
Disappear Mayhem

Writing Challenge
special ability
Writing Academy

Stephanie's powers is both a blessing and a curse . She loves being alone because of the powers , but then she has to save her twin and her father from her mother's ex boyfriend (Ben)and also discover herself and living with the powers. She has to live with the fact that her mum banned her from talking to friends . How can she manage this , now and in the future ?

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Chapter one
5 year old Stephanie was outside the yard playing with the neighbour's son Derick . Stephanie was light toned, with pink lips , long blonde hair and emerald green eyes . Derick on the other hand was light toned with black hair and  grey eyes . Derick loved to play with Stephanie since he had no brothers , and his parents loved him more than his sisters , because of that his sisters were always mean to him . Mrs Olivier soon came with apple juice for the kids , "here is apple juice for you both , and Derick your parents just called to say they would be coming soon ", Mrs Olivier said handing them their drinks and leaving. Derick picked up his drink and sipped a little . "No , No, Derick, one more round before the break", Stephanie said putting down his glass. " No I'm tired , I don't want to play anymore , break before another round", Derick said pushing his glass back into his mouth. " No, I don't want to be your friend anymore ", Stephanie said slightly pushing him by his shoulders . " your not my Mummy , so you can't boss my around ", Derick said as he stared into Stephanie's eyes , and Stephanie blinked directly at him . Opening her eyes , she couldn't see him anywhere around the yard . She reached for her juice , grabbed it and went indoors . She saw her mum on the dining table with 3 year old Alex . "Has Derick gone already ", Mrs Olivier asked pouring more milk to Alex's cereal . "It seems so ", Stephanie said. "Strange , Helen didn't stop to say hello", Mrs Olivier said . "Steph is lying , she's probably at loggerheads with Derick ", Alex said before putting a spoonful of cereals in his mouth. " Just shut up , he left ", Stephanie said as she stormed upstairs for her room . She went to her room , and shut the door . She went to her window and looked out the window , but she couldn't see Derick on his way to his house , at his courtyard or watering his little garden . Stephanie loved to watch him water his garden . It had strawberries , grapes , carrots and cabbages . It was his personal garden , and he always took care of it especially when he had a misunderstanding with her. She saw the garden empty , and just then , she heard a knock on the door . It was Mrs Olivier . " Helen called ,she said she would be here in a minute for Derick , but you told me earlier that he left ", Mrs Olivier asked looking puzzled . " I said he left mum, because he left ", Stephanie said . " with who ? Did Helen come pick him up ", Mrs Olivier asked . " He left on his own ", Stephanie explained . " You let him leave , you should have told me earlier , Alex was right ", Mrs Olivier said running out of Stephanie's room . Helen and her husband came looking for Derick , " Where is Derick , Olivier ", Helen asked worried about her Son's whereabouts . " I don't know , Stephanie said he left , I guess the had a misunderstanding , and he left angrily , and Stephanie didn't bother to stop him ", Mrs Oliver explained , expecting her angry friend to understand , but no , she is a mother like her , would she take it lightly if it were her son Alex , no she would do worse . " I don't care , I need to see my only son , or else , I will kill you ", Helen threatened . Little Stephanie on hearing the threat ran out from behind the door where she was hiding . " Sorry ma'am , it's all my fault , so please don't murder my mother , Daddy won't be happy when he comes back from work , he'll be so stressed when he's back , this will only make him sad ", Stephanie said as she cried , and Mrs Olivier scooped her into her arms and dried her tears with the back of her palm. " and what happens to my husband , he is in Germany at peace not knowing that his heir is missing . first of all , Derick is a prince , and what happens to his kingdom , damn , you are a wicked fool , Olivier get ready to rot in jail ", Helen threatened , which only breaked Stephanie's heart the more . " Mummy , I thought you said she is your friend , friends love each other , but she is a selfish friend , but you are a selfless woman , let's go inside she can nag all she wants ", Stephanie said breaking into a fresh set of tears . Mrs Helen's threat never came true , but Mr Olivier got angry with Stephanie . " why did you let Derick leave ", Mr Olivier asked but got no answer , only loud sobs . " I'm asking you a question ", Mr Olivier scolded . " He didn't leave , I didn't see him leave , I only blinked , and then he was no where to be seen ", Stephanie said still crying . " do I look like a fool to you , I am not a kid , who would just believe your tale ", Mr Olivier scolded . " Stop it , I've had enough of this , quit scolding her , Helen threatened to kill me , and do you think if little Stephanie was in Derick's shoes , that Helen would scold Derick because of her , no , stop being unreasonable , Stephanie go to your room and rest ", Mrs Olivier ended . 

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