Go Forward With The Game

1341 Words
[Austin’s POV] I lay in bed, listening intently to the arguing that is taking place just down the hall. Apparently the two of them were too f*****g into it to even realize that they could be heard. Oh well, this was too damn good to not be in on, and now I had some leverage on my brother to go along with my plan to claim Abbie. “Oh, William,” I laugh, getting up and heading out of my room just in time to see Bianca crashing out of William’s room in anger. “You’ve been a naughty boy.” Smirking, I watch as Bianca rushes past me, not even bothering to say a word. “Have a good evening!” I call at her retreating form before turning to see my brother watching me with a look that just screams annoyance. “Don’t look at me like that,” I laugh, moving forward and shoving my way into his room, which reeks of s*x. “I was minding my own business, trying to sleep, when the two of you disturbed me.” “What do you want?” William huffs, heading to his dresser and grabbing a cigarette. “I know you aren’t just going to keep quiet without a price.” “You’re right.” I confirm, following him out onto his balcony. “My silence doesn’t come cheap.” Letting out a growl, William lights his cigarette and takes a long drag on it. Blowing out a cloud of smoke, he turns his gaze to me and waits as I wait for him to ask me what I wanted. “Name it,” he finally says, clearly not in the mood for my antics. “Whatever it is, I’ll agree.” “Our game,” I say slowly, drawing William’s gaze to me. “You’ll agree to the new target.” Growing quiet, I wait as William stares me down, clearly considering what to say. Since finding out that Abbie was the one I was interested in, he was opposed, but I wasn’t willing to give up on it, not when she was making the chase so much fun. “What are you so f*****g determined to destroy her?” William asks. “Don’t you know what could happen if anyone found out?” “That’s why they won’t.” I point out. “We’ll have our fun with her and then end things just like we always do.” This was what my brother and I did. We paid no mind to the she-wolves that wanted us and went after the ones who showed the slightest bit of resistance, insisting that they were pure; they were the ones who became the biggest sluts, and it was wonderful to see them like that. But Abbie was different from those since she secretly wrote such naughty things. I couldn’t help but wonder if someone so innocent and untainted by the hands of a man would do the things she wrote about or if she was simply all bark and no bite. Just the thought of finding out which she was left me giddy with anticipation. “And if she even threatens to tell anyone, we will have the videos.” That was another part of mine and William’s game. When we picked our target and had our way with her, we recorded everything, keeping it with us in case they tried to run and tell others of what we did with them and then dropped them. It was a ruthless game of cat and mouse, but in the end everyone had fun before we went our separate ways. It was strictly physical, and that was how we liked it. “Alright,” William finally sighs, finishing off his cigarette and stubbing it out. “But haven’t you already f****d it up by making her a target at school?” “Whoops,” I chuckle, remembering that I did tease her a bit. “Then shall I propose a different game? This one involves her becoming our shield.” “Shield.” William repeats. “What the hell are you going on about?” “Hasn’t Rachel been particularly insistent recently?” If he thought I didn’t know about Rachel’s advances, he was wrong. Of course she would be doing everything she could to get close to William, especially when our father was good friends with her father and wanted her and William to get together in order to connect our packs. As the daughter of the alpha of Moon Stone, Rachel was strong, and she would most certainly create a strong heir with William. “She has become too clingy,” William confirms in annoyance. “Then isn’t my plan perfect?” I chuckle. “We use Abbie as a shield against the irritating women, including Rachel and Bianca.” At my words, William’s expression grows dark, and if I didn’t know any better, I would assume that he was considering killing me to keep me quiet. “Hey,” I say, holding up my hands. “I don’t give a s**t what you do with her, but it would be bad if dad found out his new favorite toy was f*****g his son.” “It won’t be happening again.” William says slowly, kicking off the wall of the balcony and heading back in the room. “And I’m agreeing to your ridiculous choice for our game for my own selfish reasons. To get that b***h Bianca to not appear in front of me again, I need to show her I’m with another woman.” “Whatever your reason, I don’t really care.” I chuckle. “As long as you don’t keep Abbie all to yourself, you can do what you want.” “Like I would do that,” William says, plopping down on his bed. “In the end, this whole thing will simply be for convenience.” “Right, convenience.” I laugh, turning and heading out of the room. “Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better.” “What do you mean?” William snaps, but I ignore him, heading out into the hall and back to my room, where I flop down on my bed. “Let the games begin,” I laugh, closing my eyes so Abbie’s face appears. “I can’t wait to ruin you, kitten.” The next day, I wake up early and head out, making my way to Andrew’s house, where I knew the kitten was certainly getting ready for school. However, when I arrive, I find that William is already there waiting, and when he spots me, he simply nods. “Well, well,” I laugh, taking a seat beside him. “Someone’s not wasting any time.” “I could say the same.” He counters as the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs reaches us. "Oh, look, our princess has arrived. Good morning!” I call when Abbie makes it to the bottom of the stairs and freezes. "Oh, don’t look at me that way,” I chuckle, getting up and going over to join her. “Especially when I came all this way to walk you to school.” “Walk… To school.” She repeats, her eyebrows crinkling adorably. “Aren’t you here for Andrew?” “He left already,” William points out, coming over to join us. “Something about walking to school with a woman.” “Andrew,” the kitten growls, annoyance flashing on her features. “Sorry, but I’m fine to walk to school on my own,” she continues, trying to force a smile. “Thank you both, but...” “Nonsense,” I say, hooking an arm in hers. “We’re already here, so we might as well go together. Isn’t that right, William?” “It is,” he agrees, surprising me and hooking an arm around Abbie’s neck. “Come on, otherwise we are going to be late.”
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