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Isabella groan out as she sat up, her head was hurting when she open her eyes it was bright so she close them again and then open them she saw that she was on a bed, she looked around she felt a breeze on her body looking down she saw red marks on her body and she was naked. Isabella gasp out as she looked to her side there was a man laying there frighten she got up quick and her legs gave out, she hissed in pain as between her legs throb she bite her lips as she stood up with the sheets in her hand going around the room grabbing her dress and she got her jacket along with her other things. She went out of the room, there was a living room setting she was about to leave when the door open. "Hey sis, leaving already? Where'd you sleep?" Enzo asked coming out "I slept on the couch, someone is already using the room" Isabella said "Oh must be one of my friends. Anyways come on I'll drop you off" Enzo said Isabella nodded her head, she followed Enzo. "Know I know how mom looks like drunk" Enzo chuckled out "Stop it" Isabella said "Just kidding, so which school you picking?" Enzo asked "Well Uncle Angelo letting me live with him and Aunty Gloria in New York as I go to school and I get to watch the kids let them have some time together" Isabella said "Lucky, I wanted that but you know they were still living here but I'll come if I can but Dad might have me busy in the company" Enzo said "That's why I am going to do what mom did finish at nineteen" Isabella said "I'm proud of you baby sis" Enzo said He hugged her and kissed her head. "Brio my man tell me is dad upset?" Enzo asked "Furious" Brio said "Make a stop Brio, daddy just need something sweet" Isabella said "And that's why I am glad I am leaving with you" Enzo said Isabella giggled and hit his shoulder, as they got into the car and Brio took them too the ice cream shop she got Demetri's favorite and got herself one as well and they went back to the house, she saw Demetri standing at the door. "Save us sis" Enzo said Isabella rolled her eyes as she got out smiling. "Daddy" Isabella said giggling Isabella ran up to Demetri and hugged him. "Thank you for letting me go, I had so much fun! Oh, I brought us ice cream I was thinking we can have a movie day just us two" Isabella smiled at him Demetri couldn't be mad at her so he smiled and kissed her head. "I will go set up the tv for us and make out floats and ice cream while you go get change and wash up" Demetri said "Okay love you daddy" Isabella said She gave him the things and went inside up to her room, once inside she was able to breath, she grab her clothes and went into the bathroom she took her clothes off and saw the marks all over her body, she looked in her jacket pocket and saw the open condom wrap. "Thank god" Isabella said to herself She showered and join her dad in the living room she put on some comfy clothes as she sat by Demetri and began watching tv. "I'm going to miss this" Demetri said "Me too daddy but I'll finish school quicker and when I come back will do this a lot" Isabella said "I know, what do you think about community college" Demetri said Isabella giggled. "Daddy" Isabella "I'm just kidding baby" Demetri said They went back to the movie when the heard yelling in Italian, Demetri and Isabella got up as they saw Maria going upstairs shouting in Italian. "What happened?" Isabella said Demetri shrugged his shoulders. "I'll go check" Abby said Demetri nodded his head, Isabella went back into the living room as the continued watching tv but Isabella kept looking at the stairs. "Go check" Demetri said "Thank you daddy" Isabella said She got up and made her way upstairs, she went to Maria's door she was about to knock when she heard Maria crying. "He slept with someone" Maria sob out "Baby, aren't you guys on a break?" Abby said "That doesn't matter we promised to save ourselves till we got married but he ended up sleeping with someone" Maria said crying "Don't cry baby maybe Giovanni isn't the one" Abby said "But I love him mom" Maria cried "I know baby but all this on and off again is not good. Maybe what you both need is time apart" Abby said "Were not together" Maria said "What I mean is take this break to think if you two are really meant to be together" Abby said "Okay" Maria said Isabella felt bad for her sister, sighing out she left and went back to her room as she sat on the bed she turn on her iPad put her air buds in as she played some classical music as she was looking up, she tried to remember what happened last night and who she had slept with. She didn't know that someone came into the room, and felt a tap on her legs she got up and saw her mom. "Hey momma" Isabella said "Hey would like to go to the spa with us?" Abby said "No, I'm fine" Isabella said "It'll be fun" Abby said "I'm fine mom really" Isabella said Abby looked at her daughter she had a sense in these things she felt something was off so she sat down and took Isabella's hand. "Okay baby tell me" Abby said Isabella sigh out. "I drank last night" Isabella said "I knew you would nothing new" Abby said Isabella got shy. "I slept with one of Enzo's friends" Isabella blushed "Are you okay, did you want it?" Abby said "I don't remember anything, all I remember is their friends coming and Hunter said don't drink to much then Lucia bring more drinks then dancing and after that nothing" Isabella said "Oh sweetie, did you at least used protection because you know with your condition" Abby said worried "We used protection found the condom in my jacket" Isabella said blushing "Oh good, well I'm sure it'll come back to you in time. When it was my first time with your father-"Abby was saying "Mom!" Isabella said she covered her ears Abby laughed and took Isabella's hand. "All I'm saying is I was black out too sweet but I did started to remember so you'll eventually remember too. Now come on your sister needs us" Abby said Isabella nodded her head she got up getting her stuff and followed her mother out of the room.
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