
My Little Warrior Princess

childhood crush
coming of age
first love

Isabella Russo youngest child of Demetri and Abby.

Isabella the baby of the family, she is loved and shelter by the family but one night out everything changed, the lies began and her feelings are hurt, and their just some secrets should be kept secret now the family is not like before as new and old foes come just not for her family but for her as well. Can she get through this hard time of her life or well she just run from her problems and leaving it all behind? She too doesn't know if she should stand tall or run.

This is her story of love, betrayal, loyalty, and family.

--There will only be one book so their will be many Chapters--

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Isabella 13 Years old I was reading a book as I push the glasses up my nose, dad was watching tv while cuddling with mom, the twins were at practice so the house was quiet. "Baby can you get me some water" Abby asked I get up placing the book down. "I got it Princess" dad said I nodded my head and sat back down, as Papa Amato walked in. "Papa" Isabella said She got up from the couch and ran to Amato came in from the front door, and hugged her. "My sweet Bella" Amato said "I finished the book, did you bring more" Isabella said "How is your Italian?" Amato said "Perfetta" Isabella giggled. "She actually passing her Italian classes modern and history. Hey Papa Amato" Abby said "Smart just like her momma, and beautiful just like her" Amato said Isabella smiled bright as her braces was showing off. "Tell Papa what you want for your birthday" Amato said "I want your Italian collection in the library" Isabella said excited Amato nodded his head. "Papa you never let any of us go in there let alone read those books" Demetri said "Because Papa loves me" Isabella said "That's right and we all know Isabella is mature and responsible like Abby when she was at this age" Amato said "That I agree" Arthur said "Grandpa" Isabella said She ran to Arthur and gave him a hug. "I missed my baby pumpkin so much" Arthur said "I missed you both, no more trips" Isabella said Arthur and Amato chuckled as they took her hand and she began talking to them all about her school. "So summer school?" Arthur said "Yes like mommy I already started on High School classes" Isabella said "That's funny your mother-" Arthur was saying. "Dad can you help me" Abby said Isabella giggled as she poked his nose and left the two. "Daddy can I go and get some ice cream in town" Isabella said "Okay baby" Demetri said Isabella got up as she took her glasses off and put the book back in her room, then made her way out of the house the driver was waiting for her already. "You know where too Brio" Isabella said "Yes ma'am" Brio said Isabella loved listen to the classical music, she hummed to the music as she looked out the window. "Are my brothers and sister coming back for the summer break?" Isabella asked "Yes, I will be picking them up later on" Brio said "Brio what was mommy and daddy like when I was little" Isabella asked "They were so in love never wanting to part, once your brothers played against your uncle Thomas and David and they ended up in the hospital" Brio said "Why?" Isabella asked "Well they had a thing for your momma all the men did, your father was really protective of your momma so the boys saw what was happening so they played a match with them Hunter kicked ball in your Uncle David's no no area and Enzo kicked the ball into your Uncle Thomas face breaking his nose so they had to be in the hospital" Brio chuckled Isabella giggled. "That was mean but funny" Isabella said "Were here" Brio said "Thank you Uncle Brio" Isabella said Isabella got down from the car and went inside the ice cream shop, Isabella went inside. "Hey Bella the usual" the lady said "Yes please" Isabella said She went to seat at the table and looked around outside as the people were walking around. "Bells" a voice said Isabella turn and her heart flip and she had butterflies in her stomach. "Hi, Giovanni" Isabella said "You know out of all the Russo your the only one that calls me by my full name" Isabella said "It is your name" Isabella said shyly "Right you are" Giovanni said Isabella smiled at him, but she couldn't look him in the eyes. "Ohh, Rock N' Roll love that ice cream you don't mind if I join you" Giovanni said "Not at all" Isabella said Giovanni sat in front of her as they brought the ice cream over. "So, how is school going?" Giovanni said "Huh, Oh. Well, I'm taking summer school for my early high school" Isabella said softly "Nice, I think your the smartest out of all the Russo. So, what else" Giovanni said "My 13th birthday is coming up" Isabella said "Yeah, the guys were telling me about it" Giovanni said "I can't wait for them to come home" Isabella said smiling. "You know you have a beautiful smile, the two dimples" Giovanni said Isabella blushed as she looked down scooping an ice cream in her mouth. "So, what do you want for your birthday?" Giovanni asked Isabella looked at him as she thought what did she truly want she looked back at him the looked down. "I want a this" Isabella said She took her phone out and showed him the jewelry. "It's a rare flower that only grows in India, looks like a fairy doesn't" Isabella said "It is beautiful" Giovanni said "I'm not much of a Jewelry lover but I saw that they were making a necklace of it and I wanted it" Isabella said Isabella smile as she looked at the picture, Giovanni looked at her then smiled as he took some ice cream in his mouth. "So, you invited any friends for your party?" Giovanni asked "Yeah some kids they would come" Isabella said "Ma'am your father is asking for you" Brio said "Okay thank you Uncle Brio" Isabella said "I should get going" Giovanni said "Okay by Giovanni" Isabella said "Later Bell" Giovanni said Isabella stood up with her ice cream and made her way back to the car, her heart was racing as her face was heating up, usually she never spoke to him this long and her tummy had butterflies through out the whole thing. "Brio, When are the family coming in?" Isabella asked "Let's see most will be here by morning and the rest in the afternoon" Brio said Isabella nodded her head as she finished up her ice cream on the ride back to the house.

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