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16 year old Isabella took her medication as she went to the bed and sat down, she couldn't help but think of that night last year, it made her heart quicken and stomach full of butterflies and she blushed, then next day it was as if nothing happened and he just stayed away from her maybe she should ask her mom but certainly not her father. "Mom" Isabella said "Yeah baby?" Abby said "Well um what do boys like?" Isabella said shyly Abby smiled. "Is someone smitten with my baby?" Abby said "No" Isabella said Abby saw that Isabella was shy so she stop teasing her. "Well boys can be tricky, but all I know is that when you find the one you'll know" Abby said "When are my brothers coming home?" Isabella said changing the subject "Tonight and make sure to not speak of you know who in front of Maria" Abby said "Did they brake up again?" Isabella said she wanted to roll her eyes but stop herself Abby sigh out since high school she doesn't know how many times Maria and Giovanni broke up but she had to stay out of it. "Yes, I am started to feel tired of their on and off relationship but you know Maria she's her own person like you are your own" Abby said "Yeah, where's dad?" Isabella asked even though she didn't want to but might as well try her luck. "In his office why don't you go distract him" Abby said Isabella nodded her head, Demetri and Isabella are really close in those five years of Isabella's life she stuck to Demetri because of their bond they shared since the day in the hospital, Isabella thought about what to do she didn't know how to describe her feelings only if her Amato was here. "Daddy?" Isabella said peeking into the office Demetri looked up. "Yes my little Principessa guerriera" Demetri said Isabella loved it when Demetri called her that she went to him and sat on his lap as she hugged him. "What seems to be on your mind" Demetri said "My feelings is-" Isabella was saying "Daddy!" Maria squealed out Maria ran into the office and saw the two, Isabella sigh out as she stood up and Maria jump into Demetri's arms and Demetri pulled Isabella back down on his other lap. "Both my beautiful girls under one roof again" Demetri said He kissed both their heads. "Told you we would never get hugs anymore" Enzo joked "Boys" Demetri said Enzo punch Hunter and went to Demetri giving him a hug as did Hunter. "Where the two rascal" Enzo said "Practice" Isabella said "Damn, hey Bella oh sweet beauty Bella. Amore Mio Amore Mio. Sweet Bella Mi Amor Mi Amor" Enzo sang out Isabella smiled and blushed. "I miss you too grande Fratello, and you too grande Fratello" Isabella said as she hugged them both. "And I missed you the most Mi Amor" Hunter said The siblings were all protective of Isabella, she started to finally have health problems after Amato died the doctors would be called in even with the slightest cold just for her right now she was stable. "Come on kids your momma is probably almost finished with dinner" Demetri said Demetri held his girls as the boys took each side of them as they talked making their way down to the dinning room and Demetri was right Abby was just about done with dinner, Dom and Danny came back as the family sat down to have dinner. "Were going to the club later" Hunter said "Oh?" Demetri said "Can we come?" the twins yelled "NO" Abby said "Come on mom were almost eighteen" Danny said "I'll watch them mom don't worry, it's the club that I open" Enzo said "We can take Bella" Maria said "NO" Demetri yelled The kids all looked at him, they knew that Isabella was his one and only not because she looked just like Abby but because of her health problems. "Daddy don't worry Lucia and I can watch her beside will just be in the VIP booth beside, Izzy is mature enough and I am sure she'll just sit on the couch" Maria said "I remember my first club" Abby said Demetri was thinking about it when Abby mention how they met and there was fire in his eyes. "Come on let the kids go. And you and I can have the house to ourselves" Abby said "Please stop that we don't want a reminder" Dom said "Yeah gross guys" Danny shivered "Fine boys your sister is your responsibility" Demetri said After dinner they got ready, Maria was fixing Isabella up just giving her a few touch up here and there since they were both natural beautiful. Isabella was shy walking through the crowd up to the VIP booth, she looked around and once in the room she went to sat down, Isabella looked around down as people were dancing. "Bella you want to go out and dance?" Lucia asked "Hmm, sure" Isabella said "Will be up here watching" Enzo said Isabella nodded her head she followed Lucia down. "Now that were out of your brothers sight, let's get drinks" Lucia said "I don't know" Isabella said hesitant "Oh come on" Lucia said Isabella thought and nodded her head, she took about three shots with her as they went to the dance floor, Isabella didn't know how to dance but watching other's she began to move her hips to the beat. "There you go! Get loose girl!" Lucia yelled at her Isabella giggled as she kept dancing to the music.
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