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Isabella was laying on the couch as she was reading a book for her class, she had on a crop top shirt and sweat pants with a fuzzy socks, it was only day three but she got so use to being with Giovanni they would always take turn sleeping at each other's place he even had some of his clothes here and some of her clothes were at his place. Her phone ping as she saw a message from him all they could do was text and be on the phone at night but they also had lunch as well and that was it even during dinner time they could only hold hands. She heard the door opening thinking it was Enzo as she looked at the time on her phone she frowned and thought he came back early, she felt a weight on her then cold hands in her shirt as she gasp out. "I missed you" Giovanni said Isabella giggled out. "I just now read your message." Isabella said "Got work off early" Giovanni said "Well we have another two hours before Enzo comes back" Isabella said "Then I will have to ravish your body before he comes" Giovanni said Isabella screamed out as Giovanni picked her up placing her over his shoulders as she was laughing going to her room and used his feet to slam the door closed it was a blissful two hours the two had in the room. ----- Lorenzo was whistling as he was going towards the door, he took the keys out and opening the door he heard loud laughing so he frowned as he walked in the living room Giovanni was tickling Isabella on the couch, he was a bit confused but left it alone cause he was glad Isabella was laughing away again. "Yo, did you guys cook?" Enzo said "Enzo" Isabella said laughing. "We ordered Chinese, Bell here was craving egg drop soup with the crispy chips" Giovanni said "How was work" Isabella said "Good, I was thinking since it's Friday why don't we go to the club" Enzo said "I can't, I have to turn in some essay's by midnight but you two can go one of us has to be sober when you guys come back" Isabella said "Okay but tomorrow night the three us one last hurrah before I go back home" Enzo said "Okay" Isabella said The door bell rang. "That would be dinner" Giovanni said He got up as they went to the table, they talked had their dinner and about an hour later the boys left for the club as Isabella went to take her laptop out and began to do her work. Isabella stretch out as she yawned she finished her essay she looked at the time was 11:40 pm. ------ "Bella! Let's go!" Enzo yelled "I'm coming!" Isabella yelled She looked at herself in the mirror again, she liked the sliver dress she grab a black jean jacket to go with her along with her purse and phone as she came out of the room. "Finally" Enzo said Isabella rolled her eyes. "You look pretty Bell" Giovanni said "Thank you, at least one of you think so" Isabella said "Yeah yeah you look pretty let's go" Enzo said Isabella ignored him as they left to the club once inside Enzo took off. "He did that to me last night I latterly had to spend the whole night looking for him" Giovanni said "Sounds like Enzo" Isabella said "Come on let's get a VIP room" Giovanni said Isabella nodded her head as she held his hand but he held her waist, he could already see guys staring at her. "Maybe we shouldn't have come out" Giovanni said near her ears "Why, were getting a private room aren't we just the two of us" Isabella smiled looking back at him Giovanni chuckled as they went up the stairs and found a room as they went inside. "What would you like to drink" Giovanni said "Hmm a s*x on the beach" Isabella said smiling at him "Naughty, naughty girl" Giovanni said She was about to kiss him but the doors open. "Gio my man! There are hot honey's down there" Enzo said "Oh yeah why didn't you bring any?" Giovanni said "I don't have my wing man" Enzo said "Why don't you two party while I watch over you two" Giovanni said "Ugh! Your no fun" Enzo said "Go have fun, I'll make sure Isabella is safe" Giovanni said "f**k that let's all go down and dance" Enzo said "I don't mind" Isabella said "Fine leave your things and will just reserve the room" Giovanni said And just like that the three went down as they danced, Enzo was taking shots after shots, Giovanni stayed near Isabella as she danced she had a few shots with Enzo. "Let's go back up" Giovanni said Isabella nodded her head, as she held his hand, Giovanni tap on Enzo shoulders. "Hey were going back up for a break" Giovanni said "Okay, I'll be here" Enzo yelled They began walking towards the VIP room. "SHOTS FOR EVERYBODY!" Enzo yelled The crowd cheered as Giovanni shook his head, he held Isabella from behind as they walked into the room closing it and locked the door, Isabella almost fell as she giggled out. "Let's get you some water" Giovanni said Isabella giggled as she grab him. "No, I want something else" Isabella said "Oh, what do you want" Giovanni said smiling. "You" Isabella giggled out "And what about Enzo?" Giovanni asked "We just have to be quick" Isabella said Isabella unbuckle his belt as she put her hand inside his pants he groan out as he began kissing her. Enzo was dancing with the girl as the waitress brought all the drinks around. "Party!" Enzo yelled Everybody had drinks in their hands as they took the shots, the music went on as he danced some more after awhile he went to the bar with the girl. "Want to come back to my place?" the girl asked "Fine with me" Enzo said Giovanni fixed himself up, Isabella went to the bathroom as she came back out. "Seems like we have your place to ourselves. Enzo went back to some girl's place" Giovanni said "What are we still doing here for" Isabella said giggling Giovanni smiled wrapping his arms around her as he kissed her head they left the club and went back to Isabella's apartment to go exercise some more in the bed.
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