Chapter 7

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Melissa Eden. “ You’re doing the exact opposite of what I said Melissa.” Nicholas’s voice was so loud, I was sure the people down the hall could hear him. He had told Grace to take me shopping in preparation for the party tomorrow but I was too tired to do anything so I was here instead. I had suddenly developed a fever after crying for almost an hour so I obviously couldn’t go shopping with Grace even if I wanted to. “ Can you not raise your voice here? I’m not in the mood for all that.” My insides were beginning to turn at his tone and the ache in my head was getting worse. Nicholas is taken aback by my guts, clearly surprised that I could talk back to him after what happened last night. I think the fever gave me extra bravery or something. Cause I didn’t know where this was coming from. “ What do you think is going to happen to you when my father finds out that you’re disobeying his order. He has been kind enough to throw a party to celebrate your arrival tomorrow and here you are, being an ungrateful bitch.” My head snaps at his choice of words. Kind enough? Ungrateful? Me? Did he also believe that the party tomorrow was to celebrate me or was he just trying to patronize me? “ You know, I find it strange that with how desperate you are for respect and power, you act like an i***t. Is that what daddy told you? Or is that what you want me to believe Nicholas?” I use every strength in me to raise my voice at him, already frustrated with how he was trying to control me. “ Melissa!” He screams at me causing me to scream right back at him. “What!” I retort and before I can process what I just did, I feel a sting on my face. *SLAP* Did he just? Nicholas runs a hand through his hair before he launches at me again but this time he has me on a choke hold. Not so tight, but tight enough for me to feel the pain. “ You listen to me. The next time you use that tone with me, I’ll do something worse than this. I promise you that Melissa and one more thing, I am not a daddy’s boy okay? I respect my father and his decisions, only a fool wouldn’t. ” His face is a few inches away from mine, his breath fanning over my face. You could see the flames from his anger as his eyes had shifted from grey to light brown indicating that he could wolf out at any minute. I try my best to not waver at his tone not wanting to look weak and scared but the ache in my head causes me to feel lightheaded with all the yelling I just did. His hold on my neck not making it easier. I feel myself slowly loosing my consciousness and for a minute I feel happy. At least this was going to make him go away. His presence sickened me. “ What the f**k is wrong with you?” I hear his voice one last time in the background as everything fades away and I slump to the ground. “But it’s my birthday today mum, Dad please. You both can’t leave. Please.” “ We need to this honey, please understand.” My mother’s voice cracks. “ We’ll be back before your birthday is over, Okay Mel? We lover you, don’t forget that.” “ No, no, no.” I cry frantically, screaming and shouting at my parents not to go but it’s almost like they can’t hear me. Melissa! Melissa?! “ No!” I scream as Grace’s worried face comes into view. “ You’re alright honey, you’re alright.” She says pulling me in for hug in an attempt to calm me down. I didn’t even realize that I was crying. Why did I suddenly dream about my parents after all these years? I try my best to not think about them because I was still angry at them for leaving me all alone in this crazy world. I was still in my room but now on the bed. The last thing I could remember was me slumping in front of Nicholas. Nicholas? Where did that son of a devil go? “ He’s not here. He called me in when you fainted. What happened?” Grace said, as though she heard my thoughts. I could tell that she was extremely worried and even though I could trust her, I didn’t think it wise to tell her that I was hit by Nicholas. “ Nothing much. I just felt dizzy.” I say in a sorry attempt to lie but she is quick to catch on. “ I knew you would say that. Melissa, You have a red mark on your face and neck. Do you think I’m stupid?” She gestures towards my right cheek and shows me the red marks on my neck through a mirror and I bow my head in defeat, my hands trying to cover up the marks. “ He hit you.” She states, her eyes going wide. “ Oh my God Melissa.” She starts panicking, her hands covering her mouth in disbelief. Her reaction was beginning to scare me. Was there something I didn’t know about? “ What is it Grace?” She looked like she was thinking about something related to this, her eyes already beginning to tear up. “ Grace?!” She jerks back to reality, her already worried face looking even more worried, if that was possible. “ He’s just like his father.” She starts, her head shaking in disappointment. “ What do you mean?” I already knew that Nicholas was as terrible as his father but she looked like she was talking about something different. “ Betty. Nicholas’s mother.” She says. I had not heard even a single word about Nicholas’s mother, I was beginning to think he didn’t have one. “ Just like you, she was a mate to the Alpha. But, she wasn’t loved by him. The alpha doesn’t love anyone Melissa, he couldn’t even love his mate. ” She says dishearteningly. “ My mother said that she was abused by her mate, the alpha, sexually and physically as he would rape her when she wouldn’t let him come close to her and finish it off with a round or two of beatings that would sometimes leave her unconscious.” “ Mother begged her to leave but Betty couldn’t because her soul was tied to her horrible mate. This continued until Betty eventually got pregnant. He stopped the abuse for a while because he didn’t want anything to happen to his son, the heir to the pack. He would spoil her with gifts and shower her with praises that everyone thought that he had changed from his horrible ways but a few months after Nicholas was born, he continued with the assault which resulted in Betty’s death. He told everyone that she killed herself but my mum who knew everything that transpired said that it was far from the truth.” By the time Grace was done speaking, I was left speechless. The alpha killed his wife, mate and mother to his child? “ The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree Melissa. It was just a little hit today but nobody knows what it will become tomorrow. You should leave him while you still can. My mother wasn’t able to save Betty, I won’t make that mistake.” Grace says with all certainty, her eyes showing that she meant every word. I want to believe her but she’s as powerless as me, maybe even more. The only thing she had was her wolf and from the look of it, she wasn’t strong enough to fight off Nicholas. She couldn’t fight him off even if she wanted to. That would be putting her life in danger and she was also a member of his pack, by going against him, she would be labelled as a traitor by all and hunted down until she is killed. She shouldn’t have to risk her life for me. I was already doomed from the beginning. No one can save me from this hell. No one but me. Will Nicholas become like his father or will he be turn out to be even worse?
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