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14 Years Old "You are l4 now my little Principessa guerriera" Demetri said "Thank you daddy" Isabella smiled The family were all around her with some friends from her music class and modern Italian club she blew out her candles as they all cheered. She was wearing a custom made dress Amato made for her, she felt shy in the dress as her breast was starting to develop she became a woman the summer of her 13th birthday she was so embarrassed when she woke up one morning and saw that she was bleeding so Abby had to explain everything to her but Isabella already knew from the books she read in health class. "Happy Birthday Isabella" Amara said "Thank you Amara" Isabella said She smiled at him, he did the same as well. "May I have this dance?" Amara said Isabella blushed as she nodded her head, she reached out her hand as Amara took her hand. "Aren't they lovely" Valentina gushed Abby, Gloria, and Emma smiled nodding there head. Demetri heard as he looked over glaring at Amara. "What you guys looking at?" Enzo said coming over "Amara is so smitten with Isabella" Gloria said Enzo, Hunter, Dom, and Danny watched as Isabella was smiling and laughed at what Amara said. "Watch me wipe that smile off his face" Enzo gritted his teeth. "Boys" Abby whispered yelled at them. "What did we miss?" Maria said She held Giovanni's hands as they stood beside Hunter and the boys they were all glaring so Maria followed sight and she saw. "Isn't that your cousin?" Maria asked Giovanni saw Amara dancing with Isabella. "Yeah" Giovanni said The family watched as Isabella was dancing with Amara. "I'm really glad that I am your first dance" Amara said smiling "I thought my brother Hunter was going to ask me again" Isabella said "I would've asked you then too but I didn't get to come" Amara said "May I cut in" Isabella and Amara stop dancing as Hunter came up. "Uhh, yeah sure" Amara said "Thanks" Hunter said Hunter took Isabella's hands as they began dancing. "I'm so happy you guys were able to make it home" Isabella said "Anything for our Bella" Hunter smiled at her He moved the strain of hair away from her face. "You looking more beautiful every time I see you" Hunter said "Really?" Isabella said "God is my oath" Hunter said "Huh?" Isabella said "Your name it means God is my oath" Hunter said "I understand now" Isabella said smiling "Mind if I cut in" Enzo said Isabella giggled and nodded her head. "Oh, sweet Bella oh sweet beauty Bella. Amore Mio, Amore Mio. Sweet Bella Mi Amor Mi Amor" Enzo sang out Isabella giggled. "Why do you always sing that" Isabella said "Because you are a beautiful Bella and my love, our family's love" Enzo said he kissed her forehead. "I love it" Isabella said She rest her head on Enzo chest as she smiled she closed her eyes and when she open she saw Giovanni looking at the two, her heart did a flip and her stomach had butterflies. "Okay I think dad wants a turn Enzo said Isabella heard him so she looked away from Giovanni and saw her father coming she smiled and moved away from Enzo as Demetri lifted her up spinning her Isabella couldn't help but laugh out as she raised her arms, she then was place back down and began to slowly dance. "I love you so much Isabella and thank you for fighting to live" Demetri said Isabell looked up to him and smiled humming, she finally grew she was about 5'3" but her father and brothers were tall and she was the smallest even Abby was taller than her. "Just like when we first met, you open those beautiful hazel eyes, smiled and hummed at me. From then on I knew that you had my heart just like your mother and the rest of your sibling. You will always be my little Principessa guerriera" Demetri said "ti amo anche papà" Isabella said (I love you too dad) Demetri smiled and kissed her forehead, Isabella smiled feeling the warm kiss and warm embrace from her father. "But did you have to look so much like your mother" Demetri said sighing out Isabella laughed. "Dad" Isabella said chuckling They danced for awhile as Isabella got tired as she went out the house to get some fresh air. "Isabella" Amara said Isabella turn to him. "I wanted to give this to you" Amara said Isabella took the small box and unwrap it she open it was a small necklace with a flower on it a rose with some Ruby diamonds. "It's beautiful thank you Amara" Isabella said she smiled at him. "Here let me" Amara said Isabella nodded her head, as she took the necklace out and handed to him as she turn around lifting her hair up. "There" Amara said Isabella turn around facing him as she looked at the necklace then back at him, she started at him as he was looking at her too. Isabella saw that Amara was leaning in towards her, she didn't know if she was ready yet but she couldn't help but close her eyes, she felt his hot breath on her lips, just as they were about to kiss someone cleared their throat. Isabella open her eyes and moved back and looked down as she bite her lips her face heated up. "Gio" Amara said Amara step back as he looked at his cousin. "Your driver arrived" Giovanni said "Thanks, I'll see you at school?" Amara said Isabella looked at him and nodded her head and smiled at him, Amara took her hand giving it a kiss. "Happy Birthday" Amara said Isabella smiled at him, she watched as he left then she looked at Giovanni who was still standing there but he looked like he was in thought. "Giovanni?" Isabella said Giovanni looked at her and gave her a smile. "Happy Birthday Bella" Giovanni said Isabella gave him a small smile. "Thanks" Isabella said They stood there looking at each other till Isabella looked away she looked down at her necklace, she reached up and touched it then back at Giovanni as he was already looking at her with an unknown emotion. "I should go back inside, thanks again" Isabella said "Yes" Giovanni said She walked passed him but he reached out his hand grabbing her wrist. "Can I-" he was saying "Gio" Maria said Maria came out the door. "There you are. Oh, hey sis Happy Birthday" Maria said She looked between them as she saw Giovanni holding her wrist, Isabella bite her lips as she saw her sister looking at where her eyes were at, so she turn to Giovanni. "Thank you for the birthday wish Giovanni, but I should decline Papa Amato probably wants a dance" Isabella said quickly "Next round than" Giovanni said Isabella smiled and nodded her head as she went back inside the house.
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