1051 Words
"You want to take so art and music classes?" Mrs. Green said Yep she's the same Mrs. Green that was Abby's guidance counselor back when she was at community college. "You know Isabella, when I was guiding your mother she never took something out of her schedule but seems like you not like your mother at all so tell me why you would want to miss up your perfect record?" Mrs. Green said "I just want to try something different, I want to see what I am good at" Isabella said "Okay than, why don't we put in for into to art and music" Mrs. Green said "Okay" Isabella said "Okay so they will be after your class so that will be in the afternoon" Mrs. Green said "Thanks" Isabella said She grab her things as she said her goodbyes and went out of the building, as she looked at what was required for her art class and music class she went to the bookstore that was there in the school and got all the supplies by lunch she went back home and made herself lunch when her Skype rang she saw it was from her father. "Hey daddy" Isabella said "Hey sweetie how's your day going" Demetri said "Good, I kind of sighed up for art and music classes" Isabella said "Why?" Demetri asked "I just wanted to try something new, I never done anything other than my mind in books I just want to see if I am good at something else" Isabella said "Okay, it is your education" Demetri said "What's with the call?" Isabella asked "Nothing I was just checking on you. Any plans for this evening?" Demetri asked "Yeah, Giovanni aske me to dinner for my birthday. Did you know his dad want's to open a branch here in New York?" Isabella said "I did, well at least you have a family friend to accompany you" Demetri said "Yeah but I might be a bit more busy then he is" Isabella said "Well take it easy and just enjoy" Demetri said "You won't mind if I stay in college till I'm 25 would you" Isabella teased "I don't mind your mom is even thinking of going back to school she wants to be preschool teach at your old school" Demetri chuckled "Wow, go mom" Isabella said "Just find something that makes you want to do more" Demetri said "Dr. Johnson called a few days ago" Isabella said "And?" Demetri said perking his ears up. "I am in the number one spot now, so any day now" Isabella said "Maybe we should come" Demetri said "It's fine dad beside when I do get the call I will call you and you guys can come then" Isabella said "Okay the minute you get off the phone with them" Demetri said "I will" Isabella said She talked with her father a few more minutes before she hung up and started getting ready for her date, she looked herself in the mirror and didn't know where they were going but she put on a navy blue sundress. ----- Isabella was laughing away as she sat across Giovanni, he had rented the whole place and it was just the two of them, Isabella nerves went away as they began talking and joking around. She just told him what Hunter and Enzo did to their uncle when they were kids and Giovanni said they did that once again back in High School when Lucia's boyfriend broke up with her and how his friend and her ex were making up rumors of Lucia. "I knew they good at getting revenge but that is a whole another level" Isabella laughed. "Yeah, bright pink and orange hair" Giovanni said chuckling. "So, how's the company going?" Isabella asked "Good, there are some paper works were waiting to go through and will start buying a building to use" Giovanni said "Are you guys going to remodel?" Isabella asked "Not sure yet but I would like to build a one but it will take longer so yeah we may have to remodel" Giovanni said "I took on pre intro to art and music classes for the summer just to see what I am good at" Isabella said "You did that's great, what will you do next?" Giovanni asked "Well I have to look again and see what I can take again when the semester starts, everybody was asking if I was okay with it because of my perfect GPA but my dad said as long as I find something I like it didn't matter how long I am in school" Isabella said "Yeah Demetri is really wise and pretty cool" Giovanni said "My dad cool?" Isabella said "Yeah, I mean when they were in the old family business how he took down the five family, your dad is basically a legend" Giovanni said "What do you mean?" Isabella said confused. Giovanni looked at Isabella's confused face and it clicked his mind that she was never told of the family history. "What I mean is when he took over the family business there was other members on the board that didn't like the way he was running and prove them wrong" Giovanni lied. "Oh, okay I never heard the story before" Isabella said "Oh, well now you know some of it" Giovanni said smiling at her. "Yeah" Isabella said The evening went on, they took a walk in the park their was music so they dance a bit and then Giovanni took her back to her apartment. "I had a great time thanks" Isabella said "Me too, do you want to do this again?" Giovanni asked "Like a date?" Isabella asked "Yeah" Giovanni said "Sure, I'll text you" Isabella said "Okay good night Bell" Giovanni said "Night Giovanni" Isabella said Giovanni lean in and kissed her cheeks, Isabella gave him a smile as she turned around as her face heated up she had a huge smile on her face as she made her way back into the elevator as it closed she couldn't help but scream out and did a dance as she smiled and chuckled to herself as her stomach was full of butterflies and her heart was thumping loudly inside her, she just couldn't contain her happiness.
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