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"Okay Angelo is going to get you from the airport and make sure you call me when you get there" Demetri said "I will daddy" Isabella said "And if you want a job the shop is always open Mark is there and Javier is there as well" Abby said "I will be fine guys" Isabella said "I love you baby" Demetri said "I love you too daddy" Isabella said "I love you the most my little angel" Abby said "I love you too momma" Isabella said Isabella and her parents hugged each other as she waved goodbye to them as she made her way to the airplane, she wanted to stay with them for the summer but she decided to go since they had an opening for one of the courses she wanted to take. Isabelle slept most of the way, the plane finally landed as she got down from their she went to the baggage area to get her big suit case she was looking around for Angelo she finally spotted him holding a big sing read (The world's prettiest Niece). "Uncle Angelo" Isabella said smiling running up to him. "My big baby" Angelo said He lifted her up spinning her around, Isabella giggled out as she hugged him. "Come on my lovely niece let's get you home" Angelo said Isabella smiled, Angelo took her bags and held her hand as they made way to the car. "Okay since school doesn't start till Monday we are going to site seeing and I along with the kids will show you New York" Angelo said "First Pizza daddy said you know which one" Isabella said "Your right let's get the famous pizza" Angelo said Isabella smiled, as they got in the car they talked all the way. "Okay so don't mind the crazy household the boys are into that whole sports phase" Angelo said "How is my cousin doing?" Isabella said "Terrible two ugh I swear they gang up on me, but thank god for Amy" Angelo said "And here I thought Uncle Angelo was a superman" Isabella said "I am superman on good days" Angelo said Isabella giggled out. "Okay, I just can't wait to enjoy these next three years" Isabella said "And we are so happy you are here" Angelo said Isabella smiled at him. "I am glad I came" Isabella said smiling Angelo smiled hugged her again kissing her head, they arrived at the building as the driver took the bags down. "We have the whole two top floors, come on let's get inside" Angelo said Isabella followed Angelo into the building as they went to the elevator. "Okay so the kids go to a boarding school upstate there usually back on weekends and since it's summer they stay home but we try to get them to do stuff so they don't stay cope up inside" Angelo said "Well I only have about three class this semester morning to afternoon" Isabella said "Good, glad we have a babysitter too. Just kidding" Angelo said "No I want too so I told Enzo I wouldn't mind watching them while you and Aunty Amy can have time to yourselves beside I might have more fun with them" Isabella said "That hurts my heart" Angelo said Isabella giggled out as the elevator open. "Isabella!" Arthur and Adam yelled "Little mans" Isabella said She got down and hugged them. "Bella, we want to show you something cool" Arthur said They drag Isabella to the living room. "Boys this is beautiful" Isabella said "I made this for you, and momma help me get you flowers" Adam said "I love these" Isabella said She kissed the two boys on the cheeks. "Great you come and I am invisible" Angelo said "Dad is that pizza" Arthur said "Yes, I took your cousin to the famous pizza place" Angelo said "Bell your going to love it, Arthur put in the videos" Adam said "Okay, Bella sit down watch our play momma help us make" Arthur said Isabella held Adam and went to the couch and Arthur went to the tv and turn it on. "Daddy bring the drinks" Adam yelled "Turn into a servant" Angelo said Isabella sat down on the carpet with the two boys beside her as they ate pizza and root beer as they watch the play the boys were in. "Sorry I'm late" Amy said coming into the house "Momma look pretty Bell is here" Arthur said "We are watching the show momma come have pizza" Adam said "Hey Isabella so glad your here" Amy said "I am too Aunty Amy" Isabella said "Well, what are you guys plan for the weekend. I'm sorry but I will be busy, your father just wants this new device ready by next weekend" Amy said "I was thinking the Zoo in the more lunch in central park then museum in the evening and dinner at Uncle Russo's" Isabella said "Nice, you boys going to take your pretty Bella around the city?" Amy said "Yes!" The boys cheered. "And I am invisible" Angelo said "Sorry baby" Amy said "Only you remember me" Angelo faked cried The boys and Isabella laughed out. "Okay boys go show Bella her room" Amy said "Okay! Come on Bella" Arthur said "Yeah, we made the room for you" Adam said Isabella smiled as she stood up and followed the boys, they went upstairs in the far back was her room. "Do you like it?" Arthur said "Like it? I love it you two are the world's best little cousin I have" Isabella said She kissed them both. "Good, come on will show where we stay at" Adam said "Okay" Isabella said The two boys showed Isabella around the big apartment the pool and workout area the library, music room the kitchen the game room the laundry room their room their play room. "Okay we have to get some sleep if we want to start off early tomorrow" Isabella said "Can we sleep in your room tonight Bella" Adam asked "Yeah and you can read us a story" Arthur said "Okay, but brush your teeth and put on your pajamas and I will get ready too" Isabella said The boys cheered and went out, Isabella hurried and changed as she waited for the boys as they came back with a book in their hand as they got on Isabella's big bed they each took a side as she began reading to them.
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