Chapter 8

1475 Words
Cora was through dressing up in her tiny-arm blue dress that she had kept on her bed, and she walked up to her room mirror again to packed her scattered blonde hair, and she smiled on seeing how the blue dress hugged to her body and brought out shape. And she purposely didn't wore any bra beneath her blue dress as she didn't wanted to waisted anytime in seducing Martin. She touched her breasts, and cupping them with her both hands as she stood in front of her room mirror and staring to her beautiful yellow reflection again. As the tiny arm blue dress that she wore, made her look extremely charming and pushup her boobs too. And she smiled in satisfaction, as she walked out from her room, and she went out to the living room, but she still did not see Carolina nor Martin around. "What are they still doing upstairs? mm.." Cora murmured, as she made her way to the kitchen door, to asked Martha if the meal was ready as she's so hungry. And she paused in front of the kitchen door and she stared back to the living room again, and still admiring the lovely mansion, and she smiled and finally pushed the kitchen door to opened, before she walked into the kitchen, and she stared in surprised to see Martin standing beside the kitchen cabinet and sipping from his teacup too. Martin stood there in silence as he didn't stared back to Cora to knew whom stepped into the kitchen, as the short blue nikka that he wore didn't reached his knees, and was only above his kneecap, with his thigh muscles slightly on display. And Cora gulped as she stared down to Martin's hairy legs, and Martin finally turned back to stared back at her. Cora blushed as their gazed meet and she immediately stared downward as she was embarrassed to saw Martin caught her ogling at him. Martin stared to Cora and his cold blue eyes narrowed at her, on seeing how the blue dress provocatively pushed up her cleavage to popped out and be on full displayed, as Cora also had bigger boobs like Carolina. Martin held his teacup up to his lips again, and he stared away from Cora, as he finished up his tea first, while Martha was through adding all the ingredients into the cooking pot and she stared back to Cora and asked, "Do you need anything?." Martha wondered what Cora came to the kitchen to do, As the kitchen was her care to handle, and to prepare their meals.. "Hm, mm, Have you prepared dinner yet, I'm hungry?" Cora asked in a slim seductive voice, because she was nervous on seeing Martin in the kitchen too. But Martin didn't stared back to Cora, as he heard her voice. "No, not yet. It will soon be ready, you can wait a little in the dinning room, The rice is almost done," Martha replied, but Cora rather stared to Martin and blushed as she bit on her lower lip seductively, while Martha jaw dropped as she saw Cora ogling at her boss. And Martha wasn't a novice, to knew that her madam's sister that just arrived was clearly gawking at Martin and attracted to him too. Cora continued to stared at Martin, as she stood by the door and she bite on her lower lip, and Martin finally rinse out his teacup as he was through sipping from his teacup, to replenish all the lost energy from making love to his dear wife, and he knew that Carolina would be as well drained from having travelled a long distance to the city, And yet, she still had to fulfill her wifely duty to him. And he made another tea for Carolina as he knew that she would be in need of it too. Martin didn't heard the sound of the kitchen door pulled opened to indicated that Cora had left, And so he turned and stared back to the kitchen door, as the kitchen was very wide and spacious enough. And he saw Cora still standing there and staring to him again as their eyes meet.. Cora was feeling wet, but Martin's eyes darkened at her, as he asked her, "What are you lost and staring at?." "Mm, nothing sir. I'm leaving now" Cora replied, as she turned to walked out from the kitchen door, but Martin said "Wait." Cora paused as she was nervous, and she turned back to stared at Martin, and she saw him preparing another teacup with a hot water kettle. As Martin held unto the kettle handle, and poured it out to refill the teacup. Cora watched as Martin prepared another hot tea, filling the cup with another warm water to it brim, and adding more tea and milk into the cup, while she licked her lips like she was salivating, and thinking that Martin wanted to gave to her the teacup too. But as Martin was through preparing the tea. He covered it and turned to face Cora coldly, before he spoked to her, "I don't want to see you wearing this type of over revealing outfit here again. Go back to your room and change it now." Cora's smiles immediately faded away from her face, As she heard what Martin said to her. And Martin didn't even gave her any chance to replied, As he carried the teacup and walked out from the kitchen while walking passed her. And Cora stepped aside and she watched Martin walked away with the covered teacup, and she felt embarrassed with the way Martin had spoken to her so coldly. She watched Martin walked to living room stairs and he climbed on it and going back upstairs to his bedroom. And realizing that Martin was actually taking the hot tea to Carolina in their bedroom, Cora's face burned redder in anger, and she immediately stared back to Martha that was also staring at her too. And she asked Martha, "What are you staring at??." Cora glared at Martha, and she angrily left the kitchen, and felt so embarrassed, as she went back to her guest room, to scattered all her things, and to change her blue dress into another gown. "Argrhh!" Cora screamed out as she stepped into her room, and feeling her anger boiling hot, as she cussed, "Why will he ask me not to dress how I want?. Am I a kid to be controlled be him, hmm?." Cora slammed her room door shut, as she paced up and down in her bedroom, and sensing that Martin didn't wanted her to charm him. And she said, "No. I have to get him. But first, let me just comply and be the good girl that he want." Cora finally walked to her wardrobe and took out another dress that she would change into. As most of her dress, were either v-shape, tiny arm, harmless, exposed neck, show back.. And she wasted so much time in searching for another gown, until she finally took up a dress that was round neck, but still the dress was light and almost transparent too. Not wanting for Martin to send her back into her room again. Cora decided to wore her bra underneath the new gown, and to package her big breast as she didn't needed any more embarrassment for the day.. It was only her first day of arriving to the city, And even though she wanted her elder sister's husband, She still didn't wanted Martin to sent her away first, until she has succeeded in gaining her stand and having a better job for herself in the city too. Wearing the brown gown finally, Cora walked out from her room, as she was angry and she knew that Martha obviously heard when Martin had sent her back, And she was so sure Martha would be laughing at her now in the kitchen, but she wasn't going to quit on her initial mission, as she truly wanted Martin too. Walking out from the corridor and into the living room, Cora stared to Martha irritably, while Martha said to her, "Dinner is ready Cora, I will serve your meal now. You can wait in the dinning room I am coming." "Okay" Cora mumbled out, and she went to the dinning room and sat, while Martha stepped out and served her hot rice and pepper-soup to her front. *** Martin entered into his bedroom and gently placed the teacup gently to the bed drawer, before he approached Carolina that is still sleeping peacefully on the bed, and he remembered how Cora looked in her pretty blue dress. Martin would admitted that Cora was cute too, but he had vowed never to cheat on his wife, and not even with his wife younger sister too.
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