without them noticing. This was right in front of them! “I haven't,” I finally respond, feeling my cheeks flush bright red. “I'll get on it now!” “Before that, you might want to change.” Andrew says as Austin and William snicker. Frowning, I look down and feel a ferocious blush rush across my cheeks as I realize I’m in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and underwear. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” I gasp, pulling at the hem of the shirt, trying to hide my exposed thighs. “How could you...” “I don’t know,” William says, his full lips curling into a smile, dimpling his cheeks, and his golden eyes darkening. “It isn’t so bad.” “Ew,” Andrew groans, grimacing. “Don’t be disgusting.” At his words, the three laugh and head toward Andrew’s room, which is on the bottom floor of our shared townhome. And it’s only when they’re out of sight that I rush up the stairs and into my room, where I collapse on the ground while wishing it would open up and swallow me whole. “Why?” I whimper, slamming my fist against the floor. “Why, why, why?” Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. How was it possible that I just made a complete fool of myself in front of the most eligible bachelors in our school? How was I supposed to face them now? “Avoidance,” I murmur, knowing that was the only option. “Avoid them like the plague!” “Abbie!” Andrew’s voice bellows from down below. “Quit trying to beat through the damned floor and get to cooking.” “I’m coming!” I snap, jumping up and quickly throwing on some leggings and a cute sweat. “Avoidance,” I repeat as I head down the stairs. “After I finish feeding them.”

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