
1443 Words
[Abbie’s POV] “See you after class!” Austin’s voice echoes behind me, drawing whatever eyes weren’t on me to me. Cursing inwardly, I duck my head, rush to my first period classroom, and then collapse in my seat, resting my head on the desk. “I’m exhausted.” I sigh, closing my eyes. “Abbie!” Jerking, I lift my head to find Heather, my one and only friend in this place, rushing toward me. Her eyes sparkle with promise, and I’m certain she has gotten wind about what is happening between me and the twin princes. “You naughty girl.” She giggles, taking a seat beside me. “How did you do it?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I respond, sitting up and beginning to pull out my books. “What is it that I’ve done?” For a moment, Heather doesn’t speak as she just stares me down, her gaze screaming that I’m full of s**t. “The twin princes,” she huffs, leaning closer. “Word on campus is that you’ve managed to seduce them. You’ve been the hot topic. I was only gone for a few days, and this is what I’ve come back to.” “It’s just a big misunderstanding.” I say, not wanting to discuss the twin princes. Even I was having a hard time coming to terms with what the hell was going on. “They’re just friends with my brother, so they’re being nice to me.” “Bullshit,” Heather laughs just as the bell for first period rings, saving me from her interrogation. “This isn’t over.” Giving me a look that screams promise, she bounces up and heads to her seat, and when she sits down, her gaze comes to rest on me again, and I can just see the promise of more pestering when class ends. “f*****g princes.” I growl, turning my attention to the front of the room. For the rest of class, I let myself get lost in the lesson until Professor Groves announces that we should switch seats so we sit with our partners for the project. Of course Desmond doesn’t bother moving, leaving me with no choice but to go to him. “Hey,” I announce when I reach and plop down in my new seat. “I’m…” “Don’t care,” Desmond yawns, shifting his sleeping position for ultimate comfort. Frowning, I eye my partner as he completely ignores me. Dammit. Why was I suddenly surrounded by so many difficult men? Was this some type of divine punishment? “Um,” I try, not willing to give up since our cooperating with one another would determine whether or not I passed this class. “I know that it is kind of annoying that we have to work in groups, let alone groups we didn’t pick, but...” “I said I don’t care.” Desmond growls, lifting his head enough to shoot me a glare. “I don’t plan on doing this f*****g project, so there’s no point in you…” “No dice,” I snap, my anger spiking. “You will be doing this project.” At my words, Desmond’s expression shifts from annoyed to downright angry, and I feel a chill race down my spine. However, I don’t budge, keeping my defiant gaze fixed on him. If he thought he was going to intimidate me, he was wrong. Even if he didn’t give two shits if he passed this class, I cared, and I wasn’t about to let a lazy partner stop me. “My future depends on this class.” I continue now. “And because of that, I’m not going to just sit back and accept that you won’t be helping.” “And how do you intend to make me do something?” He asks, smirking. Swallowing, I try to ignore how freaking handsome he looks with one side of his lip twitched up and his cheek dimpled. Was this why he frowned so much? Because he almost looked angelic when he smiled. “I…” I begin, trying to come up with something. “I’ll haunt you.” I continue, deciding that irritation was my best course of action. “I’ll follow you around wherever you go and will only stop when you agree to help me.” “Is that so?” He chuckles, sitting up fully so I can take in the whole of his handsome face, which has a few marks on it from his desk. “And you think that will make me help you?” “Who knows.” I didn’t know if it would work, and honestly, I didn’t even want to do this. Why the hell did Professor Groves have to pick our partners for us? I would much rather work with Heather since I knew that she was a diligent student. Desmond doesn’t bother responding after that, and when the bell rings, he gets up and begins to move while I scramble to follow behind. But before I can even begin to make good on my threat, I am intercepted by Austin, who waits in front of my class. “Kitten!” He calls, making us the center of attention. “How was class?” “A-Austin,” I gasp, quickly peeking around. “What are you doing?” “Didn’t I say I would see you after class?” He responds, frowning. “What are you not happy to see me here? That hurts, Kitten, especially after we were beginning to…” “Sssssshhhhhh,” I hiss, rushing forward and grabbing his wrist. “Could you please try to be more discreet?” Not waiting for a response, I begin to move, pulling him through the hall while the rest of the student body simply watches, but I don’t stop. I feel like a criminal trying to hide my evil deed when in all actuality I didn’t even do anything! And it is only when I find an abandoned hall that I finally stop and whirl on him. “You can’t be doing that!” I snap, unable to hold my temper in any longer. “Didn’t I already say that yours and William’s presence around me was making life difficult?” “You did,” Austin confirms, slowly looking around. “But wasn’t us helping you not become a target part of the deal?” Opening my mouth, I prepare to confirm what he said, but before I can, he is moving toward me, causing me to scurry backwards until my back presses against a wall. Smirking, Austin pins me in place while he licks his lips seductively. “So, if I can’t show my affection in public, does that mean that I can show it in private?” As he speaks, he leans forward, trailing his tongue along my ear and then taking it between his teeth, causing a squeak of shock to escape me as my core throbs with desire. “What are you doing?” I rasp, finding myself unable to move. “I didn’t mean that at all.” “Are you sure?” He asks, continuing his attack by pressing his hand on my throat and running it up to my jaw so he can gently cup it. “Because you don’t seem to be fighting me off.” Mayday, mayday, my brain screams as Austin begins to lean forward, his head dipping, slowly blocking out the world around us, but my body doesn’t move. Doesn’t make to break this contact or stop Austin from doing what he is about to do. “You’re not saying anything, kitten,” he husks, gently placing his lips against mine. “Should I take that as permission to continue?” “N…” I begin, but don’t get the chance to finish as Austin’s lips press against mine, first gently, tentatively, and then firmly and almost harsh. Instantly, the world around us disappears as my body almost comes alive with excitement over such a simple action. “You smell divine, kitten.” Austin husks, taking my bottom lip between his teeth. “Are you really this sensitive, or is it that perverted brain coming alive?” Neither. Both. I didn’t know! How was I supposed to decipher why I was doing this and even liking it when I was so damn inexperienced? With each passing minute, Austin’s kiss grows more intense, as does his urgency and need. And when his arms drop and his hands cup my ass, I know I’m done for.
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