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15 Years Old "Brio, do you think Papa Amato will like the sweater I made him?" Isabella said She looked down at the marron sweater with a heart that had her name on it. "He would love it" Brio said The car pulled up to the house as she got down from the car she had her backpack on as she had a smile of her face, she was giggling as she ran into the house. "Papa Amato!" Isabella yelled She was ran to the stairs. "Bell" She stop, and turn around seeing her dad. "Daddy" Isabella said Isabella smiled and ran towards him giving him a hug. "Look what I made for Papa Amato do you think he'll like it" Isabella said smiling She looked at her father seeing that he didn't say anything but had a sad look on his face she frowned. "Daddy what's wrong?" Isabella asked She heard sniffing, she looked passed her father seeing her whole family there, she saw Maria crying in Giovanni's arms. "What's going on?" Isabella said She step into the living room everybody was looking at her they had tears in their eyes, she frowned. "Where Papa Amato?" Isabella said "Isabella" Demetri said stepping forward Isabella looked back at her father. "Papa Amato, he got ill this morning he was sent to the hospital" Demetri said "Is he going to be okay?" Isabella asked "No baby. Papa Amato passed away this afternoon" Demetri said Isabella looked at her father, her brain was empty she shook her head. "YOUR LYING YOUR ALL LYING" Isabella yelled She pushed past Demetri and ran out of the house, Demetri was yelling out her name, she kept running as tears were in her eyes. "There lying" she sob out "There all lying" she said again Isabella ran to her and Amato spot the big tree, as she cried. "Bella" Isabella heard Giovanni's voice, she turn around crying. Isabella saw her brothers and father running towards her way, she couldn't take it her heart began to hurt as well as her lungs was hurting too it was hard for her to breath as she clutch her chest. Demetri was a few yards away when he saw Isabella holding her chest. "ISABELLA" He yelled out Isabella heard someone scream her name out, soon her eyes slowly closed as she went into darkness, Giovanni saw it and ran grabbing a hold of Isabella. "She's not breathing" Giovanni said "Move" Demetri growled out He picked up Isabella, a car went up in front of him as he got in the back. "To the hospital" Demetri said He held her in his arms. "Please baby wake up, come Isabella open those beautiful eyes" Demetri said crying When they pulled up to the hospital he quickly ran inside. "I need help" Demetri called out He placed Isabella on the bed as the doctors and nurse began working on her, Demetri was shaking in fear it brought him back when she was still a baby. "Clear" the doctor said They shocked Isabella, Demetri was still shaking. "Where is she?" Abby said Demetri was still standing there as he kept an eye on the bed where Isabella was laying down. "Clear" the doctor said Abby cried out, Demetri held her, he didn't know if he was shaking or Abby was but he held Abby in his arms. "We got a heartbeat" the doctor said Demetri let a breath out that he didn't know he was holding, they both went inside to Isabella's bed. "Were going to run some test" the doctor said Demetri nodded his head as Abby held Isabella's hand, the doctors did their thing as they waited by the bed. Hunter and the family were waiting outside, Hunter saw his parents come out of the room so he stood but the doctor was talking to them as he shook his head, he saw Abby cry out and saw the tears in his father's eyes as he held his mother. Hunter went up as the doctor left. "Bella?" Hunter said in a crack voice Abby went into the room as she cried holding Isabella. "Her heart went under stress and went into a heart attack her lungs are slowly giving up by the cause of her heart, they said she can't be under stress or she'll get another heart attack, she has to under go lungs transplant and put on medication for her heart" Demetri said Valentina gasp out, as she hugged her husband, everybody looked into the room as Abby was sobbing holding Isabella's hands, Demetri sniffed and cleared his throat. "Dad, can you handle the arrangement. Were going to stay in the hospital for Isabella's operation" Demetri said as he sniffed and cleared his throat again "I'll stay with you guys" Hunter said Demetri nodded his head, he went over to Abby holding her hands as the other family left, Hunter went inside and sat on the couch as he watched over his parents he needed to be strong for them, an hour later they were able to find a match for Isabella so they were standing in front of the emergency room doors. "She's a fighter Abby, she'll fight through this" Demetri said "My little principessa guerriera" Abby said "Yes our little principessa guerriera" Demetri said he kissed Abby's head holding her. Isabella hummed out as she open her eyes she saw her father to her side sitting sleeping. "Daddy" Isabella softly said Demetri woke up when he heard Isabella's voice. "Baby, how are you?" Demetri said worried "Sad" Isabella said she started crying "You can't stress baby, Papa Amato went to a better place" Demetri said Isabella nodded her head as she looked around a she hissed in pain on her side. "Baby" Demetri said Isabella looked at her father as he had a worried face. "Your heart can't be under to much stress again okay you have to be calm. they had to operate on you, your lungs gave up so they had to give you a new one" Demetri said Isabella just nodded her head. "I'm so happy your okay my little principessa guerriera" Demetri said Isabella laid in the hospital for a few days, her mother cried holding her the doctor explain her medication for her and not to stress too much. Isabella was back home she was wearing her black dress, she held in her tears as she went downstairs the family was getting in the car as Demetri and Abby had Isabella close to her.
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