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Isabella had blocked Giovanni from her phone as she looked out the window, she had to leave early she wanted to leave early. "Ma'am you okay?" Brio asked "Huh, oh yeah just sucks I had to leave early" Isabella lied "Well you have me for the next two weeks" Brio said Isabella smiled at him. "I do don't I" Isabella said ------ "Isabella call me please" Giovanni said He hung up the phone as a photo of him and Isabella. He sigh out as he looked out the window. "Hey man" Hunter said Giovanni place the phone away. "Hey, you guys done?" Giovanni asked "Yeah, the twins want to go out tonight again" Hunter said "Yeah, everybody going again" Giovanni said "Nah Maria is locked up in her room. Bella left for New York this morning" Hunter said "She left?" Giovanni said "Yeah, dad's bummed out so is mom" Hunter said "I see, I think I'll need that drink" Giovanni said Hunter nodded his head. ------- Isabella was packing with the help of Brio. "Okay this is the last of it" Isabella said "Okay I will send it off" Brio said "Alright, I'll meet you at the airport I have to pick up my transfer papers before the office close" Isabella said Brio nodded his head, Isabella looked around the now empty apartment all the memories came flashing back to her the laughs the talks, the love making she grab her carry on bag and purse as she went towards the door closing it and went to return the keys. She took a taxi to the school it was empty since it was the holidays and not many people around. "Hello, my name is Isabella Russo has a Mrs. Green leave an envelope for me" Isabella said "Yes one moment" the assistant said Isabella watched as she looked through the papers. "Here it is" she said "Thank you" Isabella said She took the envelope with her and made her way to the airport, Brio was waiting for her in the private jet as she got in. "Somewhere sunny now" Brio said Isabella smiled and nodded her head. ----- They pulled up to Beverly Hills housing it was a gated community it was the close to the UCLA where she will be going to school at. "The housing things will be here shortly" Brio said "Thank you Brio" Isabella said "The maid and cook will be here in the morning they are set up out back, your father will be sending the guards over once I get back" Brio said "Okay, I will go look at the rooms" Isabella said Brio nodded his head as he left her, Isabella went to look around the house this would be her home for the next four years she decided to just do the full four years, her heart was still in pain of Giovanni's betrayal but she decided to let it go, she took a shaky breath. "Don't cry Isabella he's not worth your tears" Isabella said to herself She wiped her tears, as she kept looking around the house she like it was a five bed room and four bath a guest house in the back there was also a maids room, she began unpacking her things an hour later the movers came bring in the furniture for the house as Isabella told them where to put them. ----- Demetri clench his fist as he looked at the photos in front of him, he grab his phone and dial a number after a few rings the line was picked up. "Sir" Brio said "You have a shadow, stay there until more guards show up" Demetri said "Got it" Brio said Demetri hung the phone up as she grab the pictures of Isabella when she was leaving New York and then again when she arrived in Los Angeles, he threw them in the fire watching as they all burned up. ------ Isabella was looking at the map of the school as she had the papers in her hand. "Do you need help" A guy came up to her. "Oh, hello and yes, I am trying to find the admissions office" Isabella said "Okay it's just down that way make a turn and there it is" he said "Thanks, I'm Isabella" Isabella said "James or Jamie for short" James said Isabella smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you again" Isabella said "Your Welcome, see you around Isabella" James said Isabella smiled again and walked to the direction he said to go. Isabella was sitting in the office as the guidance counselor was looking over her transcript. "And you are changing your major to Art" she said "No, I want to keep my Business Management but also add on the art" Isabella said "I see okay, let me see what I can do" she said Isabella sat back she waited for her to finish. "Okay here is your classes see if you like it" She said Isabella looked at the schedule and passed it to her. "I want to nine to five is that possible" Isabella said "Let me see there is a opening on Friday only" she said "That's fine" Isabella said "Okay" she said Isabella got her new schedule and a photo for her school id along with a lunch card. "You would need to put money in the lunch card has no limit but that would be in the cafeteria there is a machine in there to help you set up and this is your school Id there is some building you would need to get in so it'll scan your Id" she said "Okay thank you" Isabella said "Good Luck and my door is always open if you need any help with anything" she said "Thank you and I will if I need it" Isabella said "Oh, right here is the list of books and supplies for your class the book store is right across the cafeteria" she said Isabella nodded her head as she took the paper and went out the building as she looked down at the map, and began walking to where it led her.
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