1052 Words
Demetri and Abby brought Isabella back home, they saw the life drain from Isabella's eyes as she cried every night waking up asking for her child, they were getting ready for the funeral for the little angel they didn't name her they just put baby girl Russo on her tomb stone. "I'm going to go check on her" Abby said Demetri nodded his head as he gave her a kiss. Isabella was in a daze as she sat on the bed she was wearing a black dress as a black vile was covering her face, someone sat beside her holding her hands. "When I lost my little angel, I felt the world crumble under my legs and it was like I was in a never ending black hole. One day I heard a voice in my head tilling me to fight, it was the cutest voice I had ever heard. I dream of her every know and then wondering if she looked like me or her father, if she would have my smile or his. What she would be like grown, even to this day I still think about her and have dreams of her sometimes she even comes to my dreams telling me she loves me and why she had to leave" Valentina said Isabella had tears in her eyes as she looked towards her grandma. "It hurts" Isabella said softly "I know and it's going to keep hurting until one day that pain will be replace with something else, for me it was your siblings and when I saw them I knew I was going to be alright that the light was back in the endless dark hole. You'll never forget her Isabella just like I never forgot my little girl. I tell myself some days maybe she didn't make it because my grandma wanted someone to be with her in heaven" Valentina said "She's probably having fun with Papa Amato" Isabella's voice cracked "She is and I know she is not in pain. Don't shut yourself out from this world Isabella like I did, it will be harder coming back to the light and you don't want to be in that darkness trust me darling" Valentina said Isabella looked at her grandmother. "I don't want to let go" Isabella said "I'm not asking you too, I'm just asking you not to shut your family out" Valentina said Isabella nodded her head as she hugged Valentina. "You can cry baby" Valentina said "She's probably with Aunty now too" Isabella said crying "Yes she is" Valentina said choked up Abby walked in as Isabella was crying again, she bite her lips as she moved towards them sitting down she hugged her daughter. "It's time sweet pea" Abby said Isabella just nodded her head as she wipe her tears wiping her eyes as she stood up, she walked with her mother and grandmother out the door. ----- Isabella sat between her mother and father as she looked at the small pink casket it was an open casket, people went up looked at the baby then went towards her and her parents saying their condolence to them, it was now her turn as she stood up she couldn't help but sob out again when she saw the little baby inside wearing a white dress with a white flower head banned she looked at her and saw the shinning necklace that was place on her, she reached out and slowly touched it. Isabella gave a soft gasp, she touch her now cold baby's face as she open her mouth and began singing the Ninna Nanna lullaby to her, Isabella stroked her face as she looked at the baby. "Bella" Hunter went up to Isabella. "She looks like she's sleeping" Isabella said Hunter went up and hugged Isabella. "She's perfect" Hunter said Isabella hummed as she went down and kissed her. "I will always love you" Isabella said Hunter help Isabella out the church, they went to the black car behind the horse carriage that will take the casket. Demetri and his brothers were the one that carried the casket out each holding the small casket they place flowers and teddy bears inside for her. Isabella looked at the head stone Baby Girl Russo it had a baby angel on top of the stone along with her birth and death date on it. "Bella?" Hunter said Everybody was leaving the grave site. "I want to be with her longer" Isabella said Hunter nodded his head, he went back to the car and waited for her. "How is she?" Giovanni asked "She's in pain" Hunter said Giovanni looked towards Isabella, his heart hurt too he remembered that night. He wanted to go and see her when he remembered but work kept getting in the way and when he finally had time, he was about to leave but his mother was on the phone with Aunty Emma when he got the news, he left the home and just drove until he got to the beach cliff as he screamed out and landed on his knees. "I'm go check on her" Giovanni said Hunter was about to speak when his phone rang so he just nodded his head, Giovanni made his way up to Isabella his shaking hand reached out and held it, Isabella felt the warm hand on hers, she looked away and up to Giovanni, he looked at her. "I'm sorry" Giovanni said Isabella had tears in her eyes, she then thought of Valentina's words. I wonder if she would have his eyes, or his smile she couldn't help but sob out as she looked at Giovanni, he hugged her as she cried in his chest. "It's going to okay Bell" Giovanni said Isabella nodded her head she couldn't speak now. "I'm sorry" Isabella said as she sob out. "It's okay Bell, it's okay" Giovanni said "I just want her back" Isabella said "She's in a better place Bell" Giovanni said Isabella cried in his arms until she couldn't no more, Giovanni sat there with Isabella as he looked at the headstone and now buried area where his little girl rest, he can hear the soft breathing of Isabella and knew she fell asleep so he slowly picked her up and walked her back to Hunter.
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