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"I am so glad your home" Abby said "Me too even though it's just for winter break" Isabella said "Well, I am glad" Abby said Isabella smiled she was in her mother's bed, her father was coming back from the company she told them she wasn't coming back but she wanted to surprise them and she did even Brio was surprised when he went to the airport he thought it was just a package he was getting that she sent over. "Abby did you get the gift Isabella sent over" Demetri said coming in. "Surprise" Isabella said she put the bow on her head. "Ah my baby" Demetri said Isabella laughed as her dad picked her up spinning her around. "I missed you so much" Demetri said "I missed you too daddy" Isabella said Demetri kissed her all over the face as she laughed out. "Ew" Isabella said "What ew you love my kisses" Demetri said Isabella laughed out. "Movie time" Isabella said "RIGHT" Demetri yelled Isabella laughed out, Abby looked at her husband and daughter as they walked out the door she finally had all her kids under one roof again, the house was noisy. "Hey were going out tonight" Dom said "Nah, not tonight" Isabella said "Fine, be a daddy's girl" Danny said Isabella stick her tongue out at them as Isabella went back to watching tv with Demetri. "Hey sis you going out too?" Maria said "Nah, I miss movie night with dad" Isabella said "Suit yourself, by daddy" Demetri said "Bye sweetie" Demetri said Isabella and Demetri went back to watching the movie, but she kept looking at her phone. "Alright what is it?" Demetri said "You saw that huh" Isabella said "Yes" Demetri said "Well, remember how I told you when I took that art and music program well, I found out I like to painting more and there's this Art program in Cali that I want to take next year" Isabella said "That's way to far" Demetri said "I know but I want to see if I can make a career out of it" Isabella said Demetri sigh out as he looked at Isabella. "How long is the program?" Demetri said Isabella smiled as she screamed out hugging Demetri. "About five years and don't worry, if I work through a whole year round I can finish early" Isabella said "Okay, something tells me, you planned this" Demetri said "Well, I got the letter from them a few days ago and I just need to find a place" Isabella said "Well you have your own money that papa Amato gave you and I won't be the one to stand in your way" Demetri said Isabella smiled as they went back to watching the movie. ------ Isabella was home for four days now and yet she was with all her brothers but she didn't see Maria for awhile but they told her, she just leaves and goes. "So, your father told me about Cali" Abby said "Yeah, I have to go back after Christmas to pack the apartment up and find a place there and send it over" Isabella said "I am so proud of you" Abby said "Thanks mom" Isabella said She laid back in bed as she looked at her phone she didn't know how to break the news to Giovanni yet. "Well I need to go start dinner" Abby said Isabella nodded her head when they heard the door slam, they both looked at each other. "Might be Maria let me go check on her" Abby said Isabella nodded her head in understanding, as Abby went out Isabella wanted to know if she should call him and tell him or meet up until they get back to New York, sighing out she got up. "Walk on the beach should do" Isabella said to herself She got up and went out the room, saw that Maria's door was ajar. "I slept with him and we were drunk but still" Maria said "Well did you use protection?" Abby asked Isabella stop Maria slept with a guy, she went closer to the door to hear in although it was bad but she was curious. "I don't know, we were in the same bed when I woke up but he looked so shocked and got mad storming off cursing" Maria cried. "Oh baby" Abby said "I thought he would be happy but he wasn't" Maria said "Maybe he was just shocked" Abby said "Mom. He won't look at me now" Maria cried "Baby just give Giovanni sometime he'll come around" Abby said Isabella's face went pale as her arms drop to the side, Giovanni slept with Maria? Isabella was in a daze as she walked out the house, Brio was coming up. "Brio can you take me somewhere" Isabella said "Yes ma'am" Brio said He turn around to the car opening the back for her as she got in. "Where too?" Brio said There was only one place she wanted to be at. "The cemetery" Isabella said Brio stiffen but nodded his head as he drove her there, he open the door as she got out she was still in a daze as she walked to the front of the grave and sat down, she looked at the stone and she just let it out as she cried, she hugged herself as cried the words kept going in her mind Giovanni slept with Maria. Brio sigh out as he took his phone out. "Were at the cemetery" Brio said "I'll be on my way" Demetri said Isabella cried as she felt someone sit behind her, she wipe her tears trying to stop herself from crying. "Just cry baby" Demetri said Isabella shook her head. "I think....I....I don't know" Isabella said sighing out They both sat there as they looked at the grave. "She would be almost three" Isabella said "She would have been pretty just like you" Demetri said "I wonder if she would have my smile" Isabella said "I'm sure she would" Demetri said Isabella laid back as Demetri held her, she began to softly sing the lullaby song.
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