
The Lycan King Runaway Mate

another world

“ I am Julian Cage. Your new mate.”

Melissa’s life is about to turn around when she is given a mate after six years of waiting. Her mate turns out to be a thorn in her flesh and she is rewarded with a new mate after months of suffering but..... One thing leads to another and she has a one night stand with a stranger. She ends up pregnant and is torn in between two mates; The Lycan king and the Alpha of the Black Moon Pack. One is responsible for her parents death and another makes her life a living hell.

What will her choice be?

Is the Lycan king responsible for her parents or was it all a lie? Who is the stranger from that night?

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Chapter 1
Melissa Eden *Footsteps* The wind slaps my face in an unpleasant manner causing me to groan, annoyed with everything already and now, the wind to? “ I just love my life.” I say, sarcasm evident in my voice. I continue walking to my everyday job at the bonkers, that’s if you want to call it a Job but it does nothing more than sustain me. Hell, I can barely sustain myself but it’s better than being Jobless and dying of starvation. One could say I have a sad life. I’m sure I could make any child cry if I told them my story. *Chuckles* My name is Melissa Eden, a 22 year old werewolf. I don’t even think I deserved to be called one anymore. *Sigh*. You might be wondering why I have a ‘miserable’ life if I really am a werewolf, you know, cause werewolves are supposed to be belong to a pack and BLA BLA BLA. Oh, let’s not forget how I’m supposed to have found my mate and also gotten my wolf seven years ago. Well, I’m mateless, wolfless and packless. To top it all, I’m an Orphan with no family to call mine. I lost my parents on the day of my 16th birthday, the day my I was supposed to get my wolf. They were brutally killed by an unknown pack at while saving a stranger. It was almost like they knew they were going to die. I remember begging them with teary eyes to not leave me alone at the house on my birthday but they said their mission was more important, apparently, the stranger whose life was in danger was to be protected at all cost. They promised to come back to me after the mission was carried out successfully but what returned to the house was the police, carrying news that both my parents had died.. That memory is still bitter, even up until this day. I swore to avenge their death and look for the killers but my life took a different turn and right now, surviving is first on my list. The clan my parents belonged to kicked me out for not having a wolf, according to them a werewolf was useless without a wolf. They weren’t wrong, I just had so much bad luck around me that I couldn’t even be a proper werewolf. I knew I was going to get my wolf and also find my mate one day, but how long was it going to take! I had no friends because no wolf wanted to be with a someone like me and humans were scared of me. I didn’t fit into any world, the world of werewolves despised me and the humans feared and stayed away from me, so yeah my life is pretty miserable if you ask me. It is a miracle that I even got this job at the bonkers. It wasn’t the best but it kept me from going hungry so it was okay. I worked as a waitress and got paid 50 dollars per hour, so how much I get paid in a day was dependent on how many hours I was willing to work for. My Job was pretty simple yet difficult. All I had to do was take orders from people and serve them exactly what they ordered. Sounds easy right? *Chuckles* Well it isn’t. At the bonkers, there are only three waitresses, myself, Chloe and Maryanne. Considering how packed the restaurant always is, this is a really small number and even after so many complaints the manager has refused to hire more workers. Chloe was the definition of a real life mean girl. She was a beautiful blonde, with a really slim figure, who liked to think she was the queen of the world. She was a werewolf like me, but only I knew cause the rest of the workers including Maryanne were all humans and only werewolves could identify other werewolves. I think her knowing I was a werewolf who hadn’t gotten her wolf yet added to why she disliked me, other than that, she was just a total b***h. “ Hey, you good?” Maryanne snaps me out of my daze. I have been having a lot on my mind these days so I zoned out frequently. “ Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.” I say quickly giving her a quick look before turning around to get changed and ready for the day’s work. Maryanne was a really sweet person and had tried being friends with me but knowing how she would react if she were to find out that I am a werewolf, I try my best to not get too close to her. “ You’ve been having that blank stare for a while now Melissa. Are you sure everything is okay?” She continued, her face showing genuine concern. “ Personal issues Maryanne, I’m fine.” I say, my tone coming out a bit harsher than intended. Mariam flinches, hurt by my harshness and reluctance to open up to her despite so many attempts. I expected her to give up already but she always came back, no matter how much I pushed her away. I felt sorry for her but I couldn’t help it, the moment she finds out I’m a werewolf, she’ll want nothing to do with me. She might even hate me. They always do once they find out who I truly am. “ We should go, we already have customers waiting.” Maryanne says taking one last look at her uniform before heading for the door. I follow shortly after her and see that we’re already packed. Not that I was surprised, it was breakfast time and a lot of early office workers who barely have time to prepare food always come here to eat. The same with lunch and dinner, so the only time we don’t get lots of customers is between 3-6, when everyone is still at work. It was already 7:46 and Chloe hadn’t still checked in. She was supposed to have clocked in around 7, our usual opening time but her royal majesty does things at her own time. Not that I care but her being late always puts more work load on I and Maryanne since our rush hour starts by 7:15am, when we officially open the restaurant. This means that I and Maryanne had been doing her work for almost thirty minutes now. We’re already used to it since the manager doesn’t query her no matter what we tell him. Well, werewolves have the ability to do that, so I heard but since I haven’t gotten my wolf, I can’t really do what the others can. It’s finally 10am, which means we had about 2 hours to rest before lunch time. Not that we didn’t have other customers, it just wasn’t as full as breakfast. Since Chloe was serving the 10am customers, seeing as she arrived only an hour ago, she was kind enough to do this much alone. I and Maryanne were free until 12 so we used the time to have a little food. I only realized as the food touched entered my mouth that I was hungry as hell. I barely get enough time to prepare breakfast so I always eat here at the bonkers first thing when I get here but today, I had a lot going on in my head that I forgot about breakfast. We were in the inner room that was only accessible to the staff here at the bonkers when Chloe suddenly came in looking all worked up. “ It’s just 10:36, how can there be so much people already.” She complained loudly earning a scoff from Maryanne. I wanted to join in laughing at her complaints but I knew better than to annoy a werewolf as conceited as Chloe. Not wanting any drama, I volunteer to help her out with the customers. Going back into the restaurant I realize that Chloe was indeed right, it was more full than usual, this wasn’t the first time this happened but it was really rare. One of the best part about being a waitresses is that you get lots of tips from customers. If you’re nice to then, you get bigger tips and that’s exactly how I was. I always made sure to be extremely polite to the customers because I really needed those tips to add to my salary. I needed all the money I could get cause I had so much bills to pay and my college debt that I was still paying off. The downside of it, is that you get looked down on and disrespected a lot. Not that I’m not used to this already. Ever since my 16th birthday, I’ve been disrespected and insulted more times than I can count so this was nothing. The door to the restaurant opens and I sense something unfamiliar. My body turns to the door and I see a man who looks four or five years older than me enter the restaurant dressed in a formal attire. A jolt of electricity moves in my body and something in me gets excited. I catch a very unfamiliar but enticing scent. His eyes locks with mine and his expression changes, his eyes glowing for a second. He feels the same thing too. Could he be... After seven years, did the moon goddess finally hear my prayers?

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