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"Happy Birthday baby" Demetri said Isabella smiled as a cup cake was in front of her with a single candle is was now legally an adult, Demetri watched as his little girl was starting to smile again. "Thank daddy" Isabella said "Well you come back for summer vacation this time?" Demetri asked Isabella blew her candle out as she was unwrapping it. "Yeah, I might if the guidance counselor hasn't turn in my paper for each classes" Isabella said "I am so proud of you" Demetri said "Just one more year and I'll be home" Isabella said "Can't wait" Demetri said "How's everybody doing?" Isabella asked "Were good, your Uncle Angelo settled into their place, what about you how's the apartment" Demetri asked "I love it, the view is nice" Isabella said "I wished you let someone stay with you" Demetri said "It's fine dad you got the one with the best security" Isabella said "I know just hate that your alone" Demetri said "I'm not alone I have friends I made" Isabella said "I know, I'm just a worried father" Demetri said "That's what father's do" Isabella said "Yes, well if your not going to come back your mother and I are thinking of spending the week with you" Demetri said "I don't mind" Isabella said smiling "How are your session with Dr. Walsh" Demetri said "Seeing her once a month now and it's going good, I feel like my old self but also different" Isabella said "I see that, your more stronger" Demetri said Isabella smiled at him, her phone ping and saw the message. "Well my friends are here dad, I'll call you later" Isabella said "Okay be safe I love and miss you" Demetri said "I love and miss you too, give everybody my love" Isabella said "I will have fun" Demetri said "I will" Isabella said Isabella waved and hung up the skype as she got up grab her light jacket as she went out the door she with her purse in her hands, she text back her friends, when the elevator was down she got off and went to the front of the building seeing her friends she waved. "Hey, so what's the plan" Isabella asked "Were thinking museum and drinks in central park" Ava said "Sounds like a good idea" Isabella said "Well let's go" Kathy said The three got into the cab and went to the museum as they looked at the paintings. "I love this" Ava said They were looking around, Isabella was enjoying herself looking at the paintings. "Bell" Isabella heard the familiar voice as she stiffen for a bit and turn. "Giovanni" Isabella said "Hey what are you doing here" Giovanni said giving her a hug. "Just a birthday gift from my friends" Isabella said Her friends came up to them. "Oh, Ava, Kathy this is Giovanni a family friend" Isabella said "Nice to meet you ladies" Giovanni said "Likewise" Ava said "Hi, I'm Kathy" Kathy said reaching out her hand. "Hello" Giovanni said "We were just going to take Isabella to the park to have some wine if you like to join" Ava said "Uh, sure it's been awhile since I celebrated your birthday" Giovanni said "Great, we were just leaving" Kathy said Isabella looked at her friends as she gave him an apologetic smile, the four of them walked out of the building as they cross the street towards the park, as Kathy took out the glasses and Ava pop the Wine open. "To Bella Happy Birthday and many more years" Ava said "To Bella" they all said "Thanks guys" Isabella said The glasses clicked as they all took a sip and began walking, the two girls walked ahead of them. "Sorry for dragging you out" Isabella said "It's fine" Giovanni said "What are you doing in New York anyways?" Isabella asked "Dad want's to open a business here so I will be here for awhile setting everything up" Giovanni said "That's great for you guys" Isabella said Isabella heart was doing flips and her stomach had butterflies like always when he was with him. "What about you how's your classes going?" Giovanni asked "Good, just need about another year and I'll be finish" Isabella said "Are you going to be working for your dad?" Giovanni asked "I'm not too sure yet on what I want to do, I mean I do have a business management degree coming my way but I just don't know if the family business is for me" Isabella said "What do you want to do?" Giovanni asked "I don't know I never done anything just read books, I never had any hobbies" Isabella said "Why not give it a try and see what your good at" Giovanni said "I will have to think about it" Isabella said "Okay, um where did your friends go?" Giovanni asked Isabella looked up as Ava and Kathy were no longer around, she frown as she took her phone out calling them but went to voicemail. "I don't know" Isabella said "Come on I'll take you home" Giovanni said Isabella nodded her head. "Why don't I take you out tomorrow for your birthday" Giovanni said "Sure but I need to stop by the school in the morning and the rest of the day I'm free" Isabella said "Okay, I'll pick you up at seven?" Giovanni asked "Okay" Isabella said They pulled up to her apartment. "Thank you for the ride Giovanni" Isabella said "Your welcome see you tomorrow." Giovanni said "Good night" Isabella said "Night Bella" Giovanni said Isabella got down from the car as she went inside, she reached her face and felt it hot then she touched her chest as it was beating really fast, she quickly made her way to the elevator once the doors closed she couldn't help but smile to herself.
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