Chapter 2

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Melissa Eden When I was younger, my mum never failed to share her every wolf experience with me. From all her stories, my favorite was her finding my father, her mate. She never failed to tell me about it almost every day. According to her, it was the best thing that happened to her after getting her wolf. She also taught me that werewolves had the ability to identify their soulmates unlike humans. They can sense them by smell, touch and eye contact and every werewolf has a mate given to them by the moon goddess and once found, they complete you in everyway. One thing was sure, the man who just entered was definitely a werewolf. “ Are you going to stand there forever or are you going to help me out here.” Chloe whispers harshly snapping me out of my daze as the unknown man makes his way towards me, a knowing smirk on his face. For some reason, my legs didn’t seem to understand that I had hungry customers waiting for me. It was like everything in me was happy to see him. I was a hundred percent sure that if I had a wolf, she would have been howling already. He continues walking to me, now with a confused look. He turns to Chloe and they both nod knowingly. It was almost as though they were having a mind communication. Not that I would be surprised, wolves had the ability to communicate using their minds. It was almost the same as a phone call only that it doesn’t ring. I won’t be able to experience this, not until I get my wolf at least. “ Melissa Eden.” The unknown man says, now standing before me. How did he know my name? Could wolves also do that? “ I take it you don’t have a wolf yet.” He says with a smug look, searching my eyes for whatever. I finally come to my senses, using my hands to faintly straighten my skirt. “ Uh, h-how do you know my name?” I ask, internally cursing at myself for stuttering in front of this handsome stranger who might be my mate. “ How don’t you have your wolf yet, you don’t look fifteen to me. Although I have heard that there are some rare cases, I never thought I’d see one.” He continues, ignoring my question. He didn’t look like he was interested in having a conversation with me, it was more like he was forced to. Not that I wasn’t already used to people not giving me any recognition because I was a wolfless werewolf. In the werewolf kingdom, it was a big taboo to not have a wolf at the normal period. It was seen as a curse and no one wanted to have anything to do with a cursed werewolf. “ I’m sorry Sir but I have work to do. If you’re not here to order, the door is that way.” I say harshly. He might be my mate but if he was also going to bully me like the others then he would have to leave. “ Interesting.. You’re one Feisty wolf, except you don’t actually have a wolf.” He continues, mocking me with a smug look. I feel my blood begin to boil and my anger rising. It would do me no good to act out. I was weak and he was fully aware of it. “ Please leave.” I manage to say. “ If you haven’t already figured it out yet, I’m your mate, sadly.” He says with an irritated expression. I feel my chest tighten. My eyes begin to shake and I feel the tears threatening to fall. Great, even my mate hates me. You see, I just love my life. “ My name is Nicholas Slade, the future Alpha of the Moon walkers pack and you Melissa Eden are mine.” He uses his right index finger to move a strand of my hair away from my face. THE BLACK MOON PACK? They had the largest pack territory in the whole of America, with over five hundred wolves. They were immensely feared and respected by other packs. They were the kings of all kings. Was he saying that I was to become the Luna of the pack? Me? I was too stunned to give any reply to his statement. He gives a nod to Chloe and she rushes to his side. “ She’ll be leaving with me, tell whoever owns this place, she no longer works here.” “ Wait. You can’t do that.” I begin to panic. How was I supposed to pay for my rent that was almost due? My college debt? He couldn’t just make me stop working here. And Chloe?? How did she know him? Seeing how she was obediently following his orders, she must be a member of the black moon pack. Well, that explains how he got my name. He arches his eyebrows, giving a low scoff in the process. “ Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to finally meet my mate? Ten f*****g years! I haven’t been able to inherit the alpha position from my father all because I didn’t have mate. Do you have any idea how f*****g messed up that is? ” “ It is disappointing that it has to be someone like you but it’s better than not having one at all and besides your looks can cover up your miserable predicament. Not every one gets a mate as beautiful as you.” He eyes me up and down and my insides turn. “ Chloe will take over your job from here. You’re coming with me Melissa.” Realizing that there was no need fighting this, I succumb and head inside to change out of my work uniform. Maryanne smiled widely at me as I entered the changing room. “ I was about heading out. It’s almost lunch time.” I signed, my facial expression showing my sadness. I might have been cold towards Maryanne but she definitely had a place in my heart for how kind she was to me. I was going to miss her. I slowly walk towards her and give her a goodbye hug, allowing the tears to now flow freely. “ Hey, hey, hey... It’s alright. Let it all out honey, it’s gonna be okay.” She pats my back softly making me tear up even more. How nice would it be to have someone like her as a friend. Someone to tell me everything was going to work out in the end. Someone who wouldn’t despise me for being different. I had no one. No one except Maryanne but I still couldn’t bring myself to let her in because of fear. Fear that she might change when she finds out about my true nature. After minutes of just me silently sobbing, I pull away from the hug. “ I, uh.. I’m no longer going to work here. I just wanted to say goodbye Maryanne and thank you for everything. ” I give her one last hug. “ Isn’t this a little sudden?” Her face once again showing pure concern. Since I was already leaving, it wouldn’t hurt to be nice to her. “ It is but it has to be done.” I quickly change into my normal clothes while Maryanne stands there looking like she just lost a child. “ I hope you find happiness Melissa. You’re a good person. No matter how much you try to hide that part of you it doesn’t change the fact that that’s who you really are.” She gives my hand a little squeeze before letting go. “ Goodbye Melissa.” This is all for the best. Right?
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