Chapter 6

1449 Words
"Babe, let me go downstairs and show my sister first to her room, as is just her first time arriving here and she will be very hungry" Carolina said, as Martin kissed her to her neck, and reached to took off her dress, as he placed her gently on the bed. "No babe, Your sister isn't a baby and you have already spent two days with her.. Didn't you missed me at all, mm?" Martin kissed his wife again to her lips, and he took off her gown before unhooking her bra and taking it off too. And Carolina replied, "No, she's not a baby, but Cora just arrived here.." "Shush, I want you first, So Cora should wait" Martin insisted, and he stripped himself too, while Carolina had no other option than to allow Martin have his way with her. As she knew that protesting at that point was a total waste of time, as her husband seriously wanted her. And she knew that Martin didn't cheated on her, and so she allowed him made love to her, as he approached her sitting on the bed, and he carried her up and placed her gently on his thighs. "Have missed you so much babe.. and you're more concern about your sister than me" Martin said in a jealous tone, but Carolina held his head closely to her chest, and she replied, "You shouldn't be complaining too much honey. You have me here, always with you." "I know" Martin replied, and Carolina kissed her husband and soon Martin took over and plunge into her warmth, while the sounds of their moans filled the room. "Ah.." Carolina hummed, "Mm.." Martin moaned, "Yeah.." Carolina groaned, Carolina wasn't feeling too fine but she couldn't starved her husband of their conjugal rite, as she knew how much he loved her. And so Martin got to his climax, and he finally pulled out from Carolina, but he wasn't satisfied. And he bent Carolina over to the bed again, to knelt down on her four limbs, while he thrust into her warmth from behind, as they continued to make sweet love in their bedroom. ~~~~~~ Cora was downstairs and feeling tempted to went upstairs to knew what her elder sister and the husband were still doing, As she was still in surprised that Carolina didn't had any maid in the mansion and yet the mansion still looked neat. "Maybe the maid comes and go, and doesn't live here with them," Cora said as she walked to the stairs in the living room but she stopped. As she was nervous to climbed the stairs and go upstairs. "What if they catch me?.. It shouldn't look like I am spying on them, But what did they went upstairs to do since? Mm" Cora's frowned, as she couldn't heard any sound of her sister's voice upstairs. And she was also eager to scanned the top floor and to compared the luxury to the down floor too. Not able to quenched her curiosity, Cora finally climbed the living room center stairs, and she nervously went upstairs to the top floor. And as she stepped into the luxurious sitting room, she gasped out, "Wow.." as the top floor sitting room, was extremely more beautiful than the grand floor beneath, and even seemed more cooler than she could ever imagine with the air conditioner cooling the sitting room. Cora eyes admires the beautiful sitting room cream colored six couches, that was decorated with golden carved edges too. And she made her way to the corridor and still yet no sign of her elder sister nor the husband around, and she wondered silently "Where's Carolina?." Cora nervously walked deeper into the corridor, and as she approached the third room door, that was slightly opened, She gasped as she heard the intense sound of the two bodies colliding. "Ah babe! yeah!" "Hm.. You're so sweet" Martin replied. Cora froze as her face flushed red, and she immediately ran back downstairs, as she didn't wanted to peeped on them. "My goodness!," Cora was breathing heavily, and she supported her chest with her right palm, to calmed her racing heart, as she remembered the sound of their bodies colliding. "Phew!" Cora wiped off her sweaty forehead, and she turned to walked back to the guest room that she had choose. But just then, the living room entrance door pushed opened, and a beautiful young lady stepped into the living room and holding a black polythene bag with her left her. And she gasp on seeing Cora too, but she immediately greeted Cora, "Good evening." Cora stared to the young lady that wore a white shirt and black straight skirt, and she replied, "Good evening, who are you?." The young lady saw that Cora resembled her madam. And she quickly introduced herself. "I'm Martha Gerald, Madam Carolina cook and personal maid." "Oh!" Cora gasped, as she had been wondering how the mansion still looked neat. "I'm Cora Brown. Carolina's younger sister," Cora said, as she introduced herself too. And she wondered where Carolina got the pretty maid from. And even left such a pretty young woman with her husband and travelled to the village, without suspecting Martin to be cheating on her. "Hmm.." Cora hummed, as she scanned Martha from head to toe. And she finally asked Martha, "Is there any food left in the house, as I'm very hungry?." "No madam. As I actually went out now and purchase some food stuffs that I will cook" Martha replied, but Cora was taken aback by Martha calling her 'madam'. Cora immediately corrected her, "Just call me Cora as Madam is my elder sister, and with you calling me madam, it doesn't seem right." "Okay Cora, let me prepare something for you to eat first, before Madam and Boss will soon step downstairs, I will be fast" Martha said, as she quickly went to the kitchen, while Cora stood in silence as she watched her leave. Cora had a lot of questions to asked Carolina, but she walked up to her box of clothes first, that was still on the tiled floor in the living room. And she bent and picked it up, before she went back to her guestroom. Cora stepped into her guestroom, that she had chosen earlier, and she walked to the wardrobe to dropped her box in it, And she was too tired to arranged it properly. So she walked to the bed and sat on it, as she thinks, "So sister's husband is this wealthy, no wonder Carolina looks more chubby now than before." Cora bit on her lower lip, and she said, "I will just have to attract her husband first. As he's so handsome and hot. And I like black skin men too.." Cora started imagining herself being the woman in Martin's bed, and she said, "But Martin didn't even stared to me like he cared, when he had arrived and saw me standing beside Carolina, but still.." Cora frowned, and knowing that her mission was impossible, with the way Martin didn't even stared at her like he cared, and she said "Well I just arrived here, so let me first settle down, then after we will see how it goes.." Cora smiled and she finally stood up, to changed her gown into a comfortable nightgown and to took her bath. And she thought about how Carolina would feel if she dares to date Martin. "How will Carolina feel isn't my business for now. As Carolina has obviously been enjoying Martin for one year plus now and she hasn't even gotten pregnant yet for him. Hmm.." Cora finally walked into her bathroom to bath, as she was tired and feeling already stressed out for the day.. ------- Carolina was still laying on the bed with Martin as he had drained all her remaining energy left. And Martin asked her, "How did you enjoyed it?." Martin cuddles Carolina in his arms, but Carolina rather pushed his arms away, from hugging her bare body, as she wanted to stood up from the bed and to dressed up to go and meet Cora. "Leave me alone, I want to dress up" Carolina said, as she want to sat up, but Martin quickly pulled her back to laid on the bed beside him, and to rest her head on his chest, as he graze her face with his calloused palm and spoked to her, "Rest small babe. I love you very much." "Me too," Carolina replied, and she drew herself closer to Martin, and she kiss his face again, and to kiss his lips, before her second hand slided downward to caressed his member.
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