Chapter 9

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He remembered how Cora had stared to him with lust, and he knew that Cora was indeed a corrupt lady and not a virtuous woman like his wife, As Carolina had never stared to him with pure lust clearly carved on her face before. He knew so well a lady like Cora was desperate, and more likely dangerous, And he knew that Carolina was softhearted and still cared for Cora too. Martin walked up to their bed and he sat down beside his wife, and he slowly touched her forehead and felt her body temperature that was hot, which made him frowned, as Carolina stirred, but she did not woke up, as she was still sleeping. Martin didn't knew if Carolina had eaten anything since when she and Cora both left the village, and came to the city, and so he woke her up gently. "Baby, wake up" Martin gently tapped on Carolina's shoulder to stirred awake, but Carolina rather turned away from him, to the other side of their bed, as she was still engrossed in her sleep, and dreaming of where she was playing with her baby and nursing a new born baby in her arms too. "Baby" Martin gently tapped on Carolina shoulder again, as he leaned more closer to her head, to woke her up. And he plastered his hot lips to her cheek, as he kiss her to woke up. "Baby.." Martin calmly tapped and stroke on her right palm to woke up, and Carolina eyes finally pushed opened, as she stared awake and slightly tilted her head to stare to her husband, that was sitting beside her on their bed. "You're awake?" Carolina asked him, as her eyes were fully awake, and meet with Martin's deep blue eyes, and he replied to her, "I was not sleeping before. As I only went to took my bath and made you some tea. Sit up and come drink your tea as your body is hot." Martin sat up first properly, but Carolina still wanted to slept a little. "I don't feel to eat," Carolina said. "Why?" Martin asked her, as he leaned more closer to her again, and he laid on the bed beside her. "What's wrong with you?" He asked his wife, as he cuddles her closely. "I'm feeling sick, and I don't feel too fine," Carolina finally admitted, and Martin frowned and said, "You're a nurse, but still you don't have time to care for your needs. As you always place other people's needs before yours, why?." Martin complained and Carolina frowned. "But.." "No but. We will go to the hospital tomorrow morning, or do you want us to go to the hospital this night?" He asked her, as he knows how stubborn Carolina could got at times, on her refusal on going to the hospital for her own medical checkup, and he didn't wanted her refusal. "I don't know. I'm just feeling unwell and it started since yesterday morning," Carolina said and Martin sighed. "That's alright. Sit up first, as I made you some tea, and come sip a little from it to regain some energy first," He encouraged his wife to sit up, as he assisted her, and he could feel her body still burning hot, and he subtly blame himself for being to selfish and not able to resisted making love to his wife. Carolina finally sat up on the bed, and Martin finally took the teacup from the bed drawer and brought it closer to her lips, as he said to her, "Here, take some sip." Martin sat beside his wife on the bed, as he encouraged her to drink from the teacup as Carolina was still bare and she hadn't dressed up yet. She tried to collected the teacup from Martin's hand, but he refused as he held the teacup to her lips for her. Carolina felt her throat burned a little like she was going to vomited all that was in her stomach, and Martin noticed her face changes as he asked her, "What's wrong?." Martin saw his wife's face twisted in irritation and next Carolina acted like she was going to vomited, making Martin to frowned, and he stood up from the bed immediately, as he walked up to got her a bowl for her from the bedroom. And Carolina quicky reached and collected the bowl from his extended hand to her on the bed, as she vomited all the food that was previously left in her stomach, and making Martin to frowned "What's wrong? I guess we have to go to the hospital this night" Martin insisted, and Carolina didn't wanted to leave the house yet as she was tired, and so she replied "No babe, I'm fine, and I just need a little rest, by tomorrow, I will be good.." "Carolina.." Martin called her full name and Carolina stopped talking and stared up to her husband face, and Martin spoked, "You're unwell, and I cannot afford to loose you. Stand up and dress up, or do you want me to dress you up?." Carolina pouted as she knew that Martin was serious to took her to the hospital, and she replied, "Fine, I will dress up." Carolina nervously stepped down from their bed, and she walked up to her bathroom to washed herself as she was feeling sour all over her aching body. And through with her bath, she stepped out and dressed up in a simple cream colored gown and black sandals, as she seemed to had regain some lost energy after drinking from the tea, and taking her bath too. She walked to the bed drawer and took up the remaining tea again, to finished up her tea as it was still hot, and she felt more better. Martin had also dressed up in a long sleeve shirt and deep red trouser. And he took his car keys, as he was the one personally taking Carolina to the hospital and not leaving her to Mark. Carolina finished the tea and she smiled to Martin as she turned to face him and said, "See, I told you I am fine, and I will get better before tomorrow morning." "I know. But I cannot also afford to loose you" Martin repeated, as he approached his short wife and he encirled his arms around her waist and pulled her gently into a warm hugged before he raised her chin upward to face him and he kissed her softly to her lips, as he said,"I love you so much, come let go out and eat first." Carolina smiled to Martin as she finally walked out from their bedroom with him, and they both went downstairs to the living room.. Carolina had actually forgotten that her younger sister was around, and she felt bad, as she stepped downstairs and not showing Cora around her home, as it was actually, Cora first time of visiting her mansion ever since she got married to Martin. Carolina couldn't spoked a word as she stepped downstairs into the living room with Martin. And she saw Cora seated in the dinning room with a sad look on her face, but Martin held her left hand closely, like she was a soft lady that didn't had any stamina. Martin guided Carolina downstairs carefully and afraid that she might fall, but Carolina finally called to Cora's attention, "Cora.." Cora was busy eating from the delicious delicious pepper-soup with cook white rice. And she stared up to Carolina's face, and meeting Carolina's gazed on her, and she felt jealous, as she sees how Martin held Carolina closely to himself like he was Carolina guardian angel.. "I'm sorry that I didn't had the time to show you around my home. I'm not feeling to well and that's why I am upstairs since, and sleeping" Carolina said, as she tried to explained to Cora why she hadn't stepped downstairs since they arrived to the city at noon. As she yawned and sat down on the dinning table, but Cora shook her head and nodded in agreement as she internally cussed, {Sleeping indeed}. "Martin and I will be going out to the hospital soon, but first, let us join you for dinner" Carolina smiled to Cora as she sat comfortably, and Cora observed that Martin didn't even stared to her once when Carolina was talking to her, As Martin was rather staring to Carolina's face, as he tuck her hair behind her ear, while he sat beside her, and shifted his gazed to her finally. Martin examined Cora's new brown dress and saw it was more appropriate than the previous seductively blue dress that Cora wore before, and he sighed, "Hmph." Cora finally replied, "Okay" As she saw how Martin held Carolina gently to sat properly before he did, and she stared back to her meal and frowned, as she knew that Martin truly loves Carolina deeply, and her mission was deemed as failed.
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