Chapter Seven

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                                                   Mrs Olivier's POV She got home and saw everyone in the living room except Stephanie . Unlike Stephanie , she usually had dinner ready before she ( Mrs Olivier ) arrived home . " where is Stephanie ", Mrs Olivier asked . " even mom feels she is special , she's the only person you ask about ", Flora said rudely . " has it reached this level Flora ", Mrs Olivier asked , as the unbelievable truth stood in front of her . " Mum , don't worry , Steph is fine ", Kiara said . " she hasn't made dinner yet ", Mrs Olivier asked surprised . " yes , as queen of England , she was probably waiting for you to tell her what to do ", Alex said . " shut up ", Mrs Olivier scolded before going into the kitchen to cook . She made dinner and asked Alex to go call Stephanie . " I knocked , but she didn't open the door ", Alex said after knocking on Stephanie's door several times but got no reply . " I'll go call her myself , Mrs Olivier said and went to Stephanie's door . She knocked on the door , but got no reply . she knocked again and the door opened . she saw Stephanie in a bad state , her eyes were swollen , she ran into the room and closed the door . " what have you done to your self honey ", Mrs Olivier said , as a teardrop ran down her eyes . " that witches haven't done ", Stephanie asked as she kept crying . " witches ! What comparison have a witch and you ", Mrs Olivier said " a lot , a girl that gets called a witch by her friends , what is she called ", Stephanie said as she sat on her bed . " were you at home today ", Mrs Olivier said as she sat on the bed , put Stephanie's head on her lap , and began to caress it . " No , Becky invited me to her brother's birthday party ", Stephanie explained . " why didn't you stay home , so what happened there ", Mrs Olivier asked , but Stephanie took a deep breath , opened her mouth , but closed it again , she started sobbing . " calm down , and talk to me ", Mrs Olivier consoled . " Chloé walked up to me today , I may never have told you , but I had a little misunderstanding with her yesterday ", Stephanie said and paused , Mrs Olivier began thinking how far she had drifted from her kids since the past few years . " she asked me to close my eyes , maybe she had a surprise for me , I closed my eyes , and when I opened it , she was gone ", Stephanie explained. " does that make you a witch ", Mrs Olivier asked . " all eyes were on us , they probably wouldn't have been wrong , my eyes were closed , how would I know what happened ", Stephanie elaborated more. " what do you want me to do , can you consider moving ", Mrs Olivier asked . " but the loss is irreparable ", Stephanie said as Mrs Olivier pulled her up to the dining room . " oh so Elizabeth is out ", Flora said sarcastically . " Not time for sarcasm Flora , sorry for the impromptus call of this ", Mrs Olivier began . " what mum ", Alex asked curiously. " I want us to have a meeting ," Mrs Olivier said as she sat down on one of their Gothic chairs . Mr Olivier's brother , Brooklyn sold the chairs to them , since he was a dealer on chairs . The chairs was black , and always shiny , because Stephanie always cleaned the chairs , it was her responsibility . " so mum , is this meeting because of Elizabeth ", Alex asked sarcastically , before kiara screamed in a loud voice . " what is it kiara ", Mrs Olivier said turning to the little girl who was staring at Stephanie , frozen in shock . " her ... her .... her eyes ," kiara shouted and began covering her little eyes . " No honey , it's okay , Stephanie is gonna be alright soon enough ", Mrs Olivier said trying to console kiara , but instead kiara ran into her room and shut the door . " stop overreacting , she isn't the first to get her face to look like a freak before it's Halloween ", Alex said rudely. " shut up , it's not time to bicker , help Stephanie , so we can help little kiara ", Mrs Olivier said . " I can never , I care about neither of them , so they can suffer for their bad deeds . And moreover I have a lot to do mum , so can we get this meeting over with ", Flora said with strong hatred for the one person she always looked forward to her cookies . " Flora , Stephanie is your sister , you don't need to feel you are in a competition with her , moreover , she loves you all ", Mrs Olivier explained . " are we going through this same lecture again , I thought we were going through with the meeting ", Alex said , bored with the sister love lecture . " I called to say we would be moving next week ", Mrs Olivier said already knowing the rants she was going to receive . " is it all about her , I mean , none of us has had to be the reason for us to move ", Flora said " you have never been in a situation like hers , when the need comes we would do the same for you , moreover , you all don't have a say in this , I don't care what you think or have to say , we are moving , and that's final ", Mrs Olivier said as she got up and went to her room . Stephanie got up next , almost stumbling , and went into her room , she has never been through this kind of trauma , having to be the cause of the disappearance of a dear friend , at least that's what she feels and what they told her . Kiara didn't come out for dinner that day . " where is kiara ", Mrs Olivier asked . " I don't know , it's not like we're her keepers , and moreover she isn't the first to miss dinner for a silly reason , so why make a fuss about it ", Flora said trying to justify Kiara not coming to dinner as a foolish act , simply because Kiara was feeling sorry because of the trauma the big sister she once loved was going through .
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