Chapter six

693 Words
Samantha went down to breakfast where Ben was sitted with Derick . There was a knock on the door , and Derick went for it . " what is so impressive that made you this happpy ", Ben asked wondering why Samantha was so happy that morning . " Nothing dad , I'm just happy ", Samantha said . " Did you have anything with Derick ", Ben asked but only got a blush from Samantha . " why are you so foolish , when you don't know the future , you go sleep with some random guy ", Ben scolded . " what did I do wrong dad ", Samantha asked . " Derick is not for you , he will disappoint you ....", Ben said but didn't complete his statement because Derick joined them , and he was with a girl . " good morning sir ", the girl greeted . " who is she ", Samantha asked Derick . " My name is Chloé , and I'm lost here ", the girl said . " good thing we have enough space here , take her to one of the rooms in the house ", Ben said . and Derick took her to the room and joined them in breakfast . " I guess I have a new friend " , Samantha said . " would you shut up and be mindful what you say ", Ben scolded and Derick was so confused wondering what Samantha had said wrong . Later that evening , Derick went to her room to see how she was doing . She was wearing a yellow tank top and butt short , it was the only nice thing she could find from an archaic wardrobe she saw in her room . " hey Derick , I wasn't expecting you ", Chloé said surprised . " just came to see if you are comfortable ", Derick said . " that's so nice of you , have a sit ", Chloé said pointing to one of the sits in the lounge before her room . " so are you happy and comfortable ", Derick asked . " does it really matter I'm not staying here for long , I hope Ben can be able to take me home ", Chloé said confidently . " No , and what's so special about ' home ' ", Derick asked . " does this mean I wouldn't get to attend prom ", Chloé asked . " and duh ... I don't know the meaning of prom ", Derick said . " you don't have any schools around here ", Chloé asked surprised about a boy her age not knowing the meaning of prom . " we have jobs ", Derick answered . " when we girls go out with boys ", Chloé said . " and what is so special ", Derick said . " I don't have a boyfriend , I looked forward to getting one at prom ", Chloé said sadly . " you mean you don't have a boyfriend ", Derick asked shocked . " yeah , it's not like here , do you have a girlfriend ", Chloé asked . " I don't really do , Sam and I are more like siblings ", Derick said . " I wonder what it's like to kiss a boy , to hug him , and be in bed with him ", Chloé said , and Derick got up , walked up to her , tilted her chin and kissed her , it was the longest he ever had , their tongues touched and hers tasted of toasted bread and orange juice . " having a boyfriend is fun ", Chloé said while giggling as Derick held her hand . " I guess relationships are based on trust , my relationship with Sam has gone beyond the imaginable , we have even kissed a lot of times ", Derick said pulling his hand away from her hand . " but it isn't special like ours I guess ", Chloé said . " not really , we had this just yesterday Derick said . " no it can't really possible , you lied to me , get out ", Chloé said as she reached for her clothes angrily . Derick left her room sad and disappointed 
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