Chapter 3

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Melissa Eden I was alone in a car with a man I just met, only that he was my mate who happens to hate me. We have been driving for almost an hour and it still didn’t seem like we were close to wherever we were going. The only reason I wasn’t panicking was because I knew he couldn’t cause any harm to me. “ Where are you taking me?” I finally break the disturbing silence. If he was my mate, it wouldn’t hurt to have a conversation with him. Our souls were already matched, which means that I was going to be with him for a long time. He can’t hate me forever, can he?? “ To the pack house. Your new home.” He replied taking a quick glance at me. “ The guys are going to go crazy when they see how beautiful you look.” He mutters to himself but I catch it. At least he thought I was beautiful. My facial features were far from average. I knew that much. I had a decent body shape too. One of the reasons most people instantly hate me, mostly girls, was because they saw me as a threat. I had a brownish black hair that flowed down to my waist with big blue eyes. My stomach was really flat and no matter how much it always looked like I was starving, although some people thought it was sexy. To me it looked like I had a sickness. I also got my father’s height so I wasn’t short like everyone expects girls to be. I didn’t like to brag about it or even think about it cause I had so much to worry about but I had the features of a lingerie model so I couldn’t really blame Nicholas for acting the way he was. Most men only looked at me cause they saw me as an item for pleasure. “ I must say, it isn’t so bad to have you as my mate you know.” He grins proudly. “ Apart from the fact that your beauty is all there is to you but that is enough for me. I just need to show you off.” He says carelessly without sparing me a glance. How could he say that? He didn’t even know me Goddammit. One thing that surprised me was how quick people were to judge. They take one look at me and decide that I’m nothing just because I didn’t have a wolf. Humans were the only ones that didn’t do that to me, although the moment the find out I’m a wolf, they stay away. After what felt like years, we finally get to our destination. The big gold colored gate opens to reveal a massive building. No, it was more of a mansion. With four huge pillars at the entrance and a wolf crest at the center of the main door. The entire building was covered in white paint with a little touch of black. In front, there was a waterfall surrounded by specious flowers. “ I bet more than a hundred people could live comfortably in this ” My eyes wander around, taken with the beauty. “ Actually, about a hundred people live here.” He says and my mouth almost drops to the floor. A hundred people? “ I did tell you it was a pack house. What did you expect.” He chuckled as he walked out of the car while I just sat there gazing at the beauty in front of me. “ Well, are you going to stay there forever? ” I slowly open the door, rethinking my choices. Was I ready to meet other wolves? If Chloe was a member of this pack then it meant that she must’ve already given them a heads-up about me. They could already hate me without even knowing or even seeing me. Am I to live here from now? How do I pay up my debts? What am I going to do here, seeing as I don’t have a wolf and I can’t go on expeditions with them. All these questions ran through my mind as Nicholas led me through the front door. The interior of the house was just as impressive as the exterior, maybe even more but what marveled me were the numbers of staircases around the house. The house wasn’t exactly built in a modern setting, with pillars and furnaces that looked a little old-fashioned, I could swear it looked like a palace from the 1600 but it still looked really expensive and beautiful nonetheless. There were people moving up and down the stairs, but the moment they took notice of us, Nicholas to be more precise, they all took turns in acknowledging him with a slight bow. Did they always do that? “ Attention, everyone.” Nicholas’s voice booms through the room making everyone stop in their tracks. “ I have a special announcement to make and I demand the presence of everyone in the house, immediately.” Already? In about two minutes, the room is filled with almost a hundred people, children inclusive. How on earth did that happen? I don’t think I saw anyone leave to pass the information. “ Alright.” He takes a step forward, confidence evident in his movement. I look around and see that most of the people in the room have their eyes focused on me, some whispering to each other. I wanted nothing more than to disappear at that moment. I hated the attention I was getting and he hadn’t even told them who I was yet. This was not going to end well. “ I am sure you already have questions as regards the new face in the house. Well, this is Melissa Eden. Your future Luna.” He says proudly, smiling like he just won the lottery. Gasps are heard from all corners of the room. After a while, they begin to clap and cheer simultaneously, mainly praising Nicholas for his ‘ achievement ’. Nicholas walks towards me and forcefully grabs me by the waist, continuing his speech. “ In a few days my father will return from his trip and I do not expect him to hear of this until he gets back. Do you understand.” He raises his voice even more causing me to flinch at the harshness of his tone as the occupants of the room echo a ‘ Yes sir ’. “ Good. Your dismissed.” He signals one of the women who was dressed in maids uniform. “ Prepare a room for her, she’ll be living with us from now on.” He says making my eyes go wide. As soon as the maid leaves us, I turn to him. “ You didn’t tell me about this.” I keep my voice as low as possible. “ You didn’t think you would have your normal life back did you? Well, I’m sorry to inform you but this is your life now, this is your home now. Whatever lover or friend you had before is completely meaningless now. You are my mate.” His lips were close to my ear as he spoke causing me to feel the vibration of his voice down my spine. “ Oh my, Nick- I’m hurt you know.” A blonde haired girl walks towards us with an obvious fake smile glued to her lips. “ You finally found your mate. Why happens to me now.” She says with a silly pout. Who is she? And why was she calling her boss my his name. She wasn’t even calling him his name so she must be really close to him. “ Not now Eugene.” He rudely replies as he harshly takes a hold of my hand and pulls me to wherever. ‘ It will be much appreciated if you were a little gentle with your touch sir.’ I mutter to myself. After climbing multiple stairs, much to my disdain, we arrive at a bedroom that had same aesthetics with the huge living room. They must really love the old days. Or was it a werewolf thing? “ You’ll be staying here until your room is ready. This is my room so don’t feel too comfortable. There are a few clothes in the closet for you. Take a shower and put them on. Dinner will be served at 8. Don’t be late.” He instructs before leaving the room. And If I am late to dinner? What is he going to do? Punish me? I hate my life already.
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