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"The is a slight chance if she get's pregnant again her heart won't take it let alone if triplets run in the family like you said, right now she is stable her heart is doing well with out medication and she is on the list for a heart transplanted" the doctor said "But is she still able to have kids?" Demetri asked "Yes, she can but she needs to recover for now" the doctor said "And the child?" Demetri said "The baby was about three months a little girl" he said "Can I see her" Demetri said The doctor hesitated but nodded his head, just then they heard a scream from the room it was ear pricing scream and Demetri ran towards the room. Few minutes earlier Isabella woke up she looked around and saw that she was in the room. "Hey darling, it's okay you'll have another one" the nurse said Isabella was confused. "Wh-what" Isabella said "Don't worry you will have another one" the nursed said Isabella looked at her as the nurse gave her a sad smile. "You'll be fine, you'll get another one" the nurse said again It finally clicked in her mind as Isabella touch her stomach, her tears were gather. "No" Isabella sob out "Shhh" the nurse said Isabella screamed out and cried as she was sitting up holding her stomach, she felt arms around her holding her. "WHERES MY BABY" Isabella screamed and cried out "I WANT MY BABY BACK" Isabella said crying Demetri held Isabella close, Isabella was hitting Demetri's chest. "I want my baby" Isabella kept crying. "I know baby" Demetri coked out Demetri held Isabella as she cried, after an hour Isabella was still holding Demetri as she had tears still coming down her face, he just held her as she cried, there was a knocked at the door Demetri saw the doctor and the nurse behind him holding a pink blanket. "It's time to say goodbye baby" Demetri said softly Isabella looked up as she saw the nurse walking over, she sob out again holding her hands out as the nurse place the baby in her arms. Isabella cried as she looked at the brown haired baby, she kept looking at the baby as she cried. "She looks like she's sleeping" Isabella cried Demetri kissed her head as he breathed out a shaky breath as tears was coming down his face. Isabella kiss her head. "Fa La ninna, fa la nanna. Nella braccia della mamma. Fa la ninna bel bambin. Fa la ninna, fa la nanna. Nella braccua della mamma" Isabella sang out softly (Go to sleep, go to sleep. In the arms of your mother. Go to sleep, lovely child. Go to sleep, child so lovely. Go to sleep, go to sleep. In the arms of your mother) Demetri listened as Isabella kept singing the song to the small baby girl it was the Ninna ninna lullaby his mother use to sing to him when he was a child too and what she did to her grandchildren as well, he couldn't help but squeeze her close to him, a few hours later the doctor had to take the baby as Isabella cried after the baby again trying to reach out all Demetri could do was hold Isabella back as she screamed and cried out for her baby by midnight she was finally able to fall asleep. Abby rushed into the hospital as the kids were all behind her when she got the call at home she rushed out as the twins followed her. Angelo had to call the Hunter who was having lunch with Enzo and Maria at the company when they got the news that Isabella was in the hospital. It was now five in the morning when she went into the room, she saw Demetri holding Isabella as she slept, Demetri stirred in his sleep as he woke up, he got up slowly not wanting to wake Isabella up, Abby saw that Demetri eyes were red and puffy from crying, Demetri took her hand and let her lay by Isabella. Abby kissed Isabella as Demetri went to his kids he hug each and everyone of them. Isabella woke up to kisses on her face as she saw Abby, her tears were coming again as she looked at her mother. "Momma my baby" Isabella sob out. "Shhh" Abby said "I want my baby" Isabella cried Demetri held the kids as each and everyone of them began to cry as they looked at Isabella as she was crying holding Abby. Abby cried as she held Isabella in her arms. "It hurts mom the pain, I can't take it" Isabella cried "It will hurt now but one day it'll hurt less" Abby said as she choked up "She was so pretty" Isabella cried out "I know baby but Papa Amato is with her now so she's not lonely" Abby said Isabella cried again as she held her mother. "I just want her back" Isabella sob "I know baby" Abby said Abby kissed Isabella's head and let her cry, she couldn't do much but just hold Isabella in her arms as she cried, after awhile she finally went to sleep as Abby brushed her hair out of the way, Demetri laid on the other side of the bed, it was a small bed but the three manage to lay on it. "What did the doctor's say" Abby said as she looked up to Demetri. "Her heart is stable now, she can still have children but wants to wait until after the transplanted if she gets pregnant again it won't be good for her heart" Demetri said Abby sigh out as she closed her eyes and kissed Isabella head. "What are we going to do Demetri said" Abby said "Be there for her as much as we can" Demetri said "She's going to be in so much pain for a long time" Abby said "She will fight through it, and will be there to catch her if she falls" Demetri said Abby nodded her head as she kissed Isabella again, the three stayed in bed holding Isabella.
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