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"Daddy" Isabella yelled She ran to Demetri jumping into his arms as he spun her around hugging her. "My little Principessa guerriera" Demetri said "I miss you" Isabella said "And I missed you too" Demetri said He placed her down as they began walking. "I have the whole day planned out for us just you and me" Isabella said "Okay" Demetri said He kissed her head walking out of the VIP airport. "You up for it you look a little pale" Demetri said "I'm fine, just nervous for my debate on Monday at school you'll be there right?" Isabella said "Yes, I will be staying a few extra days" Demetri said Isabella smiled as they kept walking. The two spent the day just like she said just the two of them they went site seeing ate out walked the park by nine at night they reached home and they sat in the living room watching tv. Demetri saw that she fell asleep so he picked her up and took her to her room and placed her down kissing her head before leaving again back to the living room. "Isabella sleeping" Angelo said "Yeah, I want to take her to the hospital for a check up she's looking a little pale" Demetri said "I been telling her but she keeps brushing it off saying it's school" Angelo said "Well, I have to go to the office tomorrow so I'll wait until after" Demetri said "Okay, hey how's five doing?" Angelo asked "He's doing good moved up and that's why I am here he want's to buy some of the tech that we created that he wants to use for training" Demetri said "Ah that's why you wanted us to do over time" Angelo said "Yeah, so everything has to be good" Demetri said "You ever wondered what life would be like if we didn't leave?" Angelo said "Are you saying you miss getting shot at?" Demetri said "Ehh your right glad we left or we would have I don't know how many lock downs" Angelo said "We did have quite a few" Demetri said "I'm just glad the kids don't now about the family business, I just feel bad for the triplets having to go through it" Angelo said "Yeah, I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to them" Demetri said "Hey it's not your fault about Isabella we were all surprised when she came" Angelo said "Yeah, I'm glad she had a safe and normal childhood that none of us got to have" Demetri said Angelo nodded his head the brothers talk for awhile before going to the rooms to sleep. ---- Isabella didn't feel good as she was standing on the sides as everyone was giving their speech, she looked around and saw her dad and Angelo at the top of the of the stage watching her, she smiled and gave them a wave, they smiled and waved back at her. "Next we will hear from Isabella Russo on economics in South Africa" the professor said Isabella took a deep breath as she stood in front of the stage, she took a deep breath and looked around, she closed her eyes and open them she open her mouth to speak but she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. "Miss. Russo" the professor said Isabella had sweat on her face. "I...I" Isabella said She couldn't speak as the pain got worst next her chest began to hurt she touched it, Demetri saw the action and remembered when that happened so he stood up quickly making her way towards her. Isabella felt a gush down her private parts as her chest hurt she couldn't stand the pain as she fainted and everything went black. The crowd gasp out as Demetri ran to her side he saw blood coming on her bottom so he picked her up, Angelo was hot on his tale calling the driver as they made it out the building the driver was already waiting for them. "To the hospital" Angelo said They speed through the street as they reached the city hospital Demetri placed her on the stretcher as they wheeled her up into the emergency room, Demetri stood to the side as he put his hands together, Angelo was on the phone and ended the call as he walked to Demetri. "Abby is on her way" Angelo said Demetri nodded his head a few minutes the nurse came out. "Are you related to the patient?" she said "Yes, I am her father. She has a heart condition" Demetri said "Since we need your consent we need you to sign this to do an operation" the nurse said "What is this" Demetri said "She's having a miscarriages' and we need to take the baby out to stable her heart" the nurse said Demetri froze as he held the pen in his hand, he quickly sign his name as the nurse took it and went back inside, Demetri's knees buckled as Angelo quickly grab his sitting him down, his heart was hurting and he was shaking he had tears in is eyes this was the second time he was crying, his baby girl was going to be in so much pain. Angelo held Demetri as he was crying he didn't have any words of comfort for him to say, he too didn't know that Isabella was pregnant and now she lost her baby all he could do was hold Demetri as he cried, he had tears slip down his face too.
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