Chapter 6

1411 Words
Melissa Eden. “ This is Melissa Eden, my mate.” Nicholas presents me like a gift, his face showing nothing but pride. He was like a child waiting for a reward from their parent. The older Slade takes a few steps closer to me before bursting into a huge fit of laughter, surprising everyone present. He continues for a few seconds before his laughter slowly dies down. “ Come here.” He says, gesturing towards me and Nicholas nudges me at the side. I suddenly remember what he said about not upsetting his father and I quickly move towards him. Moving around me in a perverted way, he shakes his head in approval. “ This is good news Nicholas.” He starts, a proud smile glued to his face. “ After years of searching, my son, your future Alpha has finally found his mate. A beautiful one at that.” A round of laughter accompanies his last statement. “ We should celebrate yes? ” He says looking around, earning cheers and claps from the wolves present while I just stood there like the gift I was. “ Prepare for a party tomorrow son. I want everyone in the werewolf kingdom to be present. It’s high time we remind them why the Black Moon Pack is and will always be number one! ” He shouts and the entire pack replies with a roar of joy. “ Besides, she is to pretty to be kept hidden isn’t she.” He strolls back to me with a smile that is reluctantly returned. Nicholas who overwhelmed with joy by his father’s reaction to the news nods his head in reply to his father’s statement. That annoying smile never leaving his face. Not once did Mr Slade, Nicholas’s father allow me speak. Is this how things were done in packs? When the whole charade dies down and everyone evacuates the room, including Nicholas who follows his father to God knows where, I drop a message to Grace. I needed a friend right now although that wasn’t the only reason, I wanted to know who the man I saw her with earlier was to her. Did she also have a mate in this pack? A few agonizing hours later, Grace walks into the room. A weird smile dancing on her lips. Grace was the only person in the house that had unrestricted access to my room and I was more than grateful for that. She also had a key to the room so she could come to my rescue in cases of emergency. “ Care to share Grace? What has your panties up in a twist?” I lazily ask. For some reason, I was already tired. “ It’s a joyous occasion Melissa, you should be happy.” She grins sheepishly. I on the other hand couldn’t understand why she was so happy. “ The alpha announced that we would be hosting a party tomorrow. In your honor. What could be better than that.” She continues, scooting closer to me. A chuckle leaves my lips as I shake my head in disbelief. “ Is that what you guys have been telling yourselves?” I ask referring to the other wolves. “ You have no idea Melissa. Everyone is so jealous of you right now. Especially Eugene, she’s fuming mad.” Grace’s excitement is almost contagious but I know better. “ Oh Grace. Did you not see what happened? Your alpha doesn’t care about me. He is only proud of his son for finding a mate. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even remember my name.” I finish off with another lazy laugh. “ The alpha doesn’t care about anyone but the success of the pack. What matters is that you’re going to be the center of the attention tomorrow. ” Her eyes twinkle with happiness. “ I would make the best of it if I were you.” She says playfully. “ Lucky for you, you’re not.” I sigh. Grace wasn’t wrong. Everyone is going to be looking at me tomorrow, passing different judgements on me. What if they all find out that I don’t have a wolf? I am so not ready for all of that but what choice do I have. * Sigh* “ You do know we have a lot to do in preparation for tomorrow.” Grace suddenly says, her expression showing that she was definitely more excited about this party than I was. “ Don’t tell me I’ll be planning the party too.” I ask jokingly. It was very possible in this house, they always found a new way to surprise me. “No, no, not that.” Grace says in between laughs. “ You just need to sit there and enjoy the party like a queen, which you already are my Luna.” She teases making me roll my eyes. I don’t even think I deserve to be called a Luna when I wasn’t being treated like one. “ We’ll need to get you a dress for tomorrow. There’s so much to be done Melissa. So much.” She rambles on, her facial expression switching from an excited one to a horrified one from time to time. “ We’ll do all that Grace, we still have some time left. I’m really tired now.” I say giving her my ‘ tired ’ face, hoping she gives in. “ But Grace, who was the man next to you?” My curiosity gets the better of me. “ From what I saw, you guys are really close with each other. Is he your mate?” I scoot even closer to her with an inquisitive look on my face. If she had a mate in the pack house, why was she a maid and not a normal pack member like the others? Grace immediately turns red at my question, her eyes looking everywhere but at me. “ That’s uh—That’s Dylan.” She says slowly. “ You’re right, he is my mate.” “ No way... You have a mate and you didn’t even tell me? I thought we were friends.” I feign hurt. Okay, maybe I was a little hurt. “ I—I thought you knew. ” She defends. “ Every werewolf gets their mate during their teen years. It’s a known fact.” She clarifies and it finally dawns on me that I was the strange one. “ You’re right. I don’t know why I forgot about that. ” I say. “ Do you love him?” Grace looks at me like I suddenly grew two heads before bursting into a fit of laughter taking me by surprise. “ What’s so funny.” I ask, unknowingly joining her in the process. “ Of course I’m in love with Dylan. He’s my soulmate Melissa.” Her laughter dies down, allowing her speak. “ My heart, soul and body belongs to him and his to me. Just like you and alpha Nicholas. I know you don’t exactly like Nicholas because of how be treats you but that doesn’t change the fact that he was given to you by the moon goddess. ” She says. “ I am really happy for you, Grace. ” I say genuinely. From the way Dylan held and looked at her, you could tell that he was completely in love with her. That was something I could never get. Grace tells me the story of how they met, answering my question unknowingly in the process. Apparently, her parents were workers in the pack house until they were both sent to Australia to work there. Her mother was a cook and her father, a driver. She was born in this house as a maid by default. Dylan, who was a close friend of Nicholas also grew up in this same house. According to her, they had always known, even as children, that they were meant for each other. She became official with him on her 18th birthday and they have been inseparable since then. I found myself sobbing by the time she was done, wishing I had even a little of her luck. I was jealous of Grace. She had such a perfect life and she was just a maid. If I could switch places with her, I would in a heartbeat. “ Oh Melissa, come here.” Grace pulls me in for a tight hug, allowing my tears flow freely. I hate my life.
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