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Isabella and the boys were in the car Angelo and Amy were both at work so she had to pick them up. "Hey pretty Bella" Arthur said "Hey my handsome man" Isabella said "Hi Bell" Adam said "Hey buddy what's up" Isabella said "Where's mom and dad?" Arthur said "There both working so I came instead" Isabella said "Cool what are we going to do?" Adam said "Well I saw that there is a small carnival in the park you know music, face painting and petting zoo" Isabella said "Yes!" they both said Isabella smiled. "How was school for you Bella" Adam asked "Hard I was lost my first day to class but I am use to it now and the homework is even harder but you know your pretty Bella is smart" Isabella said "I got an A on my test" Adam said "I flunk out" Arthur said "Well if you want help Bell can do it and I know a trick" Isabella said "Yes" Arthur said "Pretty Bella do you have a boyfriend?" Adam said "If I had a boyfriend your daddy would chase him away" Isabella said "I would too nobody can marry our Pretty Bell" Arthur said Isabella laughed, they all joked and laugh to the central park. They spent the evening at the park. "This was so much fun" Arthur said "You should pick us up more pretty Bell" Adam said "Thanks guys, I love your face paint" Isabella said "I like you flower" Adam said "You guys ready to go home" Isabella said "Yes" Arthur said They carried their prize's back to the car and they drove home. "Momma! Dad!" Arthur and Adam yelled "My boys, did you guys have fun" Amy said "Yes, can pretty Bella start picking us up" Adam said "Yeah can she mom" Arthur said "Only if mommy and daddy are busy well let Bella pick you two up" Angelo said "You guys hungry" Amy said "I want spaghetti" Adam said "Me too" Arthur said "Oh can I help" Isabella said "Okay, you boys go on and play" Amy said Isabella and Amy went into the kitchen as they took the food out. "How's school going" Amy said "Good, I like it" Isabella said "Any boys" Amy said Isabella giggle. "No none everybody is too serious and the jocks will they just blah" Isabella said Amy laughed out, they talked and cooked after, when they were done with dinner Isabella went back to her room the boys had Amy and Angelo put them to bed as she went to do her homework as she was typing her skype was ringing. "Hi daddy" Isabella said "How you doing baby?" Demetri said "Fine the school is great and the boys are fun they showed me around the city" Isabella said "Will you back for thanksgiving" Demetri said "I can try you know I did classes from eight to nine" Isabella said "I know baby but if you can't will just come to you" Demetri said "That's fine too" Isabella said "Okay, I just called because I missed you" Demetri said "I miss you too daddy, how's everybody doing" Isabella said "There good boys are winning matches, your mom is busy with the bakery and the company is going well. Your grandpa Arthur will be there to visit soon and your other grandparents went on another vacation to some place" Demetri said "And the triplets?" Isabella said "Hunter and Enzo are working and Maria well she's just shopping and doing girl stuff" Demetri said "Is she okay? You know with the whole Giovanni thing?" Isabella asked "Yeah, looked like she's taking your mothers advice" Demetri said "I miss our movie nights daddy" Isabella said "Me too baby" Demetri said "Well give all my love to everybody" Isabella said "I will and I'll call you again sometime soon" Demetri said "Okay daddy good night love you" Isabella said "I love you too kiddo get some sleep" Demetri said Isabella nodded her head as she waved and hung up the phone, she put her computer away and laid down to get some shut eye but not before she turned on her classical music. "Bell" the man moan Isabella gasp out as he started kissing her, Isabella was moaning out. "Don't stop" Isabella moaned out "Never" he said Isabella, held on to his hands as he kept going. "Come for me Bell" he said "I'm coming" Isabella moaned out Isabella arched her back, he kept going. "Your so beautiful Bell" he said Isabella smiled, he looked at him. "Giovanni" Isabella moaned out "Say it again" Giovanni groan out "Giovanni" Isabella moaned out Isabella gasp out as she woke up from her dream. "Was it really him?" Isabella said to herself Isabella couldn't go back to sleep so she looked at the time it was one am so she got up and went towards the kitchen to get a glass of warm milk, she heard footsteps coming and saw Amy. "Can't sleep?" Amy asked Isabella couldn't take so she nodded her head, Amy saw that there was something on her mind. "Okay spill" Amy said Isabella sigh out. "Why don't I make us some coco and let's sit down" Amy said Isabella nodded her head as they went to the couch as Isabella took a sip of the drink. "I think I slept with Giovanni" Isabella said "No" Amy gasp out "Yeah, we went to the club when they all came back from school and I black out. I thought it was one of Enzo's friends because he too thought his friend was in there but I guess it wasn't" Isabella said "Wait how do you know it was him?" Amy said "I'm starting to remember" Isabella said "Oh sweetie" Amy said "I feel I don't know how I feel, I mean I had a crush on since I was 12 but I let it go because he's Maria's boyfriend and now I just feel guilty" Isabella said "Girl, you know you can't stress your heart and besides blame the alcohol they make you do stupid stuff" Amy said "I don't know how to be now around Giovanni and not to mention Maria, she cried the next day when she found out he slept with someone" Isabella said "Hey don't stress but all I can say is life happens and it's okay to make mistakes and you just got to learn from it. Besides they were not together I know it's a big no but your really can't stress Isabella just shake it off and focus on school and when your ready you can have a talk with Maria" Amy said Isabella thought for awhile and nodded her head. "Thanks Aunty" Isabella said "Anytime kiddo now get some sleep boys said something about tag and your going to need all the rest you can get" Amy said "I will good night aunty" Isabella said Amy nodded her head taking the cup from her and giving her a hug, Isabella went back to her room after the talk she felt a little at ease and was able to fall asleep.
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