Chapter 11

1589 Words
Cora returned back to her room, and she was hurt on remembering how Martin and Carolina had kissed multiple times to her view. "They're husband and wife, so what? Carolina is just so lucky to be married to someone like Martin, and me spending a night with him isn't a crime" Cora said, as she walked to the wardrobe and pulled the door opened, while she searched for her certificate, that she had come with from the village, and she saw it and took it out. "Well I just arrive. Let me first prepare myself. As tomorrow Monday, I will have to go out in search of a job here in the city, and to be going out from this house. As Carolina and her husband wouldn't kill me with jealousy," Cora said as she finally found her certificate and she smiled and walked back to her bed and sat on it. And she took her android phone to search more on the company that she would love to apply in, as their accountant. And although she had passion for acting and doing other modelling works too, but she thought against it, as she wanted a well respectable job, so as to match up with Martin Elliott level and choice of a woman. Although, Cora knew that her chances of meeting a billionaire handsome man like Martin Elliott in the city was sly, but she was rather ready to pushed her lucks in trying, than discouraging herself.. And after much hesitation and research on the company of her choice online, Cora finally laid on her bed, and she took up her phone again, to check for any missed calls nor text messages. And so far, Francis hadn't even called her yet, to checked up on her, ever since she left the village. But if she was in the village now, Francis wouldn't allowed her to rest, as he would be calling her and demanding to see her, just to ravish her wet folds. And yet he couldn't even place a call across to her, to knew if she had arrived to the city safely. Cora frowned as she remembered how Martin had been calling Carolina from time to time when they were still inside the car, and all throughout their travel journey to the city. And yet, Francis never even made any attempt to dropped any missed calls on her phone once. And she cussed, "I know that I made the right decision by leaving that good for nothing i***t. As I cannot believe that I fell in love with him, and even fighting Ivy to leave him alone in the village. Now I am away, I'm sure Francis would rather bury his head deeply in Ivy's cave, other than giving me a call. Useless.." Cora pouted, as she stared to her contact list. And she said, "Well is best I delete his number and focus on my new life here in the city. Or maybe, I should just block him.. No, but what if he eventually calls me.." Cora got confused on what to do. And she sighed and finally decided to left Francis phone number, to knew whether Francis would still later called her or not, to apologised to her, or he has rather moved on with his second love Ivy in the village. **** Martin parked his Jeep in the private hospital car parking lot, and he stepped down and walked towards his wife side door to helped Carolina stepped out carefully from his Jeep. As Carolina also waited in the car for him, as she knew that Martin would personally open up the door for her, and she carefully stepped down, and walked with Martin, as he locked up his car door and walked with her into the mighty hospital building. Carolina had been suspecting that she was pregnant. And so she nervously followed Martin into the clinic, as the elderly nurse on duty smiled to them as they walked and approached the front desk of the out patient department section of the hospital. "Welcome Mrs Elliott. How's your health today?" The elderly nurse asked Carolina. As Carolina was also a nurse in the private hospital and Carolina smiled to her and replied, "I'm fine Nurse Angelica." Martin stood waiting, and Nurse Angelica replied, "You both can seat and wait. Let me prepare your file for you to see Doctor Vincent, and to send it to him, so he can attend to you both quickly." "Okay," Carolina replied with a friendly smiled, as she was on leave, and wasn't yet resuming her duty, while Nurse Angelica, quickly arranged for Carolina file online, and she sent it through their online record, to the doctor in charge, while she finally said to Carolina, "You can go in now to see him." "Okay" Carolina replied, and she stood up from the guest seat where she sat silently with Martin, and they smiled to Nurse Angelica, as they finally walked to the consultant doctor's office to saw him first. Doctor Vincent Nicholas was through attending to the last patient that he had. And so he washed his hands in the wash hands basin in his office, and he put on a new sterile handgloves before he stared backward to his office entrance door that pushed opened, as Carolina and Martin walked in. "Welcome Nurse Caro.. Mr Martin, Is an honour to meet with you today, you can seat" Doctor Vincent politely said to Carolina and her husband, as he gestured for Carolina and her husband to sit on the opposite guest seat across to him. Martin doesn't fail to show his love to Carolina even in public, and he helped his wife to sat down first, before he sat next to her on the second guest seat, and he stared back to Doctor Vincent whom smiled at them, and asked "What's the problem?." Doctor Brown sat across to them, and he resumed clicking on his keyboard to check with Carolina's medical report that was with them before, and he said, "How have you been Nurse Caro?. I thought I saw you yesterday at the clinic?." Doctor Vincent liked Carolina, and he didn't mind Martin presence with them, while Carolina shly replied, "No, I am on leave now, as I actually travelled home to my village yesterday." "Okay, so what are your complaint today Mrs Elliott?" Doctor Vincent asked, he finally shifted his gazed away from his computer and he stared at Carolina, while she began explaining all her health symptoms to him, and Doctor Vincent resume clicking on his keyboard and typing, and after a while he paused, and smiled to Carolina as was a dark skin man too, and he spoked, "That's alright, I will write down some lab test that will you will need to conduct now. And once the test result is out in few hours time. We will find out what's wrong with you?. When was the last time that you saw your month flow?." "Last month" Carolina replied, and Doctor Vincent hummed "Hmm.. ain't you doing it with your husband? Or are you on child control pills?." "No.." Carolina quickly replied with a frowned, and Doctor Brown smiled to her before he assured her, "I'm just asking to be sure about the medication to prescribe?. Not to worry let the lab doctor conduct the test first on you, and from there we will know what's up?." "Okay" Carolina smiled in relief, and a lab doctor approached her to drew out a sample of her blood needed. And she flinched while Martin pampered her, and Doctor Vincent sat in silence as he watched the lab doctor drew her blood. And after the lab doctor left, Carolina and her husband stood up and left Doctor Vincent office to wait for the medical result to be out. Later, Carolina and her husband was called back into Doctor Vincent office, and Doctor Vincent confirmed to them that Carolina was pregnant again, and the blood wasn't actually her menstrual blood but a tendency that she might lost the pregnancy again if Carolina wasn't careful enough. "What should she do Doctor? As I think she should quit working here for sometime throughout the pregnancy period" Martin said in worry, and Doctor Vincent replied, "She should get enough rest first, and reduce worrying too much as her anxiety level ain't good too for the baby health." "Hmm" Carolina frowned, and her husband finally thanked Doctor Vincent, as they stood up and left his office, while Carolina wasn't happy with news of her loosing her baby again, if she wasn't careful enough, as she had lost to pregnancy to miscarriages and if she lose this pregnancy again it will be the third one, and she frowned, while Martin console her, as he walked with her to their car. "You don't need to be sad babe, The baby will be fine and safe okay" Martin assured her as they finally approached his car parked in the hospital parking lot. "But is already a year going to two years now. And others will start mocking us if I lose this babe too. How about your family, you're their only son too?. Won't.." "Shush babe..." Martin placed his index to his wife's lip, as he opened the car door for her and he was holding her medication that he had collected from the nurse after paying for Carolina hospital bill. "Is okay babe, nothing will happen to our baby and I won't leave you okay?."
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