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Isabela looked at Maria as she looked at her shocked, hurt then anger. "I didn't mean too Maria, I was drunk and I wanted to tell you but I didn't know it was him and you guys weren't together" Isabella said Slap, Isabella held her face as she looked at a mad Maria. "Don't you dare act like a victim Isabella because your not just because Giovanni and I weren't together doesn't mean for you go after him. He is always mine and I to him" Maria yelled Isabella gasp waking up she had cold sweats, it's been two months and she kept having the s*x dream and this was the first time she dreamt this about Maria, Isabella sigh out as she looked at the time was seven so getting out of bed she went to get ready for the day. "You look a little pale there Bella" Angelo said "Just too much on my mind with school" Isabella lied "Well take it easy, Amy and I will be working over time this weekend so you and the boys will be on your own" Angelo said "Okay, well probably just stay in since I have homework" Isabella said "Okay, see you this evening" Angelo said Isabella nodded her head as she got up grabbing her things as she made her way to school she had a full days of work a head of her. ------ "Hey baby how you doing?" Abby said Isabella was on the phone with Abby. "Good just busy with school, waiting on the cab to come so I can go home" Isabella said "You sound tired have you been taking your medications?" Abby said "Yes, I have everyday" Isabella said "Okay will your father will be there next month for work. I wanted to go but the bakery is doing so well and we got invited for a competition in London so I have to go that way" Abby said "That's great mom, I hope you guys win" Isabella said "Yes, will your Uncle Mark go invited to one too over there so he's busy but thank you for checking in on the shop" Abby said "I just missed you cakes that's all, and the boys wanted to see bakery shop too" Isabella said "How are the boys" Abby said "Awesome they are so much fun, we do a lot of stuff on weekends around the city but this weekend were just going to stay home cause I have homework and Uncle Angelo said they be working overtime these next few weeks" Isabella said "Okay baby well everybody is fine here the twins are going to state and your two brothers are working with your dad and Maria is finishing up her final year with Lucia" Abby said "How are things between her and Giovanni?" Isabella asked She bite her lips as she thought of her dream this morning. "Well they had the talk and they both agreed for now they will take time off each other, but I don't know how long it will be again till they get together again" Abby said "Sounds complicated" Isabella said "Yeah, but what about you anybody new in your life" Abby said "No just school and only boyfriend I have are Arthur and Adam telling me how pretty I am everyday" Isabella said "And what about that night have you found out who the guy is?" Abby asked "I am starting to remember but I haven't seen the face just a little blurry" Isabella lied "Well whoever he is was a lucky guy" Abby said "Yeah, hey mom my cab is here now, I'll call you again next time" Isabella said "Okay baby love and miss you" Abby said "Love and miss you too" Isabella said Isabella hung up the phone as she sigh out and got into the cab as she thought over the conversation with her mother and the dream she had. When Isabella got home she saw the boys playing she put her things away to get her mind off the dream and talk she played with them. ----- "Your dad will be here in a few days" Angelo said "I know and I can't wait" Isabella said "Your looking a little pale there you okay kiddo?" Angelo said "I'm fine, I have a debate coming up must take a lot out of me because I have to speak in public and it's just getting me nervous" Isabella said "I'm sure you will do great beside your, your father's daughter and what I know of Demetri is that he will never back down on public speaking" Angelo said "I know but I'm still a bit shy talking" Isabella said "You'll do fine, I know you will" Angelo said Isabella smiled and nodded her head as they continued eating their dinner. "Okay kiddo let me hear what you got" Angelo said Isabella nodded her head as she got her cards out and began her speech, Angelo and Amy sat on the couch listening to her the boys were up in their play room. "So, what do you think?" Isabella said "Let me see that" Amy said Isabella handed her the cards and took a red pen out and began writing on it, when she finished she handed it back to her. "Okay now try it and sound convincing" Amy said Isabella took the cards again seeing the notes on the side and began reading off it, when finished they clapped for her. "Much better" Amy said "Thanks" Isabella said "I like it" Angelo said "I'm going to go get study this so I don't need it then, thank aunty Amy" Isabella Amy nodded her head as Isabella went back to her room as she began going over the notes that Amy fixed for her, she had a week to memorize it, she wanted to invite her father so she can ask how he liked it she didn't know how long he would be staying for but hopefully it was until her debate.
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