Chapter 10

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Cora saw that Martin loved Carolina so much, and much more than her boyfriend Francis Wilfred ever loved her. As she hadn't seen Francis stared to her with so much love, passionately written in his eyes before, like she was the air that he was breathing. Like how she saw Martin staring to Carolina now. Cora's hold on her spoon tightened, as she saw how Carolina was being treated like a princess rightly to her view. And it angered her that even their parent praised Carolina too, but doesn't fail to insult her always. Cora saw that Martin Elliott was a powerful billionaire, and he owned the house, mega hotel and company in the city. And yet he's acting so love sick with Carolina, and rightly to her viewed. And her face flushed redder in jealousy, While she sighed and stared back to her half chopped rice to averted her gazed away from Carolina, as she didn't wanted Carolina to knew that she was jealous. "Cora.. Do you like the meal?" Carolina finally asked her, and Cora gave a little nod as she didn't wanted to stared up to Carolina's face. "Martha is actually a good cook. And my best friend is the one that actually helped me to find Martha. You know Amelia's mother runs a restaurant here in our state and that's why" Carolina said, but Cora didn't knew who Amelia was either. "Okay," Cora softly replied, as she continued with her meal, and she didn't wanted to stared at Carolina again. As Martin sat right next beside her. And she didn't wanted to meet Martin's direct gazed on her, As he sat on the head seat, while Carolina sat on the left and beside him. Cora dip her spoon into her rice as she continued eating her meal, while she avoided staring to the sweet lovely couple in front of her. And Martha stepped out from the kitchen, and she was carrying a tray of meal in her hands, as she walked up to served Carolina and her husband. Martin blessed the food first, and he picked up his spoon to started eating, while he said to Carolina "wait." He collected Carolina's spoon away from her hand, and he shifted his seat closer to her, while Cora slowly raised her head up and stared to them. And she saw Martin took Carolina spoon away from her hand, and he dipped his spoon into the rice bowl and mixed it with pepper-soup, before he feed Carolina to her lips. And Cora gulped as she saw Martin treating Carolina like a baby too, and ever since she had been dating Fracins, he has never feed her before. Martin was facing Cora, as Carolina sat beside him, and facing him. So he averted his gazed away from Cora, as he raised Carolina's chin upward and kissed her softly to her lips and not minding if Cora is staring to them or not. Martin knew that Cora had eyes on him, from her behavior to him. But he decided not to report her to Carolina. As he did not wanted Carolina to be worried about anything, or ruined their sisters bond. As he knew that Carolina was more caring than Cora, and Carolina might automatically become worried sick if he ever tells her anything wrong about Cora. Martin knew that Cora was spoilt, and that was because Carolina usually pampered Cora and sent money to Cora and their parent, while given them half of her nursing salary to Cora, and the other half sent to their parent in the village. Martin knew had tried advising Carolina against Cora coming to stay with them in their mansion, but Carolina refused, and didn't wanted to listened to him, as she rather felt hurt, because Cora was her only sister. "How do you like the meal?" Martin finally asked his wife, As he stared to her lovingly. And Cora wasn't abled to finished her remaining meal again, after she heard Martin's deep husky voice to Carolina. "It's sweet" Carolina softly replied. "Do you like it?" Martin asked her again, as he continued to feed her to lips, and he raised her chin upward again, and kissed her to her lips, and Carolina spoked, "I love it, it's very sweet." Carolina had forgotten about Cora sitting across to them and staring at them too. As Carolina didn't knew the Cora was jealous or lusting after her husband either. And Martin kissed her again, while Cora was unable to sat there and finished her meal, or to watch Martin and Carolina kissing, and doing their sweet honeymoon to her presence. So she immediately shifted her dinning seat backward, as she stood up angrily to leave, while disrupting Martin and Carolina from kissing, as Carolina's lips immediately parted away from her husband and she stared back to Cora at the abruptly sound of the dinning seat. Carolina felt bad and she stared back to Cora leaving, as she called Cora back "Cora" Cora paused by the entrance leading to the guest rooms corridor, but she didn't wanted to stared back to Carolina. As she didn't wanted Carolina to saw that she was hurt and jealous of Carolina's marriage. And she lied, "I'm coming sis, as I want to use the restroom." Cora immediately walked away into the corridor, and not staring backwards to Carolina again. And Carolina frowned, as she didn't liked how Cora sounded sad, and she shifted her gazed to Cora's half chopped meal, while Martin rather caressed her cheek fondly as he said to her, "She will be back babe, let's eat our dinner quickly and go to the hospital before it gets too late." Carolina didn't suspected any foul mood changes in Cora behavior earlier, and she believed what Martin said to her about Cora returning back to finished up her meal. And so they continued eating together with only one spoon.. While Martin kissed and feed Carolina to her lips quickly, as he continued playing with her, but still, Cora didn't stepped out all throughout their dinner in the dinning room. Martin was through feeding and eating with his lovely wife, and he helped Carolina stood up from her dinning seat, as he escorted her outside to one of his cars parked in the garage. As the night sky had fallen, and he unlocked his car door as he was with the key, and he helped Carolina to sat in the second front seat of his Jeep. "I'm coming babe, let me go inside and get something" Martin said, and he immediately excused himself and shut the side door of the car properly. While he went back into the building, and he saw that Cora had returned back to the dinning table, but still in her simple brown gown. Martin strode up to meet Cora whom pretended like she didn't saw him, and he paused by the kitchen door and walked into the kitchen to meet Martha. As he said to Martha, "I'm leaving the house now with madam.. Once you're through cooking. Pack all the meals in the cupboard and take care of the house. We will soon be back." "Okay boss" Martha replied, and Martin immediately left the kitchen as he stepped out and almost bumped into Cora that approached the kitchen too, and he glared at Cora but he immediately walked away, while Cora wondered what Martin went to do in the kitchen with Martha. Cora wondered, "Are they secretly dating? Mm.." Martin left the house and he went back to his car and drove off with Carolina. While Cora peered at Martha irritably, as she stepped into the kitchen and wondered if her suspicion was true. As she continued to stared to Martha in silence, and she was curious to know, so she asked Martha, "What was boss telling you? I mean, my sister's husband?. Are you dating him secretly behind my elder sister's back?." "No! I reject it. How can you accuse me of such a thing? God forbid" Martha quickly replied, but Cora's eyes burned at Martha as she scoffed "Okay." "What could you have said before? That you're truly dating him. Hmm.. Just thank you stars that I didn't caught you with him, Else! I will report you to my elder sister and have you thrown out from here. Useless." Martha jaw dropped at Cora's statement. And she was speechless, as she watched Cora strode up to meet her, and Cora dropped her used plate harshly into the kitchen sink, and hissed so loud, before she turned and exit the kitchen. Martha shook her head, as she wondered if she was dreaming with the way Cora just acted to her. And she said, "Me dating Boss?.. Even in my wildest dreams, Boss Martin will never stared to me with love or want me like he does to madam... But why is madam sister even accusing me of such? Mm.. Just today that she arrives here, I won't have peace and she's accusing me wrongly."
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