Chapter 7

1397 Words
Carolina moans filled the room as Martin pleasured her again, and she held onto him, while sitting on top of him on the bed again and he made sweet love to her, while thrusting deeply into her warmth. Martin finally got to his climax again, and he was breathing heavily and sweating. But still holding Carolina tightly to his chest as she sat on his member, and he discharged his hot seeds into her warmth, while kissing her so tenderly.. After a while of making love, Carolina finally slided to the bed again, and she fell asleep as she was tired and previously feeling sick and she didn't wanted to raised any alarm nor worry her husband about her ill health. And so, Martin finally slided out from their bed and he walked to the restroom to washed himself, And after he was through, he stepped out and stared to Carolina, that was sleeping beautifully on the bed. And he walked up to meet her, as he leaned over to her sleeping face on the bed, while Carolina cuddles herself under the blanket, and feeling Martin cold touch on her cheek, as he cover her up properly. Martin fondly bit her ear, and he said to her, "Sweet dreams babe." He turned and stared to their bedroom wall clock time and he saw it was after 7pm, and he wore his white singlet top and blue shorts nikka, before he wore his slippers and he walked out from their bedroom to.went downstairs, and to find out if their maid had arrived. And to prepared something for them to eat. ~~~~ Cora was in her room that she had chosen and after arranging her box of clothes to fit properly into the wardrobe, she took out a tiny arm blue dress that she would wore, after she was through taking her bath. And although she looked like Carolina, she was still slim, with big boobs too. Cora loved to wear dresses that exposed her boobs or shape, and she had only wore a v-shape neck dress, as she knew that Carolina was coming to their village to took her to the city. So she didn't wanted to raised any suspicion as she knew that her parents were totally against her going to the city with Carolina, and she hid all her seductive wears in her box, as she dressed so decently.. and she wasn't a virgin that she should dressed holy. She didn't knew if Carolina was also a virgin, before Carolina meet Martin, that made Martin to love Carolina so much, and Cora sighed, as she had examined Martin, and he was more likely the kind of man that she wanted too. Cora knew that she made a mistake by fallen in love with Francis, as she came from a lower classed family status, And she knew the advantage if she eventually got married to a rich man too. She knew that she wasn't supposed to lust after her elder sister's husband, but she couldn't help but admire Martin and wanted him too.. And she frowned, as she had been standing beside her bathroom door since, and lost in her thinking, against her plans on befriending Martin. As she didn't planned to hurt Carolina, and she only came to the city in search for a better job. She knew that she loves s*x and she had separated from Francis, and now, she was aroused with desire. So she finally walked into the bathroom to bath, and into the white bathtub, as she felt like she was in heaven, and she relaxed into the bathtub filled with soapy water, before she picked up her new sponge and soap, and she started to bathe. After she was through with her bathing, Cora finally rinsed her body, and she finally stepped out carefully and wrapped herself in a clean white towel. As she walked out back to her new bedroom to cream her yellow body. And she walked up to the room mirror to stared to her reflection again, as she hadn't dried her body. And she stood there in front of the mirror and staring to her reflection. Cora saw that her skin looked so dull and nothing to be compared to Carolina's fresh skin, that was sparkling beautiful and smooth, and she remembered how Martin had kissed Carolina selfishly in front of her, when they just arrived. And she felt her blood boiled hot at the remembrance, as she frowned and took off her white towel off, to dried her wet bare body. And she finally turned around to stared at her back and to her round bûttocks. As she shook it and twerk a little to examine how soft and shaking her buttocks was. Satisfied that she wasn't that ugly, Cora finally walked to her new bed and she sat on it, and she took out her cream to cream her body, as she feels her stomach grumbles out so loud in hunger. ~~~~~ Martin walked downstairs to the kitchen. And although he could cook, and it wasn't his idea for him and Carolina to employed the service of a maid, but Carolina had insisted on him to employed a maid to be assisting her in keeping their house clean, and he had no other choice than to accept to it, as despite the fact that he didn't wanted any other woman under his roof aside from his wife. As he had wanted to object to a female maid being employed into his mansion, as he didn't needed a maid to seduced him, but then, he didn't also wanted a manservant to seduced his wife too. Martin had no other option than to agreed to a female maid been employed, and he walked into the kitchen, and stared to Martha in her pink maid uniform. As Martha had change her previous clothes into her maid uniform, before she started cooking, and she stared backwards and quickly greeted him, "Good evening sir." "Evening," Martin replied, and he walked further into the kitchen first to examined what Martha wanted to prepared, As he had all the time to pampered Carolina in the world, and so he approached the cooking pot and asked Martha, "What are you preparing?." "Chicken pepper-soup sir, and rice" Martha nervously replied, and not wanting to stared up at Martin's face. As he was so tall and his presence demanded submission as he possessed an aura of dominance around him. "Hmm" Martin hummed, as he pulled the pot cover to opened, before he stared to it content inside the pot, and he picked up the big spoon to stirred it, while Martha slowly raised her head up in surprise as she peeked to her handsome boss turning the boiling pot out pepper soup. And just then, Martin closed the pot back, while Martha quickly stared downward to avoid Martin gazed on her. And he spoked, "It's okay, You can continue cooking, but I will like to prepare a cup of tea for myself, since Madam is still sleeping. You can go on with what you're doing before." Martin said, and he walked away to the kitchen cabinet, and pulled the top cabinet to opened, while he took out a big tin tea and tin milk that he wanted to prepared tea for himself, while Martha didn't dared to stared to him, as she focused on what she was preparing. Martha washed the scented leaves first that she wanted to add into the boiling meat and she continued with her cooking, while Martin prepared the tea in a teacup and stood by the kitchen cabinet to drank from it as it was hot. Martha was a 20-years-old young lady, And she would admitted that her boss was extremely handsome. But Carolina was a nice lady to her, and she knew that Martin didn't lust after her like he cared for her, as Martin seemed cold and aloof with her. While she had also seen how Martin pampered Carolina to the core, and she prayed to have a nice lovely handsome husband like him. A man whom would truly love only her and respected her, and not lusting after other women nor staring twice to them, As she saw Carolina as lucky to be married to a good handsome man like Martin, that is also a billionaire too.
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