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"And how are you feeling today" Dr. Walsh said Isabella gave a fake smile. "Much better" Isabella said "You know Isabella you can be truthful it's just the two of us and I won't baby like your family" Dr. Walsh said Isabella gave her a small embarrassed smile. "Sometimes I zone out during lectures and I can't do my work at time" Isabella said "That's understandable you just lost a child a few months back don't rush yourself to much you can take your time to grieve" Dr. Walsh said "I know, I do what you told me I been writing in the journal every evening, it helps. I can now start looking at kids again without breaking down but I still feel sad that I want to cry" Isabella said Dr. Walsh nodded her head. "And the child's father have you spoken to him" Dr. Walsh said Isabella looked out the window she can see the streets of New York. "Isabella" Dr. Walsh said "No, I can't speak to him because I don't remember who he is" Isabella said Dr. Walsh nodded her. "Okay, what I want you do is write a letter to the father, you can keep the name blank just write to him about your feelings to him about what your going through." Dr. Walsh said "Do I have to read it to you?" Isabella asked "No, that's just for you to write, and if you do remember who the guy you slept with you hand it to him or not but it's all up to you to make that choice" Dr. Walsh said Isabella nodded her head, a few seconds later the bell ding. "That's the end of our session, I'll see next week and call me if you still not comfortable talking with your family" Dr. Walsh said "I will thank you Dr. Walsh" Isabella said Isabella left the small practice building as the New York wind hit her she cuddle herself in her winter coat as the driver got down from the car opening the back door for her as she got inside. "Hey how was the session" Angelo said "Was good" Isabella said "Okay will we made some dinner" Angelo said "Are the boys back?" Isabella asked. "Yeah they should be in the play room" Angelo said "I'm go see them" Isabella said Angelo nodded his head as he watched Isabella make her way upstairs, Amy went up to him hugging his side. "How she?" Amy asked "Still processing, she went to see the boys. I think she just wants to be around kids" Angelo said "I hope she gets better I miss the cheerful Isabella" Amy said "Me too" Angelo said Isabella played with the boys for awhile before going back to her room, she felt a bit better after playing with them but also sad as she thought of her baby, she sigh out as she got up from her bed and went to the desk as she took a paper and pen out she just sat there staring at the paper she didn't know what to write, she had no idea what to say. Isabella sigh out as she took her phone out to call her grandma. "Bella baby" Valentina said "Hi grandma" Isabella said "What's wrong?" Valentina asked "Nothing I just wanted to talk with you" Isabella said "Oh, are you feeling sad again" Valentina said "Yes" Isabella said with a crack voice. "Do you want to talk about it?" Valentina asked "Not really, I just wanted to hear your voice" Isabella said "Oh baby do you want me to come see you?" Valentina asked "Could you?" Isabella said "I'm on my way" Valentina said "Thank you grandma" Isabella said "Anything for you baby" Valentina said Isabella hung up the phone as she sat back looking at the blank paper in front of her, she thought for a moment before she began writing not a letter to the baby's father but to her daughter she poured her feeling out as she wrote the later all her emotions she was feeling, when she was finished she place the letter in an envelope and put it away as she got up from the chair and went to her bed laying down as she shed a tear as she sang the lullaby to herself. Angelo was standing outside the door as he was going to knock and ask her to eat instead he heard her call to his mother and then a few moments later she moved around a bit then heard her crying as she was singing he wanted to go in but changed his mind as he turn around and went back downstairs where his little family was eating dinner. "Isabella?" Amy asked Angelo shook his head as he sigh out sitting down. "Is pretty Bell sad?" Arthur said "Yeah buddy" Angelo said "Is it because of the baby?" Adam asked "Yeah buddy so we need to give Pretty Bell sometime okay" Angelo said "I don't want pretty Bell to be sad anymore" Arthur said sadly "I know buddy me to" Angelo said They ate in silence, Isabella fell asleep after she cried, Angelo went to check on her again as he put the blanket on her tucking her in and place a kiss on her head as he stroked her face. "I wish you pain can go away Isabella, we miss out smiling Bella" Angelo said Angelo stood up as he turn away from the bed as he closed her door and left to his room.
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